View Full Version : Announcements

  1. Welcome to Weapon Evolution!
  2. Welcome Industry Partners!
  3. Registration Security Question
  4. The Weapon Evolution Logo Explained
  5. Daniel Defense M4 Website
  6. Weekend Site Improvements
  7. If you created an account, but never validated your e-mail address ...
  8. Elimination of Junior Member Status
  9. Fake Daniel Defense OMEGA 7.0 Rails in the Market
  10. The WEVO RSS Feed
  11. Mobile Device Forum Integration via Tapatalk
  12. An Avatar Option for our Members
  13. Downloads Section
  14. Weapon Evolution Facebook Page
  15. 1st annual Silencers are Legal Shoot - Dallas, TX - April 28, 2012
  16. New Discussion Sections
  17. Warrior Arms - New Sponsor
  18. Adams Arms raises $2.7 Million - Capital Raise Announcement
  19. Silencerco Announces SuperiorSilence.com
  20. Weapon Evolution's Facebook Page hits 7,000 Fans!
  21. Wilson Combat Announces the Availability of High Performance AR Uppers
  22. Caracal F and C Recall Notice
  23. Caracal Launces a new website
  24. Aero Precision Launches a new website
  25. Umbrella Corporation Weapons Research Group (UCWRG) Website Live!
  26. CMT Tactical Joins as Weapon Evolution Sponsors
  27. Bobro Engineering Joins as Weapon Evolution Sponsors
  28. Weapon Evolution on the Go!
  29. Welcome New Staff Member Jerry R
  30. Site Sponsors: Manufacturers/Dealers
  31. Weapon Evolution Instagram
  32. Site Upgrade Completed *2016*
  33. New Pistol Forum
  34. WEVO Maintenance
  35. Latest WEVO Update