- Reliability overkill?
- Noveske N4 Light Carbine
- H buffer
- I wanna trick my M4
- 6.8 SPC Rifles...
- Daniel Defense SPR Mid Length Upper. Question for John or Sickman.
- My new Noveske work rifle.
- My new N4 Basic
- Barrel Choice
- First 600 rounds thru my Noveske N4 Light Lo Pro today
- Builiding an AR
- My Weapon Evolution: What next?
- Finished...for now.
- Targets for zeroing
- FED XM 193 in .223 Wylde chambered AR
- AR15 Refinishing Discussion Thread
- Anticipation Begins
- Takedown Pins
- MidLength vs Carbine?
- Does this make a good combo?
- Price difference between 15T and N4
- Help with my project???
- pof input
- Looking for 20" Gov't barrels
- Which magazines do you have and use?
- PRI or Other type forearms/ rails for this build?
- Charles Daly Defense AR15 Rifles
- Geiselle Automatics install question
- 1st AR: LMT Piston
- which free float rail system??? pics and why?!?
- Chose me an upper
- New LMT Piston literature
- Mounted Light Suggestions
- Troy "New drop in free float" for carbine length
- Why not just buy a Colt?
- My New AR (Feedback Welcome)
- Armalite M15A4 Reviewed
- Questions from a Soldier
- Bolt Carrier Group Guide (and questions)
- Soldier Question
- New Noveske/ VTAC carbines!
- Bushmaster Custom Shop AR's and Bolt Guns
- Anyone have a MGI rifle?
- Norrells Moly Resin in the oven
- A big +1 for PWS DNTC comp
- A few new builds with mostly this site sponsors parts (PICS)
- What ammo do you use in your AR?
- newbie ready to build
- is having a bolt matched or fitted to your barrel necessary?
- Noveske Recce Sling Options...
- Charles Daly Carbines
- Lone Star Armory
- What free float length?
- Trigger Break in?
- bumming
- Larue Stealth
- Rifle Safes....Who's got what?
- Anyone owns the POF 308?
- First AR
- No M4 feed ramps...
- titanium bolts
- Noveske N4 barrel with Daniel Defense lite rails?
- ADM Recon X?
- 5.56/.223 Appropriate? House w/Many Windows - Need to Minimize Risk to Neighbors (15->30 Yds Away)
- POF 415 GEN III lower...
- Lights...Flashlight; where to put it?
- Acceptable AR carbine accuracy?
- Military sans BUIS?
- Necessary AR tools/spare parts?
- M4 feedramps and unreliable feeding/failure-to-feed?
- Noveske Lite vs MRP
- Noveske Lite vs LaRue Upper on LMT lower
- What to do/build for next AR?
- Knights SR15 E3 IWS
- Installed my Vltor E-Modstock today
- 18; Mid vs Rifle gas system
- 6.8, 5.56, and unique solutions to an optics challenge
- Flash Suppresor guide is up
- Now THOSE are some properly-done feedramps!
- Flash Suppressor installation?
- Updated gun pr0n...
- What trigger to upgrade with?
- Pic Request?
- Wounded Warrior Project rifle rafles...
- Almost done: LMT
- 2 MOA vs. 4 MOA dot?
- Who Gives The Best Classes For The Money
- Assembled my first stripped lower today...
- Lower receiver hole?
- Magpul ladder rail protector?
- Pic request for Stickman
- Can't argue with LaRue's service...
- BCM Uppers?
- Good service from Sabre Defense
- Aimpoint/LaRue mounting?
- Your opinion please
- Suggestions for a general purpose mid length upper optics and rail?
- Building vs. buying an upper?
- Getting a New Barrel
- Grease vs. oil on the buffer/buffer spring?
- Barrels
- The M16/M4 Handbook
- DD LITE Rail Help
- Stock on attached Weaponevolution pic
- Help with AR-10, Free float rails, and KX3
- New Noveske on the line.
- Magpul UBR
- Yankee Hill Machine
- New Guy
- Noveske N4 middy basic and VFG and light
- M16 vs M4 (20 inch vs 14.5 inch) (Rifle vs Carbine)
- Upper advice for a NG
- Stock options...
- superior weapons systems
- .22LR in AR's
- Fluted barrels
- My first AR - Courtesy of Rainier Arms
- Post Election Run on AR's
- AR Calibers
- input needed...
- .223 and 5.56 difference?
- Noveske Lower-Rumor Control Please
- Pick a Rifle
- Interchangeability of complete bolts?
- Tactical Innovations/Noveske 14.5 build, more photos
- Barrel installation and break-in tips?
- A Couple of Questions for Ambi Control Users
- Noveske/ Magpul Limited Edition MPL MOE Carbine
- Now I'm an AR15 owner, now what?
- Newbie Questions, help please
- Tactical Innovations Beauty!
- Just Joined !!
- 2x Same Rifle or something else
- YHM Black Diamond Specter Review WANTED!!
- Explain your AR15 layout...
- First time build looking for opinions.
- The Politically Incorrect Receiver
- Noveske vs LWRC
- Let's build an extreme use AR-15 (UPDATE PAGE 8 & 9)
- got some new toys yesterday...
- Could I Pick Your Brain?
- Question about optic height
- LMT AR-15
- An idea...
- Changing a early 80's Colt
- How do you prefer your co-witness?
- Buffer spring on DDM4
- What's the best way to spend $250 on a new AR?
- Noveske has PMAGs - with windows NOW!!
- LMT Piston
- Smith & Wesson M&P 15-T
- More build questions?
- Just bought the Noveske N4 Light 10.5
- DD M4 carbine thread
- buying AR-advice please!!!
- Yet another new guy..
- 14.5" Non-NFA Configurations - Cause for Concern?
- Stock replacement information
- Longer rail system
- [POLL] AR Component Upgrades
- POF-USA P-415-16-P11SX-6.8 thread
- AR Colt 6920 vs KCI AK-103S RIFLE
- Colt's LE6940 Advanced LE Carbine
- Current Pricing 6920
- grease
- New from Hogue...
- AR oil
- Melonite QPQ vs. Chrome
- Picture Request
- Noveske QD End Plate Issues
- buffer spring noise
- idea for lower receiver comparison guide
- The Tale of Three ARs...
- SLR 15 lower matched with Magpul UBR
- A question about pins.
- Riser cheek piece????
- I need help?
- quantity or quality?
- Mid-distance Optic Recommendation?
- Ammo shortage!
- 9mm AR comparison
- My New LWRC Paul Howe Package!
- Length Difference Between standard 16" bbl. w/ A2 FH -&- 14.5" bbl. w/ extended A2 FH ?
- RRA 9mm Upper question
- MPL SPR (Noveseke/ Magpul)
- Post your FIRST EVER AR15 Thread:
- Barrel Nut Indexing Shim
- Rifleing twist?
- Les Baer Police Carbine in American Rifleman
- Brand New Colt 6920 AR-15!!!
- Scope mounting question...
- Levang Comp
- New Noveske Leonidas!
- New AR with a tech question
- My Noveske is finally in
- Advice on next build
- AR wrapped up and range report
- My RRA is finally finished
- mounting buis on CASV rail
- My first AR build thread
- 300 Whisper
- Enidine Hydrolic Recoil Buffer...
- The tale of BRD and a DDM4
- It Begins Again / AR Build Advice
- SOG Armory AR-15
- here it is!!
- New Build completed - Adams Arms piston kit...
- NOVESKE AFGHAN 14.5 my version
- MI Free Float Extended Handguard Question
- Ruger SR-556
- Magpul grip on DPMS 308
- first post
- Ejection Direction (Correction?)
- pic thread?
- ar-15 gas block
- Stark SE-1 Grip review
- pic request for stickman...
- WEVO / LRB Built
- DD RIS II handguard
- Lousy Pics Decent Stick
- yhm ar-15 -good or bad
- Tell me about the DD middy barrels
- Preban AR value
- M4: long distance shooting
- Better Pics and range report.
- Can upper reciever wear cause a failure to feed?
- What size punches do I need?
- Inconel Brake (KAC)
- Upper with DD Lite rails
- Which DD Rail for duty carbine
- Palmetto Arms
- SPR Build Question
- New bolt and headspace?
- Spike's Tactical 16" Hammer Forged Melonite Upper Review is started
- .22 Cal AR15's
- ID question for stick
- Deciding to move to flattop upper, need suggestions
- Barrel for a "distance" AR Build? (5.56)
- DD Low Profile Gas Blocks?
- DD Omega Rail LP Gas Block