View Full Version : AR15-Related Weapons Discussion

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  1. Reliability overkill?
  2. Noveske N4 Light Carbine
  3. H buffer
  4. I wanna trick my M4
  5. 6.8 SPC Rifles...
  6. Daniel Defense SPR Mid Length Upper. Question for John or Sickman.
  7. My new Noveske work rifle.
  8. My new N4 Basic
  9. Barrel Choice
  10. First 600 rounds thru my Noveske N4 Light Lo Pro today
  11. Builiding an AR
  12. My Weapon Evolution: What next?
  13. Finished...for now.
  14. Targets for zeroing
  15. FED XM 193 in .223 Wylde chambered AR
  16. AR15 Refinishing Discussion Thread
  17. Anticipation Begins
  18. Takedown Pins
  19. MidLength vs Carbine?
  20. Does this make a good combo?
  21. Price difference between 15T and N4
  22. Help with my project???
  23. pof input
  24. Looking for 20" Gov't barrels
  25. Which magazines do you have and use?
  26. PRI or Other type forearms/ rails for this build?
  27. Charles Daly Defense AR15 Rifles
  28. Geiselle Automatics install question
  29. 1st AR: LMT Piston
  30. which free float rail system??? pics and why?!?
  31. Chose me an upper
  32. New LMT Piston literature
  33. Mounted Light Suggestions
  34. Troy "New drop in free float" for carbine length
  35. Why not just buy a Colt?
  36. My New AR (Feedback Welcome)
  37. Armalite M15A4 Reviewed
  38. Questions from a Soldier
  39. Bolt Carrier Group Guide (and questions)
  40. Soldier Question
  41. New Noveske/ VTAC carbines!
  42. Bushmaster Custom Shop AR's and Bolt Guns
  43. Anyone have a MGI rifle?
  44. Norrells Moly Resin in the oven
  45. A big +1 for PWS DNTC comp
  46. A few new builds with mostly this site sponsors parts (PICS)
  47. What ammo do you use in your AR?
  48. newbie ready to build
  49. is having a bolt matched or fitted to your barrel necessary?
  50. Noveske Recce Sling Options...
  52. NOT FOR RECTAL INSERTION (PWS piston content)
  53. Charles Daly Carbines
  54. Lone Star Armory
  56. What free float length?
  57. Trigger Break in?
  58. bumming
  59. Larue Stealth
  60. Rifle Safes....Who's got what?
  61. Anyone owns the POF 308?
  62. First AR
  63. NEWBY
  64. No M4 feed ramps...
  65. titanium bolts
  66. Noveske N4 barrel with Daniel Defense lite rails?
  67. ADM Recon X?
  68. 5.56/.223 Appropriate? House w/Many Windows - Need to Minimize Risk to Neighbors (15->30 Yds Away)
  70. POF 415 GEN III lower...
  71. Lights...Flashlight; where to put it?
  72. Acceptable AR carbine accuracy?
  73. Military sans BUIS?
  74. Necessary AR tools/spare parts?
  75. M4 feedramps and unreliable feeding/failure-to-feed?
  76. Noveske Lite vs MRP
  77. Noveske Lite vs LaRue Upper on LMT lower
  78. What to do/build for next AR?
  79. Knights SR15 E3 IWS
  80. Installed my Vltor E-Modstock today
  81. 18; Mid vs Rifle gas system
  82. 6.8, 5.56, and unique solutions to an optics challenge
  83. Flash Suppresor guide is up
  84. Now THOSE are some properly-done feedramps!
  85. Flash Suppressor installation?
  86. Updated gun pr0n...
  87. What trigger to upgrade with?
  88. Pic Request?
  89. Wounded Warrior Project rifle rafles...
  90. Almost done: LMT
  91. 2 MOA vs. 4 MOA dot?
  92. Who Gives The Best Classes For The Money
  93. Assembled my first stripped lower today...
  94. Lower receiver hole?
  95. Magpul ladder rail protector?
  96. Pic request for Stickman
  97. Can't argue with LaRue's service...
  98. BCM Uppers?
  99. Good service from Sabre Defense
  100. Aimpoint/LaRue mounting?
  101. Your opinion please
  102. Suggestions for a general purpose mid length upper optics and rail?
  103. Building vs. buying an upper?
  104. Getting a New Barrel
  105. Grease vs. oil on the buffer/buffer spring?
  106. Barrels
  107. The M16/M4 Handbook
  108. DD LITE Rail Help
  109. Stock on attached Weaponevolution pic
  110. Help with AR-10, Free float rails, and KX3
  111. New Noveske on the line.
  112. Magpul UBR
  113. Yankee Hill Machine
  114. New Guy
  115. Noveske N4 middy basic and VFG and light
  116. M16 vs M4 (20 inch vs 14.5 inch) (Rifle vs Carbine)
  117. Upper advice for a NG
  118. Stock options...
  119. superior weapons systems
  120. .22LR in AR's
  121. Fluted barrels
  122. My first AR - Courtesy of Rainier Arms
  123. Post Election Run on AR's
  124. AR Calibers
  125. input needed...
  126. .223 and 5.56 difference?
  127. Noveske Lower-Rumor Control Please
  128. Pick a Rifle
  129. Interchangeability of complete bolts?
  131. Tactical Innovations/Noveske 14.5 build, more photos
  132. Barrel installation and break-in tips?
  133. A Couple of Questions for Ambi Control Users
  134. Noveske/ Magpul Limited Edition MPL MOE Carbine
  135. Now I'm an AR15 owner, now what?
  136. Newbie Questions, help please
  137. Tactical Innovations Beauty!
  138. Just Joined !!
  139. 2x Same Rifle or something else
  140. YHM Black Diamond Specter Review WANTED!!
  141. Explain your AR15 layout...
  142. First time build looking for opinions.
  143. The Politically Incorrect Receiver
  144. Noveske vs LWRC
  145. Let's build an extreme use AR-15 (UPDATE PAGE 8 & 9)
  146. got some new toys yesterday...
  147. Could I Pick Your Brain?
  148. Question about optic height
  149. LMT AR-15
  150. NOVESKE Build
  151. An idea...
  152. Changing a early 80's Colt
  153. FSB w/ ACOG
  154. How do you prefer your co-witness?
  155. Buffer spring on DDM4
  156. What's the best way to spend $250 on a new AR?
  157. Noveske has PMAGs - with windows NOW!!
  158. LMT Piston
  159. Smith & Wesson M&P 15-T
  160. More build questions?
  161. Just bought the Noveske N4 Light 10.5
  162. DD M4 carbine thread
  163. buying AR-advice please!!!
  164. Yet another new guy..
  165. 14.5" Non-NFA Configurations - Cause for Concern?
  166. Stock replacement information
  167. Longer rail system
  168. [POLL] AR Component Upgrades
  169. POF-USA P-415-16-P11SX-6.8 thread
  170. AR Colt 6920 vs KCI AK-103S RIFLE
  171. Colt's LE6940 Advanced LE Carbine
  172. Current Pricing 6920
  173. grease
  174. New from Hogue...
  175. AR oil
  176. Melonite QPQ vs. Chrome
  177. Picture Request
  178. Noveske QD End Plate Issues
  179. buffer spring noise
  180. idea for lower receiver comparison guide
  181. The Tale of Three ARs...
  182. SLR 15 lower matched with Magpul UBR
  183. A question about pins.
  184. Riser cheek piece????
  185. I need help?
  186. quantity or quality?
  187. Mid-distance Optic Recommendation?
  188. Ammo shortage!
  189. 9mm AR comparison
  190. My New LWRC Paul Howe Package!
  191. Length Difference Between standard 16" bbl. w/ A2 FH -&- 14.5" bbl. w/ extended A2 FH ?
  192. RRA 9mm Upper question
  193. MPL SPR (Noveseke/ Magpul)
  194. Post your FIRST EVER AR15 Thread:
  195. Barrel Nut Indexing Shim
  196. Rifleing twist?
  197. Les Baer Police Carbine in American Rifleman
  198. Brand New Colt 6920 AR-15!!!
  199. Scope mounting question...
  200. Levang Comp
  201. New Noveske Leonidas!
  202. New AR with a tech question
  203. My Noveske is finally in
  204. Advice on next build
  206. AR wrapped up and range report
  208. My RRA is finally finished
  209. mounting buis on CASV rail
  210. My first AR build thread
  211. 300 Whisper
  212. Enidine Hydrolic Recoil Buffer...
  213. The tale of BRD and a DDM4
  214. It Begins Again / AR Build Advice
  215. SOG Armory AR-15
  216. here it is!!
  217. New Build completed - Adams Arms piston kit...
  218. NOVESKE AFGHAN 14.5 my version
  219. MI Free Float Extended Handguard Question
  220. Ruger SR-556
  221. Magpul grip on DPMS 308
  222. first post
  223. Ejection Direction (Correction?)
  224. pic thread?
  225. ar-15 gas block
  226. Stark SE-1 Grip review
  227. pic request for stickman...
  228. WEVO / LRB Built
  229. DD RIS II handguard
  230. Lousy Pics Decent Stick
  231. yhm ar-15 -good or bad
  232. Tell me about the DD middy barrels
  233. Preban AR value
  234. M4: long distance shooting
  235. Better Pics and range report.
  236. Can upper reciever wear cause a failure to feed?
  237. What size punches do I need?
  238. Inconel Brake (KAC)
  239. Upper with DD Lite rails
  240. Which DD Rail for duty carbine
  241. Palmetto Arms
  242. SPR Build Question
  243. New bolt and headspace?
  244. Spike's Tactical 16" Hammer Forged Melonite Upper Review is started
  245. .22 Cal AR15's
  246. ID question for stick
  247. Deciding to move to flattop upper, need suggestions
  248. Barrel for a "distance" AR Build? (5.56)
  249. DD Low Profile Gas Blocks?
  250. DD Omega Rail LP Gas Block