View Full Version : Clicking "tree" won't upload pics

16 July 2017, 07:09
Any suggesstions appreciated. Clicking on tree used to upload photos from my ipad photos, but no longer. I've always used Chrome, but won't work here on Safari either.

I'm really bummed since the Photobucket rape. I have Imgur, but apparently you can't post to forums in IOS. I suppose I can give Flicker a try, but it sounds like hungry bloatware.

16 July 2017, 07:12
You can post to forums with Imgur. Just add the image code with the link.

16 July 2017, 07:24
I see a menu with BBC code appears on the right when you click the photo on a desktop, but that doesn't work with iPad.

16 July 2017, 08:35
Just paste the link in your post and add the IMG bracket code. Takes 5 seconds.

Click quote to this post and see the code around my link.


Also, if you use Tapatalk, it will make the code for you and you paste your link in the middle.

16 July 2017, 09:11
Okay here is your link with typo to stay visable - IMG]https://i.imlur.com/rozoSSE.jpg[/IMG]

Now mine - https://imgur.com/a/7qLbf
Mine with typo - https://imlurcm/a/7qLbf

Hmmm. I see yours ends in jpg. Okay, I copied pic to Chrome and got a .jpg with a bunch of other stuff added on. Trimmed back to this:

Ay yi yi. A lot of work for what looks like will post as a thumbnail.

16 July 2017, 09:17
The "mine with typo" didn't copy. It ends with a bunch of lettere & slashes. No dot extension. I see no way to copy a .jpg link directly from imgur on ipad. My googling showed no others with success either.

16 July 2017, 10:51

I clicked your link to this image in the other thread. Opened in Imgur app. At bottom of pic is an icon to capture link to image. It's a JPG. I added the code and got the above. Took 10 seconds.

Maybe you're grabbing the Imgur page URL rather than image URL?

16 July 2017, 11:15

Hallelujah! Sensei Fledge penetrates this skull full of mush. Thanks big time.

Yes, I was clicking the upper right icon on the app page, not the one that shows at bottom center after clicking photo. Two identical icons with same "copy link" symbol for different functions. What could be simpler?

16 July 2017, 11:25
Hahaha. Glad you figured it out.