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View Full Version : Magpul FMG-9 Concept Review

Army Chief
26 March 2009, 02:32
Early last year, in conjunction with a SHOT 08 feature, Stick posted an overview of the Magpul Folding Machine Gun-9 concept (http://www.weaponevolution.com/forum/showthread.php?t=256) in the New Firearms section (complete with full media support).

While this is an admittedly dated project -- at least, according to Magpul standards -- we never opened a correlating discussion thread. We may, or may not, have any new observations on this weapon, as it has been some time since it has broken cover; that said, as a developmental NFA item, it probably warrants inclusion here.

Magpul Fact Sheet (http://www.magpul.com/pdfs/fmg9.pdf)


26 March 2009, 09:56
The largest problem with the FMG-9 is that its a niche item, and while loads of people think it has a high CDI factor, it is hampered by the realization that actual production would not result in high sales volume.

The idea is great, the design is smooth, and using a Glock makes for an obviously reliable weapon. While there has been lots of interest, actual manufacturer support has been surface only, or at least thats my understanding.

Army Chief
26 March 2009, 10:26
I suppose that is somewhat intuitive, in that the earlier PDR actually seemed to have a more overt purpose in the broader acquisitions sense. Still ...


26 March 2009, 14:57
Sadly, a lot of this will hinge on the fate of the ACR in the Army's carbine trials, for better or worse.

I really like the concept, but the SBR nature of it and associated costs put it in such a limited market already, MagPul is better served putting their resources elsewhere from a business end.

Army Chief
27 March 2009, 14:15
The fate of the ACR in the Army's carbine trials? I wasn't really tracking on another round of trials, but more to the point, I'm not sure that I follow the connection that was/is being made here. What am I missing, brother?


27 March 2009, 20:26
Resource allocation. IMHO, Cerberus has the best engineered entry into that fray, and if the ACR/Masada/Massoud system ends up prevailing, then the majority of MagPul's manufacturing assets would be tied up with that venture for the forseeable future, the rest dedicated to maintaining supply of currently available and newly arriving parts for the civilian market (think UBR availability). If they're selling nearly every one of those they're making, it's bad business to not make those until the demand even begins to level off.

If, on the other hand, the Army carbine request gets swined-up, lobbyist directed, or goes the way of the JCP/Dodo, then MagPul will have a large amount of their resources freed up to pursue FMG/PDR and other concepts in development. MagPul has done a fantastic job imo of keeping their business manageably sized, in order to assure the quality and service we're accustomed to, which also means there's only so many projects they can devote effort to - and if the ACR is indeed the future of US Military small arms, I'd rather it go there, even at the temporary expense of availability of super-HSLD kit for civvy AR's.

Short version - events in the future will determine what happens with the FMG, and also that it's nearly impossible to predict, except that there is more interest than there is cash to back it up at the moment.

Army Chief
29 March 2009, 04:30
I'm tracking now. Part of my confusion is simply that I don't know to what extent Magpul's own production facilities are involved in any broad-scale contract competition/production scheme. The Cerebrus angle makes a certain amount of sense, if indeed they are attempting to introduce the Masada/ACR into yet another round of trials. In that, I guess I've become somewhat jaded, as I've seen several so-called "definitive" trials come and go with zero effect on fielding a new weapon system.

HK is probably in a good position to speak to this, as the 416 was only the latest attempt from Oberndorf to secure a lucrative US military contract. It wasn't really so long ago that they flat-out won the competion that was to have given us the XM-8. A decade or so before that, HK also won the Bundeswehr trials with their ill-fated G-11. They did eventually spring back with the G-36, but my point is that it is a very long road indeed between competing in -- or even winning -- a set of trials, and actually going into broad-scale production against a valid contract.

Over the past year or two, we've collectively lamented the Bushmaster/Remington/Cerebrus decision to delay ACR fielding to the private sector in deference to trials preparations. I wish them success, of course, but this still strikes me as a rather short-sighted and extremely optimistic thing to pin the ACR's future to. I could be proven wrong with the stroke of a procurement officer's pen, but I do quietly wonder if perhaps the all-eggs-in-one-basket approach is really wise.

Of course, to get back on point, I don't know to what extent any of this would have any effect on the FMG-9. This is a niche weapon if ever there was such a thing, and regardless of who would ultimately build it, I don't see it as having the same commercial potential as the PDR. In that, I could well be mistaken, but my Magic 8-Ball hasn't been terribly instructive when it comes to discerning what Team Boulder is inking into their business plan. I almost think a guy would have an easier time getting the President's secret Blackberry number.

Your earlier statements led me to believe that the Magpul/Cerebrus connection transcends the ACR program, and if true, I simply hadn't considered it before. My understanding was that the licensing agreement effectively took Magpul out of the day-to-day planning cycle for ACR fielding schemes, and most of us have long since taken notice that no such arrangement was ever publicized where the Masoud is concerned.

Why then, should the FMG-9 or PDR projects be tied to a Cerebrus-led fate? I do understand the production capacity argument, but not necessarily the idea that Magpul has all of their capital tied up with the ACR. If anything, I would have thought that the arrangement with Bushmaster had precisely the opposite effect.

There are those who know more, of course, but they comprise a small and select circle. I don't have a MPL C receiver sitting in my safe, so all I can really do is to speculate as responsibly as possible, and to wait to see how things develop. This is almost fodder for a whole new thread, really. All I really know for sure is that these must be very good days to have "Magpul Industries Corp." printed on one's paycheck. It's been a long winning streak to this point, and I see no signs of them slowing down.


29 March 2009, 07:42
It's my understanding that MagPul would still manufacture all the polymer components of the ACR. While the Cerberus connection does distribute the part sourcing for that over a larger number of facilities, I understood it as more of a case that MagPul wasn't willing to take that large of a gamble with their first firearm design, and that having more production resources behind them in the form of Cerberus owned entities would position them better to manufacture in the quantities they're expecting.

Other projects wouldn't necessarily be tied to them, a good point, but it would seem that their extremely enticing development pipeline is nearly at odds with the popularity of extant and near-future technologies.

The FMG-9 is still a great looking concept, and provided any AWB limitations don't interfere, would be very popular among the segment of the population able and willing to pick up an SBR stamp.

Worst case scenario for myself: buy two PTS ones, and hope for the best ;)

Army Chief
29 March 2009, 08:03
A coherent and well-stated summation. I still have it in my head that the full-powered PDR is likely the more immediately useful/adoptable of the two concepts, but you do make a strong case in favor of the FMG-9. There can be no denying the "raw appeal" factor.

Unfortunately, as is the case with all weapons in this emergent next-gen PDW class, the select fire option is really what I think makes them contract contenders, so their development and marketing is inevitably tied to this market. As civil SBRs, they would doubtless be popular, but probably not likely to move in mass quantities -- at least, not as measured by the usual agency purchasing standards.

I guess we've no choice here but to watch and wait.


5 July 2009, 16:19
I did not here anything new from Magpul...

but a company called H.E.R.A. in Germany designed a conversion unit for the Glock 17/19 that does not have the folding capability but looks very similar.



5 July 2009, 17:00
They appear to be using Magpul MBUS on that platform, which is interesting.

13 July 2009, 10:46
I picked up and happily fondled the Magpul FMG-9 at the SHOT
and yes it was the CDI factor, does it serve a need or want?
Talking with Magpul then, they hinted that it may be in an action movie in the near future-I hope Megan Fox is in it ; )

The hera-arms product for me falls into the, is it a SBR/MP now with Glock parts or what is it? It has a fix stock so for concealment for a LEO-that sucks. For the oh crap situation, convert a Glock into a shoulder fired weapon-ok I can use that for shots further then 40-50 yards with some accuracy. Maybe I should an AR for that?

28 August 2009, 21:46
Youtube video of it being shown on Discovery Channel's Ultimate Weapons:


29 August 2009, 01:30
Is it just me or does anyone else see a crack in the frame/housing at :42 seconds in that video?

29 August 2009, 05:03
Is it just me or does anyone else see a crack in the frame/housing at :42 seconds in that video?
That's definitely a stress crack.

29 August 2009, 10:03
Its a simple, fragile, SLA rapid prototype housing, I wouldn't expect it to work miracles.

29 August 2009, 11:24
I'm more interested in the PDR.

Army Chief
29 August 2009, 13:08
I'm more interested in the PDR.

As am I -- by far -- though I don't get the impression that either one of us will ever get the chance to purchase one. Both the FMG-9 and the PDR are exceptional concepts, but the former strikes me as more of a novelty, while the latter is a weapon that we could press into contract service now (assuming it was technically mature, of course).


27 September 2009, 13:35
Since comments have been made that it'd probably be an niche item and that interest would be low which would result in it not being produced, how about the Glock carbine conversion from H.E.R.A.?


Yes, it's not as whiz bang cool as the Glock in a Box from Magpul but for those individuals with plenty of disposable income that would like a Glock carbine, it seems like a valid choice. Or for those just looking for the CDI factor and want to SBR their Glock. The Spikes Tactical with the Glock 18 video is interesting for those that run a Glock 18.

27 September 2009, 21:09
I'm more interested in the lone wolf ar15 lower that accepts glock mags.

I could, but likely wouldn't eliminate all mags that weren't glock 17 or pmags from my collection!


29 September 2009, 07:35
It highlighted Magpul's creativity as a "design house" to build their reputation as such and was a draw for people at SHOT Show so that they could get increased exposure for their products. So, even if it never sees production it was a worth while venture.