View Full Version : Just gonna leave this here....

17 November 2017, 15:31
GO NAVY!!! [:D]



17 November 2017, 18:20
There's already lots of tongues clicking and allegedly a FNAEB has been initiated (Airboss has been briefed). The fact that we as a society have this much energy available to dedicate to this is just sad.

17 November 2017, 18:28
Friggen govt wastes billions of dollars a year and nobody blinks but a pilot has a little bit of fun and the SHTF. What the phuc is wrong with people. As a taxpayer who pays for the jet fuel indirectly, I say "let er buck"!

17 November 2017, 18:33
NAS Whidbey Island is local to me. The libs are going insane over this here.

17 November 2017, 19:01
NAS Whidbey Island is local to me. The libs are going insane over this here.

The libs? For real? I thought everything even remotely phallic was right up their ally.

...that could be taken multiple ways.


...they're all correct.

18 November 2017, 05:16
What's wrong with a depiction of a rocketship? My 6 and 3 year old kids think it's hilarious, I do too

18 November 2017, 05:25
Everybody in this country needs to lighten the F up already.

18 November 2017, 12:54
Help me out. I only see keymod...

18 November 2017, 13:09
Help me out. I only see keymod...

I thought it was an Arby's logo?

18 November 2017, 13:27
I thought it was an Arby's logo?

Now I’m in the know.


18 November 2017, 14:30
Suddenly I’m in the mood for a roast beef sandwich

Yeah, it warms my heart knowing we have resources working around the clock on getting to the bottom of this [BD]

19 November 2017, 01:43
Lol...I think it’s funny

19 November 2017, 04:22
The only thing that concerns me about this is that boobies seems to be a more appropriate theme than a D-pick. USN jokes notwithstanding...

19 November 2017, 19:44
The only thing that concerns me about this is that boobies seems to be a more appropriate theme than a D-pick. USN jokes notwithstanding...
What I wonder is how far some Navy Captain or Admiral will keep a sense of humor about it, or how quickly they'll jerk that pilot right out of his seat and onto the street.[:D]

20 November 2017, 04:22
What I wonder is how far some Navy Captain or Admiral will keep a sense of humor about it, or how quickly they'll jerk that pilot right out of his seat and onto the street.[:D]

That's what a FNAEB is. (strong) Rumor mill is that the FNAEB was ordered by the Airboss, CO went to bat for his guys and right now, the FNAEB is in work. A FNAEB can't kick someone out, only remove flight status/wings, if the recommendation to do so is followed by the Airboss. That said, everyone will have to wait to see if the board comes back with anything other than an A1 or A2 recommendation, both of which would still have the members flying.

Jerry R
20 November 2017, 06:53
That's what a FNAEB is. (strong) Rumor mill is that the FNAEB was ordered by the Airboss, CO went to bat for his guys and right now, the FNAEB is in work. A FNAEB can't kick someone out, only remove flight status/wings, if the recommendation to do so is followed by the Airboss. That said, everyone will have to wait to see if the board comes back with anything other than an A1 or A2 recommendation, both of which would still have the members flying.

I appreciate the explanation - great to have someone that knows what actually goes on when things like this happen.

20 November 2017, 10:02
I appreciate the explanation - great to have someone that knows what actually goes on when things like this happen.

Guys in the Army just draw dicks in Porta Johns. The punishment is a lot more simple

Although in Iraq, I remember one unit on our FOB had to pull security at all times on the ones in their AO due to anti command graffiti. Wanna piss? The guard checks the walls before and after you go.

20 November 2017, 11:52
What I wonder is how far some Navy Captain or Admiral will keep a sense of humor about it, or how quickly they'll jerk that pilot right out of his seat and onto the street.[:D]

Well, I was obviously being facetious and taking an inter-service jab at the Navy, but you are right and I hope no careers are hurt over this. To the contrary, someone just became a Naval Aviation legend. I hope the character behind the character is worthy.

20 November 2017, 14:59
Guys in the Army just draw dicks in Porta Johns. The punishment is a lot more simple

Well, it is the Army. Simple is as Army does. I KEED!

20 November 2017, 15:48
Well, I was obviously being facetious and taking an inter-service jab at the Navy, but you are right and I hope no careers are hurt over this. To the contrary, someone just became a Naval Aviation legend. I hope the character behind the character is worthy.

Yes, that. I've seen a whole lot of careers ruined for a lot less. I'd truly hate to hear that the pilot's career was destroyed over this, but I hope that he thought that through before this prank. Mil higher ups often have a rep for being notoriously anal. Still, I wonder, as funny as it is, what in the world possessed said pilot into "drawing" a dick in the sky. I wonder if the pilot was separating anyway, and just didn't care.[:D] Maybe a "parting shot" at his superiors?. That would be epic.

23 November 2017, 13:26
So results: both individuals met with "the Man" yesterday and were given a 6 month probation, lost their evaluator quals, have to do some briefs to the community, but will continue to fly. One was on his way to become an IP at the Training Command and will get to still head that way. I don't agree with the reaction, but looks like the system worked in the long run and everyone chill-laxed enough to retain two aviators.

26 November 2017, 05:56