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View Full Version : Current Pricing 6920

2 April 2009, 00:12
Has anyone seen some recent, temporal, and current pricing on the 6920 carbine in their area? Available for purchase 6920's, that is. They seem to be restocking Colts around the Phoenix area this week. But the restocking seems to have come with new pricing. A non-letterhead 6920 is now pricing at $1649, even at the better shops known for non-gouging. My nose starts bleeding just typing this. That is a solid $200-$300 jump from last December.

It seems like only yesterday you could buy any Colt rifle you wanted for about $600. (Heavy Sigh). I have seen some $2K prices on the internet, gunbroker, etc. but I was hoping that it was just profiteers, not the going rate.

Maybe Colt has raised their prices to dealers, since the demand is so high? Any thoughts?

2 April 2009, 00:42
Letterhead from LE Colt dealers is still much lower. I agree, prices have spiked, and I'm not sure we will see them come back down. If they do come down, I doubt it will be to what we were familiar with a year or two ago.

3 April 2009, 10:33
Yeah, we stopped providing letterheads several years ago once we started issuing 6721's. Since I have an issued carbine for patrol, this purchase would be for personal use.

You would think red hot sales would be good for any industry. But I really feel that this buying fury and huge spike in pricing is detrimental to the firearms world in the long run. I think the result will be less access to tactical firearms to the general public. Which is what I feel many of our political leaders would like to see.

3 April 2009, 18:06
I would think there will be a point where it peaks out and settles back down. Much is driven by fear of not being able to get it later due to a ban, etc. If nothing occurs in a few years, I'm sure demand will drop.

Personally as I collect mine, I have reached a point where why do I need this many.. so I started selling some of my stuff and keep the best for myself. Now I pretty much collect different ones for the usage. ie long range, light patrol, midrange, pistol calibers and collectors editions. Even my optics reflect that.