View Full Version : Leaving for FL in Morning

4 May 2019, 16:53
Leaving for the FL Keys in the morning (with a couple of days in Fort Lauderdale for fun) on my annual Trek to snag the elusive "Big One" (shark), but never know what I'll catch.
Wish me good luck with the weather, and not falling off the boat, because that would definitely attract the biggest shark in the ocean with my luck.[:D]

Wish I could have talked some of you into going on this journey with me. Will be fun, it always is. Been following the fishing reports down there, a couple of record size sharks being caught. If nothing else, I'll try for a Goliath Grouper, some Tarpon, and a couple of Red Snappers for "eatin'" fish.

Wish me luck,

4 May 2019, 19:52
Well don’t drink too much whiskey and fall off Jim! Lol

Sounds like a blast, never been fishing for such big fish. Let alone sharks..

4 May 2019, 20:32
Well don’t drink too much whiskey and fall off Jim! Lol

Sounds like a blast, never been fishing for such big fish. Let alone sharks..

I won't drink any whiskey, I'll just chug beer all day[:D]
Fishing for sharks is a rush, if you catch one. They may or may not pay attention to bait on any given day. Sometimes I'll get over a school of juveniles which drive you crazy because they'll take your bait, as fast as you can throw them back in and re-bait your hook.

You should at least put it on your bucket list. Maybe next year I can talk some WEVO members in to chipping in for the charter and captain and we can make a day or 3 out of it.


4 May 2019, 21:23
Sounds like fun! Never been out on the water like that before, drink one for me while you're out!

4 May 2019, 21:32
I will be expecting a post card buddy!! :P Have fun man!

5 May 2019, 01:29
I will be expecting a post card buddy!! :P Have fun man!

Ha..ha..ha.. Thanks bud. However I wouldn't bet money on a post card.[:D] I've caught some other trophy sized fish that I wasn't even trying to catch, but I think we're going into this a little more focused. Myself and my guide. In the long run, it doesn't matter, I've only got so many years, or as far as I know, minutes on earth so I don't get too out of shape if I don't get what I want.

This time, I'm looking for Bull sharks, which happen to be responsible for most attacks on humans, but I'd like to snag a Great White. Read that the other day, a guy caught a record Tiger, and before that, had a shark on, that stripped 1000 yards of line then pow! broke the line like it was nothing. I would be freakin out if I caught a GW, but would actually fight a bull shark, if it came my way.

As I stated, earlier, I wish we could get a WEVO fishing trip next year. Hell, we have enough time to do another, this year.

Anyway, Stone, thanks for the well wishes. Now you got me checking the mirror to assess my "awesome stomach". Ha..ha..ha.. It will come in handy If I snag a big fish.[:D]

PS Jerry lives down that way, maybe we could talk him into organizing a WEVO trip, next year.


5 May 2019, 01:39
Sounds like fun! Never been out on the water like that before, drink one for me while you're out!
Will do bud. I might need it. These trips can be boring, or cause panic attacks like a Mo' Fo' [:D]

5 May 2019, 07:53
Pictures of a shark are expected

5 May 2019, 10:36
Have fun! I hope you escape the grip of God's Waiting Room! [:D]

14 May 2019, 20:23
Pictures of a shark are expected O.K., here's one.6526
Caught a bunch of fish, but nothing spectacular this time. Did get a "monster" Barracuda, but made one jump and cut leader, so no pic of him. Me and my Guide were both standing with our mouths open when we saw what came out of the water, but didn't get him to boat so he didn't count. Caught a snapper for dinner. Nice and fresh, great snapper! Didn't get the Hammer Head, Bull Shark or Goliath Grouper that I wanted, but had lots of fun anyway. Sjark in pic is a Nurse Shark. Wore me out pretty good trying to convince him to come to boat for a pic.


15 May 2019, 02:01
Sounds like a fun time.

catching sharks or any big fish is probably a rush..one day maybe.

15 May 2019, 06:32
I grew up spear-fishing. It seemed more sporting since you were part of the food chain. Nurse sharks were just a neat sight to see, but the barracudas were what I always had to keep my eyes on.

15 May 2019, 09:45
I never had the urge to spear a fish, to spill blood which sharks can smell a mile away[:D] I want to eat my fish, not put myself on the menu.


15 May 2019, 11:47
I grew up spear-fishing. It seemed more sporting since you were part of the food chain. Nurse sharks were just a neat sight to see, but the barracudas were what I always had to keep my eyes on.
Wierdly, Nurse Shark bites are increasing. They are still not a very aggressive shark by any means, but I'm amazed at the increase in bites. Their teeth aren't as large as the scarier sharks down there, especially the Bull, Hammerhead and a couple of others, but they can do damage, even juveniles. Check these out. Barely pups and still attacking.
https://www.bing.com/search?q=nurse+shark+bites+fisherman+on+belly&form=EDGEAR&qs=HS&cvid=dc10870764b441fbb9f7059a4d3f1eea&cc=US&setlang=en-US&elv=AQj93OAhDTi*HzTv1paQdnh7QKglx2zkAv3AzsS7z4R3yw j6eJ8vZNw3EKJOGgvWeFuvLdCCHbSBaBPlO6da4mNksxLmK3h7 CU*5qRI4WFcA&plvar=0https://www.bing.com/search?

q=nurse+shark+bites+fisherman+on+belly&form=EDGEAR&qs=HS&cvid=dc10870764b441fbb9f7059a4d3f1eea&cc=US&setlang=en-US&elv=AQj93OAhDTi*HzTv1paQdnh7QKglx2zkAv3AzsS7z4R3yw j6eJ8vZNw3EKJOGgvWeFuvLdCCHbSBaBPlO6da4mNksxLmK3h7 CU*5qRI4WFcA&plvar=0

No clue as to why, but if I were diving I'd keep my freakin distance, that's for sure. They've always been known to bite when extremely messed with, but other than that, they are pretty docile. I got a look into the mouth of this one, and it had some pretty awesome teeth, but not like one would expect form the more "dangerous" sharks. Anyway, he put up one hell of a fight for his size and weight. And is back in his own "hood" living to fight another day.[:D]

15 May 2019, 12:37
Sounds like a fun time.

catching sharks or any big fish is probably a rush..one day maybe.
Damn, should be lots of Great Whites up your ways. That would be the ultimate shark to catch, IMHO. They love that cold water up there. Hell, a one day guided trip should be doable on a budget, it you had to. No airline tickets, or at least skip first class for budgetary reasons, should be more affordable hotels or any of the other insane prices like they have in the keys. Hell, I paid $9 for a friggin' egg sandwich at the marina. You could stop and buy the whole family a bucket full of KFC for not a whole lot more. Just start stacking your spare change in a jar somewhere, and boom! One day you can go. If you love to fish, next to freshwater Muskie, saltwater is the way to go. "Fer-Instance" I caught a 3 - 3.5 pound Snapper, and it fought harder than any fresh water fish of it's size, Period. More like pulling in a 15lb. catfish, gar, or huge carp(also lots of fun, especially on a fly rod). Later on in life, when the opportunity presents itself you can take a 1st class charter. But living in WA should offer you some seriously affordable Salt Water fishing.


15 May 2019, 14:47
I’ve never heard of Great whites in our area..

I’m not much of a fishermen, never did much growing up and the patience thing.. I’ve never caught more then a couple pound trout.

15 May 2019, 15:00
I’ve never heard of Great whites in our area..

I’m not much of a fishermen, never did much growing up and the patience thing.. I’ve never caught more then a couple pound trout.
Well, yeah, they love that cold water and migrate south to CA in the cold water.

Thing is, a GW trip is a whole different monster. Going to take a big boat and crew, because you'd be pulling in anything between 500lb. and a ton.

Might not be the best choice for your first time. You'd probably be strapped into your seat for hours. However WA waters should offer an abundance of other sharks to fish for, and trust me they'll wear you out, no matter how good of shape you're in. Plus many other big fighting fish off of the WA coast. Doesn't have to be a shark. Like I said, pound for pound, most ocean fish out fight the hell out of an equivalent sized fresh water fish. When I caught that snapper that I wanted for dinner, I thought I had at least a 10 .lb fish on, when in actuality, he only weighed about 3 or 3.5 lb's at most. Check with some of the charter fisherman out there. Give him/her your budget. They need to fish everyday to make those big boat payments, so you could probably get to the big game, a lot sooner than you think.;) PS, my thighs are still aching, that's how much struggle/fun the fish can be.


15 May 2019, 17:54
I never had the urge to spear a fish, to spill blood which sharks can smell a mile away[:D]

That's not quite how it works. But that is why I always kept tabs on the barracuda patrols. Their movement was almost as consistent as a Swiss watch in their territory, so when they moved on, you'd spear something, swim up and dump in the boat before it came back through. Although that was more on the windward side of a reef. There's plenty of places you can spear something and there's nothing else around.

Wierdly, Nurse Shark bites are increasing. They are still not a very aggressive shark by any means, but I'm amazed at the increase in bites.

A big reason why there's so many Nurse Shark bites is because people think that because they're docile fish, they can pet them. Typically a bite is because someone has grabbed a fin and the fish will strike back on the person's hand or body part that's closest.

Growing up I spent a decent amount of time in the Caribbean and it was something that would happen every so often by someone who didn't know any better.

19 May 2019, 09:51
A big reason why there's so many Nurse Shark bites is because people think that because they're docile fish, they can pet them. Typically a bite is because someone has grabbed a fin and the fish will strike back on the person's hand or body part that's closest.

Growing up I spent a decent amount of time in the Caribbean and it was something that would happen every so often by someone who didn't know any better. Yep, GD, that's pretty much what I figured. They are, for a "docile" shark very powerful too, so if you screw with one to the point it's ready to take a chunk out of your body, you're pretty much as screwed as if you had messed with a shark species known to be "aggressive". In my experience they are just as hard to land as any other shark of the same weight/size. My thighs hurt for two days after getting it to the boat for some pics and release. It was my first Nurse Shark I've ever fought, not counting an occasional juvenile. Even those little pecker heads will try to chomp your fingers off trying to hold them in one hand and remove the circle hook with the other. Ask me how I know:mad: