View Full Version : Can't believe this crap...where will it end.

8 August 2019, 20:28
In light of all of the division in this country, which I attribute to Barack Obama, Univerrsal Pictures is putting out a movie which depicts rich liberals paying money (big money) to kill "Deplorables".. no shit, Red state "Deplorables" to hunt and kill. They aren't pretending they are fictional characters, but real life Red State people. Their Trailors show rich Libs, killing Red Country Deplorables, for fun and a fee. The logic behind the killing is that the Libs believe they pay for everything in this country, so killing "deplorables" is good payback.

This is the most fucked up thing I've ever seen. Killing folks in red states because they are deemed, in Hillary's terms, Deplorables. This is no bull shit. Universal faced some opposition, but the rich, asshole folks there don't see a problem with it, and are going to go ahead with the film. It was first titled Red Vs. Blue, but now has another working title called the "Deplorables". Can you fucking believe this? If this doesn't set off a freaking fire storm in our country, I don't know what in the hell would.

The Liberals are tryly sick and violent. Remember all of those red state riots, both times Obama won? Yeah, me neither. Now Libs beat the shit out of old and decrepid seniors for wearing the "wrong" hat.

I just can't believe that Universal is going forward with this. Call me a "Tin Foil" hat dude, or conspiracy theorist, but this movie is for real. Google it and read the reviews. And those fuck wads are always accusing the conservative of us, and those of us who choose to pray to a god, and even to recognize those of us that don't believe in a spiritual existence to forgo all morality and legally hunt a class of people who the left accuses us to be deplorable.

I know that political posts aren't welcome here on WEVO, but I'm going to beg the Mods and Admin (UW) to let this one slide.


8 August 2019, 20:55
I bet the Red State wins in the end. Beause behind every blade of grass. They think money can buy them victory? No, I would like to see them try to hunt one of us and see who comes out on top.

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10 August 2019, 09:04
I wouldnt sweat it FT. This is a desperation move on their part because their agenda is failing badly. Smoke and mirrors... When you lack the true power to execute an agenda you need to make yourself appear to be alot bigger than you really are. They are such a small minority that without the news propaganda backing them they would fall into obscurity overnight. Heres a great article by Paul Howe: http://soldiersystems.net/2013/03/28/2nd-amendment-and-the-kool-aid-drinkers-by-paul-howe/

10 August 2019, 09:08
"The other standout takeaway, cited both by Ron Avery and Dan Marcou, is our overwhelming belief that the best defense against gun crime and mass shootings is an armed citizenry. A whopping 91 percent of those polled support concealed carry by honest/screened citizens.

When asked how important armed citizens are in reducing the overall crime rate — on a scale of one to five (with one being low and five being high) — 54 percent rate the effectiveness of citizens at a “5.” And more than 86 percent of the respondents feel a legally armed citizen at the Newtown or Aurora incidents could have reduced or eliminated casualties.

It is clear from this important measure of police opinion that American police officers strongly support concealed carry by citizens and think it is the single-most-important factor in reducing violent crime. They also think concealed carry by citizens is probably the most important factor in reducing the death toll posed by active shooters."


Calico Jack
11 August 2019, 02:27
I watched the preview before all the political assumptions were made. Never related anything to politics. They just grabbed someone with skills, knowledge, and the ability to use them. Unless their is some political message in the full screener I think it's a reach. It's a movie that offers mindless entertainment to escape your reality. It's also a story line that's been done before.

11 August 2019, 15:40
I watched the preview before all the political assumptions were made. Never related anything to politics. They just grabbed someone with skills, knowledge, and the ability to use them. Unless their is some political message in the full screener I think it's a reach. It's a movie that offers mindless entertainment to escape your reality. It's also a story line that's been done before.
Well, it's original title was Red State Vs. Blue State. They had a name of (don't remember what it was) a sitting President, that was so obvious that it was Trump, and their "game" was referred to as "deplorables", so I'm pretty sure what they were referring too.

However, after all of the outrage over the movie, Universal has decided to round file the movie.


11 August 2019, 18:16
I respect anyone's right to say whatever they want. If we want to continue to have free speech, we cannot allow someone to arbitrarily decide what is and is not allowed. No matter how much I disagree with the content of the movie, they should have been allowed to show it. Let the public decide how bad it crashes and burns.

11 August 2019, 18:28
I respect anyone's right to say whatever they want. If we want to continue to have free speech, we cannot allow someone to arbitrarily decide what is and is not allowed. No matter how much I disagree with the content of the movie, they should have been allowed to show it. Let the public decide how bad it crashes and burns.

Agreed, UW. But is it worth (probably) more violence? Do you think if it was the other way around, Universal would have even looked at the script? Would it be different if it were white conservative men hunting African Americans or Hispanics, while referring to them as deplorables so "Elite Liberals" could get aroused in a theater? The world would come crashing down on the US, with riots, looting, killings and God only knows what ever, if it was the other way around.

Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should.


11 August 2019, 19:25
In my mind, this is a movie.... plenty of fucked up movie subjects I don't agree with, but in the end, it's entertainment... granted for the left. I'm personally not worked up over it at all.

I understand that just because you can, doesn't mean you should, but again for me... I don't want someone to arbitrarily decide that I shouldn't have the option.

11 August 2019, 19:43


12 August 2019, 07:18
I would have seen it when it streamed. Sometimes you think a movie is going to go one way and you are pleasantly surprised. Have you guys seen Ice T's "Surviving the Game" same concept as this but made early 90's
Any censorship is an infringement just like any gun law is. We can't cherry pick. Hell 90% of what's on Netflix is BS but what are you going to do

12 August 2019, 19:39
I would have seen it when it streamed. Sometimes you think a movie is going to go one way and you are pleasantly surprised. Have you guys seen Ice T's "Surviving the Game" same concept as this but made early 90's
Any censorship is an infringement just like any gun law is. We can't cherry pick. Hell 90% of what's on Netflix is BS but what are you going to do No one was actually "censoring" anything. Universal was facing mass negative feedback from people of all political sides, and decided to pull it, because it wasn't worth feeding unhinged liberals hatred for "deplorables" and Hollywierd whacko's and pissing off a large majority of decent people, regardless of their political leanings.

3 September 2019, 19:42
And now Walmart is giving us all the big middle finger: https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2019/sep/03/walmart-stop-selling-handgun-ammunition-retailer-a/

3 September 2019, 20:51
Walmart is cancer. Selling too much cheap Chinesium goods for far too long

3 September 2019, 23:21

Ya but ammo is the cheapest around locally at Wally World.