View Full Version : Driving to Orlando from SC tomorrow...

11 May 2021, 08:08
It’s about 500 miles (less, but I’m adding in stops and traffic etc) from my house to where we are going (Middle of SC to Orlando FL)

I’m a tad worried about the gas situation. Leaving tomorrow mid afternoon and will be down there through Sunday and my car will be parked the whole time. I think the further this progresses the better it’ll get but short term driving down there, would y’all suggest I take a gas can (or two) as a safety net?

The vehicle we are taking can’t make the full trip (400 miles and it’s on fumes). I could take say my oldest can or two just to top off with down there and give us a buffer for the return trip or driving around locally if necessary and I don’t mind throwing the cans out once they’re empty to prevent enticing theft /sitting in the sun/etc if necessary

So, should I take a gas can or two or just count on there being gas somewhere? Grade and cost is irrelevant as long as it’s available.

Rescheduling is not a possibility

Jerry R
11 May 2021, 10:05
I am a little south of Tampa. We have not seen any shortages (yet). Regular in populated areas runs about $2.85. A little more or a little less at the truck stops that sell to cars. I don't know if "panic" will set in down here, but a gas can might be good insurance.

11 May 2021, 10:22
Not on the east coast... but I'd still take some extra cans for peace of mind. You still have to drive around when you get there, and I thought they weren't getting that pipeline up and running for another week or so.

11 May 2021, 11:32
+1 for the gas cans. I don't know if you will run across a severe outage as fuel can still be trucked in from other sources. During hurricane season here where I am it's not uncommon for gas stations to be completely dry for days or even weeks at a time in some instances. None the less just so you don't have to worry about it I would take a couple of cans given what you have told us.

11 May 2021, 12:04
The panic buying is again what’s draining the gas stations

No one wants to get caught without, so a normal weeks’ business is done in a day for three days straight. Stations can’t support that much activity.

A lot of stations around me closer to the interstate are out entirely and others further in towns have only premium and diesel left

If I can’t top off locally before the trip, I’ve got enough at home to do so and still take some with me. I will likely fill up my tank with said gas can when I arrive because I don’t have anywhere to secure it and it’ll get stolen from my hitch rack without a doubt

11 May 2021, 14:21
If I can’t top off locally before the trip, I’ve got enough at home to do so and still take some with me. I will likely fill up my tank with said gas can when I arrive because I don’t have anywhere to secure it and it’ll get stolen from my hitch rack without a doubt

Too bad you don't have the time to fill up a gas can with 90% water and 10% gas, give some thief a nice repair bill once they put it in their own tanks.