View Full Version : Military Times

15 April 2010, 21:49
I noticed while I was in Afghanistan that the various military Times magazines started to have decent, and relevant stuff in theri GearScout stuff. I also thought the photography was familiar...

How much of that is Stick's doing?

Optimus Prime
16 April 2010, 01:13
He's a regular contributer on their blog (http://militarytimes.com/blogs/gearscout/) these days...

16 April 2010, 01:37
They added (hired?) him not too long ago.



I check that and Soldier Systems every couple days.

17 April 2010, 11:59
I noticed while I was in Afghanistan that the various military Times magazines started to have decent, and relevant stuff in theri GearScout stuff. I also thought the photography was familiar...

How much of that is Stick's doing?

Military Times is making a move forward with equipment and weapon reviews. Things are going to get more and more involved on my end regarding this.

I know that when I was in the military, I passed by the various Army Times/ AF Times at the PX/ BX as it had little that interested me. What I wanted to see was articles and pictures that mattered to me as the guy who humped a gun for a living. What congress does, whatever some special committee did last week, and similar things meant little to me. I wanted to know about new and emerging equipment.

Being on contract with Military Times gives me resources that I would not otherwise have, and I appreciate that. I don't look at myself as a journalist or a member of the press. I'm just a prior service/ city cop who chases bad guys, teaches firearms, works on weapons, and gets complaints. Hopefully my background and experiences enable me to find pros and cons, and give a realistic portrayal of the reviewed items. That is my goal.

There are some things coming up with new weapons as we get closer to some of the various military trials.

I think you guys will like the information and pictures that are coming up in future reviews. I know I will.

Army Chief
17 April 2010, 15:12
I don't know if I'm more pleased that the Military Times has finally decided to move in this direction, or that they had the good sense to make Stick their frontman in the effort, but either way, we all win. I've already been impressed to this point, and I know that in many ways, this journey is only just beginning.


6 March 2011, 19:54
Way to go stick ; )

Cannon Fodder
7 March 2011, 14:15
Way to go stick ; )

Yes, congratulations!

I was on Magpul's website the other day and I noticed a nice little Stickman hiding in one of their product pictures. I was impressed [BD].