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View Full Version : Magpul FMG-9/ G4TV video

17 May 2008, 10:00
I posted this in the new firearm section, but figured I would put it down here as well. For fans of Magpul, the FMG-9, G4TV, Attack of the Show, or just fans of Olivia, this should put a smile on your face.

How could anyone not want one of these?


17 May 2008, 11:10
Hmm, I cannot tell if Alex is just trying to be funny or not. I didn't think he would be open minded about 2A. I'm more used to seeing him drinking on Digg Nation. I don't get G4. Thanks for the vid.

BRD Jerm
18 May 2008, 11:11
yeah,i think there was some sarcasm going on there.

...im still madly in love with Olivia though.

26 May 2008, 13:42
I posted this in the new firearm section, but figured I would put it down here as well. For fans of Magpul, the FMG-9, G4TV, Attack of the Show, or just fans of Olivia, this should put a smile on your face.

How could anyone not want one of these?

Is it just me or does anyone else find it especially appealing that not only does she look HOT, but she labels the MagPul team as true patriots for developing an innocent looking item that contains a weapon, and then threatens to kill everyone? I've never seen the show before, but based on this clip, she's great!


P.S. I want one too!

26 May 2008, 14:35
Thanks, for sharing.

26 May 2008, 21:43
Nice nice NICE