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View Full Version : Tactical Vest/Plate Carrier Recomendation

3 July 2013, 17:15
I'm 6' 2" and 330lbs. My main problem when shopping for gear is that nothing I can find is "tall" enough. What I mean is that I can't find something that is tall and wide enough to cover my big frame. Can anyone recommend a good vest or plate carrier that won't break the bank?

4 July 2013, 13:05
I'm 6' 2" and 330lbs. My main problem when shopping for gear is that nothing I can find is "tall" enough. What I mean is that I can't find something that is tall and wide enough to cover my big frame. Can anyone recommend a good vest or plate carrier that won't break the bank?

Your problem is going to be is that plate carriers are made to the size of the plate first, person second. Plates are only so big, so you're not going to find one that it's big enough to cover your frame. Soft armor with plate inserts (as best as they will cover) is probably your best bet.

4 July 2013, 20:02
More importantly, you don't want one that will cover your entire frame. The reduced mobility and added weight isn't nearly worth the trade off. Find something that covers the vitals and call it a day.