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19 October 2014, 18:12
Carrying a firearm has many implications. Just the possession of the firearm in some places may restrict your travel and possibly put you in a difficult legal situation, as Shaneen Allen found out when she brought her legally owned and legally carried (in PA) firearm over the state line into NJ instantly making her a criminal. She, like many who will read this, carry a firearm for self defense, their employment or fear of zombies. Though the right to carry a firearm is still alive and well, we have to look deeper and understand the concepts behind carrying a firearm, specifically that which is seldom talked about. Should you take action? Should you get in the fight?

read the whole article http://vdmsr.blogspot.com/2014/10/get-in-fight.html

19 October 2014, 19:26
Very good read, especially for anyone debating getting their concealed permit. Thanks for posting.

19 October 2014, 19:39
Very good read.

5 November 2014, 18:02
Very good read.

Couldn't agree with you more.

1 December 2014, 06:21
Thanks Voodoo.

1 December 2014, 07:45
Thanks Voodoo.

Thank you for reading.

1 December 2014, 10:33
I enjoyed reading that. Thanks voodoo

CK 187
11 December 2014, 09:21
An exceptionally good read. Whether you are seasoned or not


11 December 2014, 09:50
Thats a pretty good read.

12 December 2014, 05:41
I appreciate you guys reading it.

Did anyone, by chance, link it on their FB? I see a link from FB but can't see who did - I like to keep track of this stuff.

If you have opinions on this please post up here, or comment on my blog. This was really an open ended article which was written for the specific purpose of discussion and to create thought.

12 December 2014, 07:39
I linked from the LEAGC FB page.

12 December 2014, 07:49
I linked from the LEAGC FB page.

Ah cool thanks for the link!

I don't do FB, so I like to see where my stuff is being posted.

12 December 2014, 08:02
FB pretty much sucks. I normally get anywhere from 5,000 to 40,000 hits per posts unless it's a link to a blog or an event then FB kills it and it get about a 1Oth of a percent of people who even get it served to them. I really wish there was a better way. We pretty much shut down our webpage. We got way more traffic on FB.