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View Full Version : I need your help! And your votes!!

30 October 2014, 11:05
I need your help... my photo is in the SilencerCo 'Living in the Red' contest, and I need your vote! I'm a longshot, the underdog, the fat kid to be picked last! SilencerCo has a contest, for 'bugout bags and readiness'. I put mine in, with a few 'fun' additions, and lo and behold my photo was one of around 80 to be picked. Now it's up to Internet voting to pick the winner(s). Help me win!!!

Here is the link: http://www.silencerco.com/living-in-the-red/?mc_cid=14d9c7497e&mc_eid=54fea7193e

And there is no good way to tell you which photo is mine - their position changes as votes are cast. You have to find it by the name - hold your mouse over the images until you find bugout(1) and that'll be mine. Here is a direct link to the image so you know what to look for and make it faster/easier to find: http://www.silencerco.com/wp-content/gallery/living-in-the-red/bugout1.jpg

Pass this request to any and all!! I need votes!!!! You can vote once a day, for a week. If I win, come up and go fishing with me and we'll take the suppressors with us for some fun!

Of course, if YOUR photo is in the contest, you can still vote for me... [:D]

30 October 2014, 18:08
I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. Let's make sure a WEVO family member wins this!

My entry: http://www.silencerco.com/wp-content/gallery/living-in-the-red/dynamic/DSC_0377-4-950x629-1-nggid03187-ngg0dyn-173x124x100-00f0w010c011r110f110r010t010.jpg


30 October 2014, 18:13
ok guys did both hope one of you win

30 October 2014, 18:28
I liked both pics guys. Good luck!

30 October 2014, 19:16
I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. Let's make sure a WEVO family member wins this!

My entry: http://www.silencerco.com/wp-content/gallery/living-in-the-red/dynamic/DSC_0377-4-950x629-1-nggid03187-ngg0dyn-173x124x100-00f0w010c011r110f110r010t010.jpg


Gotcha a vote! Not a snowballs chance in hell for us, seeing how we're 350+ behind the leader... Oh well. Not bad for getting the email less than an hour before the cutoff for uploads. If I had more time... take the boat out, find a scenic bay, little morning fog, spread everything out on the back deck... and have a hottie in a bikini!! [:D]

Maybe we'll get a patch or something for making the finals. Quite frankly, I was shocked to see mine in there. Other photos are sooooo much better and organized - like yours. We got a week.... good luck

30 October 2014, 19:20
I voted for you guys

30 October 2014, 19:22
Done... the picture in the lead is flat out ridiculous...and not in a good way.

30 October 2014, 19:28
Done... the picture in the lead is flat out ridiculous...and not in a good way.

But not like mine is stellar... but when you literally have minutes to get everything out, photo it, and upload before the closing bell- well, lets just say I'm beyond thrilled I'm in the finals! I'm sure it's due to either the cigars, the booze or my dogs backpack with food for him.

but next year, if they have the contest again... I too will put a women in my photo! [BD]

30 October 2014, 19:29
Done... the picture in the lead is flat out ridiculous...and not in a good way.

The current second place pic really bothers me... everyone gets a gas mask but baby?

30 October 2014, 19:32
Gotcha a vote! Not a snowballs chance in hell for us, seeing how we're 350+ behind the leader... Oh well. Not bad for getting the email less than an hour before the cutoff for uploads. If I had more time... take the boat out, find a scenic bay, little morning fog, spread everything out on the back deck... and have a hottie in a bikini!! [:D]

Maybe we'll get a patch or something for making the finals. Quite frankly, I was shocked to see mine in there. Other photos are sooooo much better and organized - like yours. We got a week.... good luck

Right on. I was thrilled to get 30 mins away from the newborn to set up what I could in the garage. Thanks for the vote and of course I'll hit yours every day too.

30 October 2014, 19:39
Right on. I was thrilled to get 30 mins away from the newborn to set up what I could in the garage. Thanks for the vote and of course I'll hit yours every day too.
I found the email in my spam folder, the afternoon the entries got cut off! My wife thought I was losing it, rushing around grabbing extra stuff and yelling to find the camera! LOL

The current second place pic really bothers me... everyone gets a gas mask but baby?
I was thinking the same, although I wonder if they make infant sized masks? Hell, I bet they do...

If nothing else, we'll get above the rest and get a SWAG bag! Hard to beat the front runners

31 October 2014, 08:18
daily vote reminder!!

31 October 2014, 08:35
Voted... preppers gonna prep... lead photo is ridiculous.

31 October 2014, 09:08
Done and done.

Done... the picture in the lead is flat out ridiculous...and not in a good way.
I didn't even notice that one was in the lead until you said something and I went back and looked.

31 October 2014, 13:05
I voted for you guys, doesn't look like there's much of a chance though. The current leading pic has 500+ likes and it's just a jeep in a canyon (stupid pic).

31 October 2014, 13:09
Done for both. Good luck fellas.

31 October 2014, 15:02
'nother day of voting! not a chance in hell of catching the leaders, but SilencerCo responded to my post on Facebook, possibly alluding to consolation prizes!

vote early, vote often! haha

31 October 2014, 20:10
I love the look on the face of the horse. Looks like he's thinking, " My bug out plan is to run off before this mountain of stuff breaks my back."

1 November 2014, 10:48
daily reminder! we're getting killed in there...

Hopefully there is next year...I got some ideas

3 November 2014, 18:20
Don't forget to vote for us!

And vote for REAL tomorrow!

3 November 2014, 18:26
Chances are they joined one of those you vote share websites to spike the pool. I got beat in a similar way in a custom computer build competition. Mine was actually a decked out CUSTOM gaming rig. The photo he posted was a 10 year old laptop. I found out later how he did it by searching Google, Pissed me off.

3 November 2014, 22:28
Gang, I know I've been bumping this to get votes, but this time it's more than that. Tomorrow (today when most of you will read this) is Nov 4th, election day. GET OUT and VOTE!! Lots ridding on a number of races all over the country. As my dad used to tell me, if you don't vote, you have no right to bitch. Got me started reading up and knowing the issues when I was allowed to at age 18. Been voting ever since.

Oh yeah... vote for my entry HERE! (http://www.silencerco.com/living-in-the-red/?mc_cid=14d9c7497e&mc_eid=54fea7193e&nggv_pid=182&nggv_criteria_id=0&r=1) (new direct link to my vote)

Here's the direct link for Chevtec's image as well (http://www.silencerco.com/living-in-the-red/?nggv_pid=187&nggv_criteria_id=0&r=1)

Chances are they joined one of those you vote share websites to spike the pool. I got beat in a similar way in a custom computer build competition. Mine was actually a decked out CUSTOM gaming rig. The photo he posted was a 10 year old laptop. I found out later how he did it by searching Google, Pissed me off.
Did a little snooping, and did find a vote sharing request for one of the entrants, but not the leaders... #3 at this point.