View Full Version : Knights Armament SR-15 9.5K Torture Test

24 November 2014, 10:46
Found this on their Facebook page. SR-15 Mod 2 9.5K rounds without cleaning.

9.5k rounds without cleaning? Nice torture test from Ballistic Radio.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1506787_555468397917328_70056418619679607_n.jpg?oh =e5f3c8457a6274cc704341b7729c179e&oe=5509C6D2&__gda__=1423467183_56670c55445594f9cb92d2ec23010b3 4

So I pulled the bolt from the Knight's Armament Company SR-15 MOD2 so I could inspect the extractor. While the exterior of the bolt is absolutely filthy, there was nothing obstructing the extractor, and extractor tension/movement was good. This information, coupled with the fact that the gun fired almost a thousand rounds afterwards with very consistent extraction, has me inclined to blame yesterday's FTE on a soft piece of brass (as evidenced by the visual deformation of the cartridge rim) and not the gun itself.

In which case we'd be at 9,500 rounds, zero cleanings, and zero malfunctions.


24 November 2014, 10:55
My torture test gun with 5k+ rounds through it wasn't quite as filthy, but it was getting there.

Just goes to show you that the AR platform needs lube, not always constant cleaning to keep it running.

24 November 2014, 10:58
I love Ballistic Radio. Easily my favorite weekly gun podcast.

Been following that test too. I saw a post this morning that it's now around 10,500.

24 November 2014, 11:10
Need to start saving up for a SR-15E3 CQB upper.

24 November 2014, 12:23
I understand UWone77's running his gun for 5K, due to the fact, that after his "day job" as a cop, he's in the AR industry as a test and reviewer, especially for WEVO. But I really don't see the point of 9500K round "torture" test. It just proves what one specimen might do. The next serial number off of the assembly line might fail much sooner. Also, for newer people, they might foment the idea that with enough lubricant, that their weapon should hold up, to what almost amounts to dropping their rifle in a lava flow, and will run fine, damn near clogged up to being almost to the point of being unrecognizable, and almost indefinitely. If this was the first time that particular test has been done, I would probably be amazed, but I've seen tests where they went over 15K or more. Just for fun? Why not, I'm not judging, but after many of these types of tests, I don't see any further use for a test like this. P.S. Please warn me of the testers identity, in case he cleans it up and offers me a "great deal" on a used AR.[:D]

On the other hand, I'm amazed that after seeing many of these incredibly arduous tests that any of these rifles will still run before dying a slow death.[:)]

24 November 2014, 12:23
Found this on their Facebook page. SR-15 Mod 2 9.5K rounds without cleaning.

9.5k rounds without cleaning? Nice torture test from Ballistic Radio.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1506787_555468397917328_70056418619679607_n.jpg?oh =e5f3c8457a6274cc704341b7729c179e&oe=5509C6D2&__gda__=1423467183_56670c55445594f9cb92d2ec23010b3 4

So I pulled the bolt from the Knight's Armament Company SR-15 MOD2 so I could inspect the extractor. While the exterior of the bolt is absolutely filthy, there was nothing obstructing the extractor, and extractor tension/movement was good. This information, coupled with the fact that the gun fired almost a thousand rounds afterwards with very consistent extraction, has me inclined to blame yesterday's FTE on a soft piece of brass (as evidenced by the visual deformation of the cartridge rim) and not the gun itself.

In which case we'd be at 9,500 rounds, zero cleanings, and zero malfunctions.


man that is cooll

24 November 2014, 14:31
I bet that will be one slick looking rifle again after everything gets cleaned.

I've been thinking about doing a torture test of my own on my rifle. Hope it does just as well.

24 November 2014, 14:36
If you are trying to break and SR15...

You are going to have a bad day.

24 November 2014, 15:31
Honestly not as bad as I expected.

24 November 2014, 17:37
If you are trying to break and SR15...

You are going to have a bad day.

I don't recall ever hearing of a broken E3 bolt.

24 November 2014, 17:53
Pretty amazing actually. Between this and the BCM filthy 14 it's pretty well proven that DI isn't broken

24 November 2014, 18:46
Found this on their Facebook page. SR-15 Mod 2 9.5K rounds without cleaning.

9.5k rounds without cleaning? Nice torture test from Ballistic Radio.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1506787_555468397917328_70056418619679607_n.jpg?oh =e5f3c8457a6274cc704341b7729c179e&oe=5509C6D2&__gda__=1423467183_56670c55445594f9cb92d2ec23010b3 4

So I pulled the bolt from the Knight's Armament Company SR-15 MOD2 so I could inspect the extractor. While the exterior of the bolt is absolutely filthy, there was nothing obstructing the extractor, and extractor tension/movement was good. This information, coupled with the fact that the gun fired almost a thousand rounds afterwards with very consistent extraction, has me inclined to blame yesterday's FTE on a soft piece of brass (as evidenced by the visual deformation of the cartridge rim) and not the gun itself.

In which case we'd be at 9,500 rounds, zero cleanings, and zero malfunctions.


I don't clean my stuff that much but this is making me itch. I would have to clean it. LOL

24 November 2014, 19:37
I don't clean my stuff that much but this is making me itch. I would have to clean it. LOL

I care for my guns meticulously and it's definitely making me itch.

I'm with FortTom. After the 5k mark it's just wasting ammo and a barrel. Quality DI guns can put in work...the secret is out!

24 November 2014, 19:45
I have friends that only clean weapons when they replace barrels. It's not so much a torture test as a "why bother because it works fine as it is?" situation. One of those people works for NSW/CRANE, and he gets around 7K rounds before the bolt breaks, and then gets another MK18. A few weeks later, he washes, rinses, and repeats. Those guys shoot a lot...

24 November 2014, 19:46
I wanna see the tail of the bolt.