View Full Version : Sneak Peak from VG6 Precision

18 December 2014, 05:25
From https://www.facebook.com/VG6PAGE

Sneak peek, we are testing our next product. 30 of CAD models, 5 of shooting test samples and finally....almost done.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10846354_896374387068989_1119913632529188570_n.jpg ?oh=8eee10ab3817479c6e6d2a9267f1550c&oe=5544AC9B&__gda__=1426461821_94f0c6ae2e7649d2d64c8091fc4d0b2 1

18 December 2014, 05:55
I just saw that. I wonder if they're jumping on the blast shield bandwagon too.

18 December 2014, 12:09
Maybe... Can't really tell what it is.

CK 187
18 December 2014, 12:35
Maybe... Can't really tell what it is.

My thoughts exactly. I was like "WTF am i looking at?"

18 December 2014, 14:53
I can see two distinct rectangles @ 90 degrees, maybe it's a new version of their brake?


19 December 2014, 02:14
Maybe it's a quick detach muzzle device? Push button to change it from flash hider to brake.

19 December 2014, 02:23
VG6 says it is a blast reducer prototype.

19 December 2014, 02:48
There's a lot of flash there. It would certainly be seen. I want zero flash signature.

29 December 2014, 10:37
VG6 Blast Reducer Testing

VG6 Blast Reducer testing short movie clip. 16" BL, Mid length gas system EPSILON556/VG6 Blast Reducer vs Griffin's Blast Shield


29 December 2014, 10:43
Yes please! Putting a epsilon on my SBR and it's looking like I'll have to get me one of these

29 December 2014, 10:49
Video does look very promising. Hope they post some better pics of the blast reducer.

29 December 2014, 11:20
Video does look very promising. Hope they post some better pics of the blast reducer.

I missed something here GOST. I have Epsilon VG6 Muzzle brakes, is this replacing the VG6 Brakes? I know that doesn't make sense, but like I said, I'm lost here.



29 December 2014, 16:44
It is an attachment that will fit any of VG6's muzzle devices. There is another video floating around showing it, in both videos it is attached to an Epsilon.

29 December 2014, 16:59
Two things look good about the blast reducer. One is that it appears to be pretty low profile. The other is with brake shields I've seen once you attach them they make make the brake ineffective, you start getting a lot more muzzle movement. The blast reducer appears not to hamper the brake nearly as much.

29 December 2014, 17:23

29 December 2014, 17:47

Oh yes.

29 December 2014, 18:25
Looks good.

29 December 2014, 18:42
Very impatiently waiting for my epsilon to get here this week :D

29 December 2014, 18:46
Very impatiently waiting for my epsilon to get here this week :D

Don't tease me man. Gonna order my barrel and epsilon on Thursday.

29 December 2014, 18:48
I wanted to get the V7 Brake (http://www.v7weaponsystems.com/collections/muzzle-devices/products/v7-muzzle-brake) but couldn't justify the price.

Hoping the Epsilon is as nice as people are making it out to be :D

30 December 2014, 09:14
While we are on the subject, does anyone know where I can get a stainless vg6? Everyone is out of stock.

30 December 2014, 09:17
While we are on the subject, does anyone know where I can get a stainless vg6? Everyone is out of stock.

try tactical link. thats where i got mine.

30 December 2014, 09:18
try tactical link. thats where i got mine.

That's the only place I found it. Out of stock.

Not gonna lie, I'm gonna bead blast it anyways. May have to pony up the extra 10 bucks and buy a bead blasted one straight from vg6

30 December 2014, 10:09
While we are on the subject, does anyone know where I can get a stainless vg6? Everyone is out of stock.

In-Stock here


30 December 2014, 10:18
In-Stock here


Gost to the rescue!

30 December 2014, 10:25
Yeah that's the one I was talking about in my last post. Guess I'll just pony up the extra $10

30 December 2014, 19:50
I've got a stainless Epsilon that I bought for my Mega build but went with a black Gamma instead. It isn't the BB version though, but I'm willing to part with it. PM if you're interested.

30 December 2014, 20:18
I've got a stainless Epsilon that I bought for my Mega build but went with a black Gamma instead. It isn't the BB version though, but I'm willing to part with it. PM if you're interested.

I'm sure he is but won't answer his phone. I sent him a text CS. Thanks!

30 December 2014, 20:25
I've got a stainless Epsilon that I bought for my Mega build but went with a black Gamma instead. It isn't the BB version though, but I'm willing to part with it. PM if you're interested.

Definitely interested. I'll blast it myself.

5 January 2015, 16:57
Here's a new knife from VG6, and is that a blast reducer in the background?

https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-0/10897118_908922805814147_9078883644744620664_n.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=a5c6d54f534b2644dfcf42118a0b35b7&oe=5541ADAE&__gda__=1428824434_87f91a7bfaefd4e334ed1331ba2d72c b

5 January 2015, 17:17
And 4-prong flash hiders.

30 January 2015, 20:02
There's a new video by Chris Tran for www.blacksheepwarrior.com on VG6's Facebook page. The video showcases the yet to be named blast reducer. In the video he says that slides on and is held in place by 3 set screws, don't know if it not being a quick disconnect device will bother some. He also says that it will work with most of VG6's muzzle devices. It looks like there is 2 in this pic.

https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-0/10897118_908922805814147_9078883644744620664_n.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=a5c6d54f534b2644dfcf42118a0b35b7&oe=5541ADAE&__gda__=1428824434_87f91a7bfaefd4e334ed1331ba2d72c b

3 February 2015, 10:58
Here's the video from Reign Precision showing the blast reducer.


3 February 2015, 13:44
There's a lot of flash there. It would certainly be seen. I want zero flash signature.

Zero flash? People in hell want ice water and cold showers.

3 February 2015, 13:48
Here's the video from Reign Precision showing the blast reducer.


Damn, GOST, I want one, no make that two. My fellow range buddies would probably volunteer to pay for them...[:D]

3 February 2015, 14:10
Damn, GOST, I want one, no make that two. My fellow range buddies would probably volunteer to pay for them...[:D]

Jayden and the guys at VG6 look like they have a winner here. They'll sell a lot of these, and will probably sell a lot more brakes cause folks will want to use these.

3 February 2015, 15:06
I will be buying one when available.

18 February 2015, 04:38
New video of the blast reducer on a Epsilon AK.
