View Full Version : Seekins 60/90° safety

19 December 2014, 16:07
looks like Seekins is releasing this soonish. I might have to grab one Seekins 60/90° ambi safety (https://www.facebook.com/SeekinsPrecision/photos/a.234389473310559.55789.233594923390014/743216285761206/?type=1&theater)

19 December 2014, 16:38
Looks good and well priced, $39.99. Pic from Seekin's FB page.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/1973233_743216285761206_1475840930604656384_o.jpg? efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9

19 December 2014, 16:50
Hmm. Looks like battle arms has come competition now. Everyone is making an ambi selector now.

I'm admittedly a seekins snob. Will likely give this one a look in a few months when I recoup some funds.

19 December 2014, 17:15
The thing I like about it(besides the price point) is it's swap-able from 60 to 90°. That's what is catching my eye.

19 December 2014, 18:46
they look cool... but I am going to stay loyal to Battle Arms Development. They have been good to me

19 December 2014, 20:56
I like the diamond patterning on it. Any idea what it's made of?

19 December 2014, 20:59
they look cool... but I am going to stay loyal to Battle Arms Development. They have been good to me

Same here, the guys at BAD have treated a lot better than they needed to.

20 December 2014, 04:16
I like the idea of having both 90° and 45/60° in on safety, but the Bedrock looking levers turn me off.

21 December 2014, 04:02
I like the idea of having both 90° and 45/60° in on safety, but the Bedrock looking levers turn me off.

i think with the texture , they were going for the same looking effect as their bolt catch and mag release...

21 December 2014, 04:38
I can see the theme, but on a part this small it looks a bit weird to me.

21 December 2014, 06:40
sort of want

21 December 2014, 07:19
sort of want

I'm with you.

22 December 2014, 05:26
Looks interesting. Just got a Battle Arms Development Ambi for my birthday. I like having choices in selector levers. Good price, though...

22 December 2014, 05:49
i think with the texture , they were going for the same looking effect as their bolt catch and mag release...

The only bad thing about this texture is that it usually looks better in pictures. It isn't very defined on their mag release buttons, but it looks great on their bolt release. I'd say that on levers this small that the pyramids will probably look more like rough gravel.

22 December 2014, 09:54
Pic from FB.

https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10708686_877600942270133_3320129101017455399_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9

22 December 2014, 16:47
The only bad thing about this texture is that it usually looks better in pictures. It isn't very defined on their mag release buttons, but it looks great on their bolt release. I'd say that on levers this small that the pyramids will probably look more like rough gravel.

Oh i hear ya, i was just saying i think what they were after is a matching piece to their other small pieces...I need another saftey...sorta want..sorta dont know..Only run Bad ambi's so far..

22 December 2014, 17:01
I might pick up a set for S&G. I have everything else on another build so why not add that