View Full Version : ALG 6-Second Mount

31 December 2014, 06:37
These have finally entered production.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p480x480/10891587_571300549680892_5976939071545793832_n.jpg ?oh=f46e5e8d2a532827db32b37e7b795cc5&oe=54FBD70C&__gda__=1429731666_204c4ffd5f18ec53bc486ce3fa57c27 d

M. Gale
31 December 2014, 11:56
Whats it been, three years?

Wonder why BG kicked it down to ALG? I just don't see any market for a mount that requires you to hang your pistol on a rope around your neck. The whole Delta Force six second take down schtick that was trotted out when this thing was introduced was laughable. If you remove the light, it might fit in a ghost holster...

31 December 2014, 14:25
Good, because the airsofters have that market cornered.

M. Gale
1 January 2015, 05:23
The first e-mail hatin' on my post arrived.

Apparently Raven Concealment made a prototype holster so a rope around the neck is unnecessary. I doubt that fact will increase the market for this mount more than a nascent amount.

1 January 2015, 08:41