View Full Version : NEW Voodoo Innovations One-piece Integral Direct Impingement Carriers

6 January 2015, 12:13
https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p240x240/10882383_776933015675779_9217022874152709341_n.jpg ?oh=a20ace6a01776bd9d408eb7e3f19bf28&oe=553AF37D

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/10891425_776932992342448_442424733336956321_n.png? oh=fe3f356e7819bdfe8d34281e88b2bc15&oe=5543B9C3&__gda__=1429712196_9a0dbb1aee53274f5ab46f4282f92a3 5

Product Description

VDI direct impingement full auto rated bolt carriers are compatible with mil-spec and non mil-sped upper receivers and associated components. This bolt carrier is machined to meet all MIL TDP specifications and is enhanced using LifeCoat treatment providing superior:
•Corrosive Resistance
•Carbon Resistance

Our new Integral D.I. Carrier was designed from conception to improve the service life and durability of the direct impingement carrier. The VDI Integral DI Carrier eliminates the potential for carrier to key separation due to carrier key screws stripping, fracturing, or becoming un-staked. The new Integral carrier has a improved gas flow path with no obstructions or shelves for carbon to deposit and build on eliminating the potential for gas obstruction to seize the operation of your carrier.



6 January 2015, 12:22
I actually wondered when I first got into ARs why no one had updated to design to have the key and carrier one unit.
I had assumed it was cost but their prices are pretty decent (even without a bolt).

6 January 2015, 12:22
LWRC had made a similar BCG.

6 January 2015, 12:38
So when I drop my carrier and ding the gas key, I have to buy a whole 'nother carrier for $120 instead of a new gas key for $10?

I swear to christ it would be nice if some day people that make (and buy) parts for these guns stops off to find a clue beforehand.

6 January 2015, 12:52
So when I drop my carrier and ding the gas key, I have to buy a whole 'nother carrier for $120 instead of a new gas key for $10?

I swear to christ it would be nice if some day people that make (and buy) parts for these guns stops off to find a clue beforehand.

Guess I never worried about dropping my carrier. How often are you removing it??

6 January 2015, 13:07
This is yet another in the endless stream of products that are best filed under solutions looking for problems.

6 January 2015, 13:31
This is yet another in the endless stream of products that are best filed under solutions looking for problems.

Well, thanks for the heads up. Back when I was researching ARs, one thing to "look out for" was a properly staked gas key. So, my mind wondered why not just make it one piece.
I can see both sides.

I'm not running out to buy one, just thinking out loud.

6 January 2015, 13:33
Ehh, I like it. Low mass, solid, I already planned to pick one up. Not gone sweat dinging the key, just don't drop it. Just like I don't plan on dropping any of my $600+ scopes.