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View Full Version : Gear Sector GS-3345 Sling Mount

17 January 2015, 20:14
https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-0/10933827_923314441013430_172769341486955665_n.jpg? efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=042d14f73bb1e8afdbb0e8b2990cf861&oe=552C4551&__gda__=1432505744_d8c19504a4bf6e0edfafd96b29a559d a

New for 2015! We have a complete line of mounts coming online shortly. These will be dubbed the SFP line which stands for Small Foot Print. Like our Low Profile line, they feature a radius on the top surface that fits perfectly flush with the Tango Down rail panels for an uninterrupted rail space. They are also extremely light with the GS-3345 pictured below weighing in at only 0.48 ozs. ( less than half an ounce ). Until now, we had only offered inline sling mounts in the Low Profile line. New for the SFP line is a complete set of offset sling mounts. Keep an eye our for new product announcements and release dates in the coming weeks


17 January 2015, 20:17
Now the question is will it release or will it be mythical like the rail?
Sent from my Windows Phone 8.1

17 January 2015, 20:30
I really like the look of that... Different but I like it..

17 January 2015, 20:41
Now the question is will it release or will it be mythical like the rail?
Sent from my Windows Phone 8.1

The world may never know.

17 January 2015, 21:18
When's Gear Sector going to start making KeyMod and/or MLOK accessories?

26 January 2015, 13:19
Now the question is will it release or will it be mythical like the rail?

It will release. First run is at hard coat now. Expect them to hit the shelves in 2 weeks.


26 January 2015, 16:31
It will release. First run is at hard coat now. Expect them to hit the shelves in 2 weeks.


Well....this just. Got. Interesting.

I need a 13" !

26 January 2015, 16:45
Wonder if this pic from Magpul is the Gear Sector rail. It looks a little different that the other M-LOK rails I've seen.


26 January 2015, 16:47
Like! Will be on my list.

17 February 2015, 14:46
Told ya - https://www.gearsector.com/view/product/293/



17 February 2015, 15:09
Looks very nice JTrusty... Now where's that handguard?[BD]

17 February 2015, 16:31
Told ya - https://www.gearsector.com/view/product/293/


I just bought 2 Mod 2 Mounts to help clear RA's inventory for the Mod 3 stuff. [BD]

17 February 2015, 16:42
that's pretty slick...

24 February 2015, 12:18
SFP vs the Original Sling Mount

http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af282/richdkim77/IMG_3065_zpsietpttbx.jpg (http://s1016.photobucket.com/user/richdkim77/media/IMG_3065_zpsietpttbx.jpg.html)
http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af282/richdkim77/IMG_3063_zpsjcctcvxk.jpg (http://s1016.photobucket.com/user/richdkim77/media/IMG_3063_zpsjcctcvxk.jpg.html)

24 February 2015, 14:09
Captive Allen screw on the new version?

24 February 2015, 14:54

25 February 2015, 06:36
Captive Allen screw on the new version?


Here are a few pictures to illustrate what's going on in Mod 3 components.

Here is a GS-3346 before assembly. You can see the various components. The 1144 Stressproof index is pressed in and held captive by a roll pin.


No load is exerted on the roll pin itself. The load is linear. Without the base, you can see how the index / clamp interacts with the Picatinny Rail.


Since there are 12 threads of engagement between the index and the bolt there is no need to completely remove the bolt to install the component.


25 February 2015, 06:48
Slick as hell. I honestly thought there was no way they machined the index separately on a sling mount. Very impressive.

27 February 2015, 00:19
http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af282/richdkim77/IMG_3046_zpslwkbp3ik.jpg (http://s1016.photobucket.com/user/richdkim77/media/IMG_3046_zpslwkbp3ik.jpg.html)

14 May 2015, 14:24
GS-3346 (https://www.gearsector.com/view/product/294/) & GS-3351 (https://www.gearsector.com/view/product/299/) now in stock

https://scontent-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11064802_984168348261372_3391583545760724155_n.jpg ?oh=3077886a06f673a38e74126374cce1dc&oe=560B9E5E

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10408039_984168508261356_1538109997972011987_n.jpg ?oh=036712f7023127f966f2d0ab4023a05c&oe=55CF5E90&__gda__=1438692648_cc3545b5b01ebceb76af8ef571397b6 2
