View Full Version : B.E Meyers & Company 249-Saker

19 January 2015, 20:10
As the name Suggest B.E. Meyers & Company have announced a new Saker compatible coming out sometime in Feb. Didn't see this posted and I don't have a Saker or a B.E yet but I like both and thought others would. Really good looking FH!!

From Facebook-

"B.E. Meyers has teamed up with SilencerCo to bring you the 249-Saker, our new Saker-compatible flash hider built on our top-performing 249F platform! Look for these bad boys to hit retailers in February.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10941122_826953220694900_3579141459938610284_n.png ?oh=b65b11abfaff11b504259ec73dceb82e&oe=556606F2&__gda__=1428358267_0e4bcd983a482639d7a51f91e6deaf4 3

20 January 2015, 02:57
With the release of the new Omega can I'm surprised they didn't do this as a Specwar mount instead of, or in addition to, the Saker mount.

20 January 2015, 17:20
Nice ....I'll take it.