View Full Version : Aero Precision Monthly Rifle Giveaway

3 February 2015, 14:19
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/31020_521026717921232_629891752_n.jpg?oh=b468c3354 e0600d361e02d143ebcd0a4&oe=554A6E49&__gda__=1432548142_29af8a5bc5f0c07ce8b910d44532dd0 c

To thank our customers for their support, we are giving away a rifle a month throughout 2015! Simply enter below for an opportunity to win an Aero Precision complete rifle. Don't forget to come back next month for another chance to win!

The February Rifle Giveaway features our M4E1 Complete Rifle in FDE with a 16" Mid-Length Barrel and 15" KeyMod Handguard. Retail Value: $1299.


3 February 2015, 15:45
I do it every week :)

3 February 2015, 20:49
This is one that I was PMing you about. Was hoping to get a running thread of giveaways for all of the sponsors who do them.