View Full Version : Rainier Arms Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary

22 February 2015, 18:19
Here's pictures from RA's Facebook page.

https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-0/10997490_10152887727254219_3985179126623272970_n.j pg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=9ae28c191f290ed9d9906a7bd0fb99c2&oe=554EC4D7&__gda__=1434753192_8e5f5fe09d91b39459c64b0fdbd97f4 1

22 February 2015, 18:26
congrats happy 10 years

22 February 2015, 18:49
Their website is a black hole for my fun money. I hope they have many more years of success.

22 February 2015, 18:53
Seems to be a great company. I'm assuming that is the owner, and his wife, in the middle photo. What a beautiful and elegant lady. No wonder he is so successful.

22 February 2015, 18:58
Wow 10 years. Grats!

Looked like a fun time.

22 February 2015, 19:30
Looks like good time were had.

22 February 2015, 19:41
If you ever get a chance to talk to John (middle photo) do it. I had the opportunity briefly at their grand opening. He's a super nice guy.

22 February 2015, 19:42
Congrats to Rainier!

I seriously have become a fanboy.

I don't ever hesitate to recommend Rainier.

23 February 2015, 04:38
and 100 more!

Jerry R
23 February 2015, 07:32
Congrats John ! A great 10 years, many more to come !

PS - the ribs look awesome - but I can't find them for sale on your web site !

23 February 2015, 10:41
but I can't find them for sale on your web site !
LOL Jerry. Perhaps they'll be put up shortly as a pre-order, eh?

23 February 2015, 12:06
Congrats John ! A great 10 years, many more to come !

PS - the ribs look awesome - but I can't find them for sale on your web site !

lol if CMMG can sale bacon in a can i think RA can sale ribs in a can all so [BD][BD]

25 February 2015, 04:51
Their website is a black hole for my fun money. I hope they have many more years of success.

Here here! 🍻

25 February 2015, 11:21
if CMMG can sale bacon in a can
Wait. this actually happened.

25 February 2015, 11:52


25 February 2015, 12:16
i need to buy some i think it has a self life of 10 years

25 February 2015, 22:20
i need to buy some i think it has a self life of 10 years
Mmmmm I'm sorry ... the idea of canned bacon ... sounds ever so slightly worse than MRE's ...

26 February 2015, 03:25
Mmmmm I'm sorry ... the idea of canned bacon ... sounds ever so slightly worse than MRE's ...

Some of the MRES are actually pretty tasty in my book

26 February 2015, 03:27
Congrats on 10 years. ..looking forward to seeing what you bring over the next 10

26 February 2015, 03:37
Congrats on 10 years. ..looking forward to seeing what you bring over the next 10

X2 ...Love me some Rainier Arms ...they get a lot of what little money the ginger has..lol...

Keep up the good work Guys!!

26 February 2015, 05:17
Some of the MRES are actually pretty tasty in my book
You know it! ... and then there was the omelet ...

26 February 2015, 06:37
Looks like it would be an awesome place to work. Congrats Rainier. I'm sure you'll be around for MANY more.

CK 187
26 February 2015, 07:43
Their website is a black hole for my fun money

Same here