View Full Version : M-LOK™ Tape Switch Mounting Plate – Surefire®

20 March 2015, 10:01
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11071529_944868928858790_3660020662557360116_n.jpg ?oh=bfa049781e42cadf509fdb839bc4b441&oe=55B7FE35&__gda__=1433595625_e47aa46e1ea4df22bcb6414300f2418 a


Product Details 

The M-LOK Tape Switch Mounting Plate is a mount designed to attach Surefire ST pressure pads on M-LOK compatible systems. It is molded of the same high quality polymer as other Magpul products providing light weight with extremely rugged construction, and the M-LOK recoil lugs and T-Nuts make for an extremely secure mounting system. A low profile design allows the user more mounting options without interfering with other equipment and it’s rounded and beveled edges provides a snag free surface.

Made in U.S.A

MSRP $14.95
