View Full Version : WTS: Colt 6933 complete upper with BCM KMR 10.0

4 April 2015, 07:11
Factory Colt 6933 upper(11.5" lightweight barrel) with around 1k rounds on it before the handguard was installed
BCM KMR 10.0
BCM Gunfighter Mod 4 charging handle
BCM Gunfighter Comp Mod 0

To buy the equivalent BCM upper (http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BCM-URG-11ELW-KMR10)new would be north of $820. I'm asking <75% of that price at $600 shipped.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-9/10155817_870091253047978_7565869831610106274_n.jpg ?oh=e087d75515ada7e29b52a0ea2c98e3e7&oe=55AD9FA6&__gda__=1437616175_51ce9fcfe357a3cfdecc732b4de69cc 9

4 April 2015, 10:23
That's a great looking upper Rob. If I didn't already have the parts for a very similar upper I'd be allover this. Is the BCG included?

4 April 2015, 11:49
Yes, Colt BCG is included.