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View Full Version : m4carbine.net down?

1 January 2009, 01:22
Is it down for upgrades? I can't log in and cleared history and cookies. Is anyone else having a problem?

1 January 2009, 01:41
i've been wondering the same thing.

1 January 2009, 03:22
Right now, [ 01/01/09 at 321am(pacific)] it appears to be down. (http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/m4carbine.net)

Cold Zero
1 January 2009, 05:54
The site has been down for 24 hrs. now.

Army Chief
1 January 2009, 09:08
It's been down for at least a day from overseas (Germany-based) servers, too. Just have to wait this one out, I'm afraid.


1 January 2009, 11:10
While this board is oriented a little different than M4C, we recognize M4Carbine.net as a solid resource that has minimal fluff, especially when compared to some of the other "gunboards".

Hopefully they get the issues fixed quickly, until then, any crossovers should feel free to make this their temp home. When M4C gets back online, someone please post it in this thread.

To any and all of the new people, welcome.

1 January 2009, 19:09
Got an email from them stating that they're currently moving their servers to a new location resulting in a "temporary outage."

2 January 2009, 13:16
Looks like it's back up.

Malleus Dei
2 January 2009, 15:47
Looks like its back down again....

2 January 2009, 19:56
It seems to be intermittent. Some links are working, some not. Sorry to see they are having so many problems, as M4C is a great place to visit. I'm sure the M4C crew is frustrated as could be.

2 January 2009, 21:58
Thanks Stick for letting this stay up. I just hope they get it up back and working again.

2 January 2009, 22:33
Thanks Stick for letting this stay up. I just hope they get it up back and working again.

If there is something we can help with, hopefully they will let us know.

Army Chief
3 January 2009, 00:49
Looks like the site came back up overnight.


13 March 2009, 03:37
Anyone else not able to get to M4C?

13 March 2009, 03:47
me too ballistic

Army Chief
13 March 2009, 04:00
Either I've been blocked -- which is a distinct possibility, since I expressed some misgivings with a Mod over his approach of late -- or we're all just looking at a server failure of some sort.

I'm thinking the latter. ;)


13 March 2009, 04:08
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/m4carbine.net ;).

13 March 2009, 04:42
That's a good test. I get banned so often I'm never sure if it's me or the site I'm trying to access. [BD]

13 March 2009, 05:18
I was unable to connect also, Must be having server issue's.

13 March 2009, 07:07
It's broken. Won't work with Firefox or IE.

13 March 2009, 08:17
its back up-

13 March 2009, 10:20
.... and now its back down again.

13 March 2009, 10:22
It's back down.

Army Chief
13 March 2009, 11:10
Up, down, up, down, up ... at least there appears to be plenty going on here today to keep us occupied. :)


16 March 2009, 18:33
So far, I've had amazing luck with M4C this calendar year. I keep popping back in, and being befuddled at the 'wtf' threads from hours prior.

24 March 2009, 06:02
Is anybody else having a problem getting onto their site?


EDIT: Sorry Stickman...didn't realize there was an existing thread.

24 March 2009, 06:55
Haven't been able to get on since yesterday, here...

24 March 2009, 07:08

That site seems to be having more than its share of issues lately, its up and down quite a bit.

24 March 2009, 07:24
They are having "server" issues, which is why they're having lags, no email notifications, etc.

evidently new members can't register either as some of them are emailing me about it now because they can't find a contact for site admin anywhere.

24 March 2009, 09:07
I received a PM notification this morning, although I can't access the site either(since the other day).

24 March 2009, 10:36
Try going direct, it looks like DNS issues.

Army Chief
24 March 2009, 10:58
Looks like you're correct -- good call.


24 March 2009, 11:14
It's working normally for me now.

25 August 2010, 07:10
and its down again

25 August 2010, 07:14
looks more like an attack, hope all is well.

25 August 2010, 07:20
I'm getting "Under 5s ..... digital education products for early years". Interesting. Looks like a some major DNS confusion at whomever is hosting M4C.

I concur with the possibility of an attack. Perhaps this is the opening salvo of SHTF, or EOTWAWKI, that I keep reading about over there?

25 August 2010, 09:27
404 Not Found

Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server.

Web Server at under5s.com

Maybe just problems with server?

25 August 2010, 09:55
Would probably be a good idea for them to redirect the url to a webpage that has some info of whats going on...

25 August 2010, 10:17
try this

25 August 2010, 10:18
I still can't get it to show up either.

25 August 2010, 10:21
It's working for me. I can log on and use the forums and everything.

25 August 2010, 10:22
It is back up.

25 August 2010, 10:36
Still can't get around this redirect, tried using forum selection urls, etc, any tips to get by this thing? This UK company is really starting to piss me off.

25 August 2010, 12:11
I'm getting "Under 5s ..... digital education products for early years". Interesting. Looks like a some major DNS confusion at whomever is hosting M4C.

I concur with the possibility of an attack. Perhaps this is the opening salvo of SHTF, or EOTWAWKI, that I keep reading about over there?

I'm getting the same thing.

25 August 2010, 12:54
You have to clear out your cache. Do a control F5 and then reboot.


25 August 2010, 14:28
EOTWAWKI, I tell ya. It's the M4C self-fulfilling prophecy.

25 August 2010, 14:51
You have to clear out your cache. Do a control F5 and then reboot.


No, that's not it.

25 August 2010, 15:12
not working for me either, Grant...

Army Chief
25 August 2010, 15:47
Unfortunately, this has the hallmarks of an attack, though I'll withhold judgment until the smoke clears, as DNS issues tend to have a lot of the same characteristics. At best, it has been intermittent today, with most attempts to access the site resulting in the redirects that most have been getting. I'm obviously not in a position to troubleshoot their server, but here's hoping for a quick resolution.


25 August 2010, 18:55
Working fine for me today on two machines, running Firefox 3.6.8 and IE 8.

25 August 2010, 19:01
Doesn't work here on Firefox, IE8, or Safari (Mac, iPhone, iPad).

25 August 2010, 20:29
Not working here all day in IE8.

Army Chief
26 August 2010, 03:42
Looks like it was a Domain Name Server problem of some sort, after all.

Issue resolved.


17 August 2011, 03:08
Still down.

17 August 2011, 04:27
Still down.
No, just down again.

17 August 2011, 07:59
So 51 weeks after the last time it's down again?

17 August 2011, 08:26
Won't work for me either

17 August 2011, 11:31
I haven't been able to get on since early yesterday afternoon.

17 August 2011, 11:35
Good (well, not really good) - I was afraid it was me.................................

23 August 2011, 13:26
M4C is down again, since this morning sometime.

Did anyone here anything about what caused last weeks' outage?

Army Chief
23 August 2011, 14:27
Last week was a denial of services attack. This one looks like an actual intrusion.

Not sure that we need multiple threads on the subject, however, so I'm going to shut some of this discussion down to keep it from cluttering the boards here.