View Full Version : Lantac USA Side Charger E-BCG & USC

26 October 2015, 08:36
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11015214_531277507027839_8096388973854762970_n.jpg ?oh=f8d49754101b4856cbe31438d44ed262&oe=56CE931C
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12118590_531273137028276_5487482233839286788_n.jpg ?oh=4e29fd22f8a556605e62c419e61cba4a&oe=56CEDF17

Both the Side Charger E-BCG and the USC are now in production. The Side Charger E-BCG will be available in both piston and DI.


26 October 2015, 08:38
Looks like a sore thumb waiting to happen with my luck. Would be nice to see more go with a non-reciprocating setup, but I guess it's just too complicated for everyone to want to jump in on.

26 October 2015, 08:53
I never will understand the complaints about reciprocating charging handles. I can not count the rounds I have put through weapons with reciprocating chargers and have never not 1 time been struck by a handle. And I am a lefty. How in the hell a right handed person could be hit by one on the right side of a weapon I will never know.

26 October 2015, 09:50
Ever own a Garand or M1A? Getting pinched once is enough.