View Full Version : Interesting day at the range...

7 September 2016, 16:18
So I had a really interesting day at the range. I was at Milton Grove Sportsman's Club. I showed up and there were 2 old timers up on the rifle range. I headed on down to the pistol range with my new to me CZ SP-01. I hung up a target and started shooting. Through my ear protection I could hear some yelling going on. I looked up at the guys on the rifle range and they were up there just doing their thing. The commotion was a woman's voice, but I could not see her. I figured it was just one of the nearby neighbors having a good time.

I continued to shoot and the yelling died off. At this point I had put about 100 rounds down range and out of the corner of my eyes I could see this woman emerge from the woods from the trail that leads from the range down to our fishing lake. She had a rather nice camera. Then she proceeded to start taking pictures of me and my targets and of me shooting.

I stopped shooting and asked her why she was taking pictures. In a really demented voice she said, "you'll see. What you're doing is illegal!" I stared back at her and said she was on private property and she needed to leave. She took a few more pictures and walked back down the trail. After I secured my belongings I went down the trail to see if I could get a picture of her.

I walked back up to the rifle range and started talking to the old timers up there. Apparently that commotion I heard earlier was her entering the property from that upper area and was taking pictures of them. They had informed her 10 minutes before my encounter that she was on private property and she needed to leave. As she was leaving she was screaming obscenities at them as they tried to ignore her. At one point she screamed at them, "I hope you all fucking get shot and die!"

At this point we all decided that it was appropriate to call the police. An officer and his lieutenant both showed up rather quickly and took statements from us. They finally found the woman who is a disgruntled neighbor that hates guns and wants to get the club shut down. The lieutenant said that he shared the information with her that our club was completely legal and is grandfathered in under all state and local laws and that it wasn't going anywhere. He also put her on notice that the next time she stepped foot on the property she would be arrested and charged with trespassing.

The lieutenant and the officer were very cordial that sat and talked with us for about an hour. He told us that he completely supports us and that he is an NRA life member. He gave us some advice about using cameras and security devices that we could take to our leadership to get proof of trespassers and lawbreakers. He was also telling us about they days when he was a kid and would hunt rats at the dump in town and nobody would say a word. The other old timers there also told about the days in their youth when they could just go shoot and nobody would bat an eye.

It is just so insanely strange that there are those out there that are so extremely anti-gun that they would wish death on another human being. Welcome to America in 2016.

7 September 2016, 16:32
Cut a long range berm as close to her as you can and have at it. A few rounds of .50 BMG ought to push her over the edge! [:D] Tenured domain is a good thing in this age of ranges in the middle of nowhere getting shut down by the subdivision that moves in well after the range is established. Cluebomb: Buy your damn hood land somewhere else!

7 September 2016, 17:22
This experience is in contrast to one of mine...

A friend and I went and got a BUNCH of guns (think a full size truck bed full to the top) and another truck bed with all kinds of ammo... AKs shotguns... Tannerite was deployed on a few dozen occasions... we were making ALL KINDS of racket... It sounded like the civil war was going off....

Then the neighbor quietly walks down the driveway with a scowl on his face... we immediately apologize for the noise and he stops us and says...'no, I'm not worried about that... I am mad that you didn't invite me over!" Followed by a few choice words... [BD]

Needless to say we had a good afternoon blasting away at everything we could find.

That said though I see that a lot of people do have very radical idea about firearms. It's those kinds of people who go chain themselves to trees and stuff like that.

7 September 2016, 17:33
This experience is in contrast to one of mine...

A friend and I went and got a BUNCH of guns (think a full size truck bed full to the top) and another truck bed with all kinds of ammo... AKs shotguns... Tannerite was deployed on a few dozen occasions... we were making ALL KINDS of racket... It sounded like the civil war was going off....

Then the neighbor quietly walks down the driveway with a scowl on his face... we immediately apologize for the noise and he stops us and says...'no, I'm not worried about that... I am mad that you didn't invite me over!" Followed by a few choice words... [BD]

Needless to say we had a good afternoon blasting away at everything we could find.

That said though I see that a lot of people do have very radical idea about firearms. It's those kinds of people who go chain themselves to trees and stuff like that.

I can see why he would be pissed.

I wish this woman would take a chill pill. She was crazy.

7 September 2016, 18:18
Record every single interaction you have with anyone that may even remotely be used in court or for legal purposes.

Data is cheap...

8 September 2016, 04:56
The anti's are some of the most closeted violent people you'll ever meet. They SAY they're against it, but they're always the first to cross the line.

8 September 2016, 08:37

8 September 2016, 21:27
The anti's are some of the most closeted violent people you'll ever meet. They SAY they're against it, but they're always the first to cross the line.

This is true.

Anti's are the assholes to watch out for.

8 September 2016, 21:27
The old timers on my department used to tell me about the days where they would shoot rats at the city dump on duty during graveyard. CHP guy also telling me about the times he would drop his crab pots in the middle of the night for lunch later.

Tons of stuff that was the norm back in the day... just sad I missed out on target practice in the middle of the night. [BD]

8 September 2016, 21:37
The old timers on my department used to tell me about the days where they would shoot rats at the city dump on duty during graveyard. CHP guy also telling me about the times he would drop his crab pots in the middle of the night for lunch later.

Tons of stuff that was the norm back in the day... just sad I missed out on target practice in the middle of the night. [BD]

I imagine if you fired your weapon on duty now...even at a rat you'd be filling out reports for the next two weeks.

9 September 2016, 04:40
The anti's are some of the most closeted violent people you'll ever meet. They SAY they're against it, but they're always the first to cross the line.
Beat me to it.

9 September 2016, 21:14
I imagine if you fired your weapon on duty now...even at a rat you'd be filling out reports for the next two weeks.

More like the unemployment line.

18 October 2016, 16:19
Since that day she just sits in her car in a driveway across the street from our range and takes pictures of all of our license plates. She is a true whackjob.

18 October 2016, 16:27
F**K her.
The end.
P.S. Is her name Hillary?

18 October 2016, 20:18
Since that day she just sits in her car in a driveway across the street from our range and takes pictures of all of our license plates. She is a true whackjob.
I wonder if there's some BS you could have her charged with.

18 October 2016, 20:46
You can allege stalking; that'd take up some of her time. Plus, if it's a small enough town, she'll have to do damage control, which will further demonstrate her craziness..

It's the soccer mom equivalent of SWATing.[emoji6]