View Full Version : Electoral college petition

12 November 2016, 15:49
So, I do not want to turn this into a hate filled arguement, but I want others options here. I've done a fair amount of reading about the rules of the electoral college, while it doesn't all seem necessary in this day and time, on paper, it pays to trumps advantage. Of course now, the angry mob in their breaks from beating people up and setting things on fire, have got a petition circulating to push the college to essentially give a faithless vote to toss DJT and give the win to HRC. Now I know that's a very very long shot chance, but it's not an impossibility. It concerns me a bit only because of the, at least, voiced anti trump words of many republicans. What box they actually checked behind the curtain, many will never know. I know the electors COULD, but WOULD they? Seems like a very near zero chance, but I feel like it's a possibility. Thoughts?

12 November 2016, 16:15
So, I do not want to turn this into a hate filled arguement, but I want others options here. I've done a fair amount of reading about the rules of the electoral college, while it doesn't all seem necessary in this day and time, on paper, it pays to trumps advantage. Of course now, the angry mob in their breaks from beating people up and setting things on fire, have got a petition circulating to push the college to essentially give a faithless vote to toss DJT and give the win to HRC. Now I know that's a very very long shot chance, but it's not an impossibility. It concerns me a bit only because of the, at least, voiced anti trump words of many republicans. What box they actually checked behind the curtain, many will never know. I know the electors COULD, but WOULD they? Seems like a very near zero chance, but I feel like it's a possibility. Thoughts?

They very likely would not, faithless votes are very rare, and that would spark political and social upheaval - not to mention the moral and political ramifications in her concession, and the beginning of the Trump transition - which is a very big, very complex deal.

I'm more intrigued by your thoughts on the electoral college not being necessary in this "day and time" - first of all, "day and time" arguments are not how the constitution works, second of all, it's arguably far more necessary in an age of massive urban expansion and overcrowded population centers. Without the EC, California and New York decide the presidency - not even the states, the southern coastal cites of CA, and NYC.

The idea that an area of invested landowners with 500 acres between 5 people, should have their vote cancelled 100x over by one building of apartment renters is not a safe bet for a smooth running government for all people. I'm not saying one group is right or wrong, just illustrating the point.

12 November 2016, 16:30
Well, I did not look at it that way. You thought a little deeper than me there.

12 November 2016, 16:44
From Federalist Paper 39:

The executive power will be derived from a very compound source. The immediate election of the President is to be made by the States in their political characters. The votes allotted to them are in a compound ratio, which considers them partly as distinct and coequal societies, partly as unequal members of the same society. The eventual election, again, is to be made by that branch of the legislature which consists of the national representatives; but in this particular act they are to be thrown into the form of individual delegations, from so many distinct and coequal bodies politic. From this aspect of the government it appears to be of a mixed character, presenting at least as many FEDERAL as NATIONAL features.

Considerable thought and discussion went into creating the electoral system and I personally find the logic to be just as valid today, if not more so.

12 November 2016, 16:56
I think the part that befuddles me, and I think it's what worries me now with the current state of affairs is that the electors can still vote the other way. So that portion doesn't make sense to me. Once you 'vote for people to vote' they can still go rogue so to speak. The fact that there is still one more vote to be cast not for another month yet seems like alternative agendas can gain steam.

Simply put, a loophole I don't care for. But the reprocussions of said upset would be far worse then what's happening now.

12 November 2016, 17:34
First, funny thing is Hillary rode into the national scene on her husband's coattails. He did not win the popular vote, Bush and Perot garnered almost 65 percent of the popular vote with WJC garnering the plurality, gaining more votes then either Bush or Perot did individually.

Their whole movement is an exercise in hypocrisy, at the very best. For without WJC, Hillary would only be known as the wife of a husband who still can't carry Arkansas for the DNC. They didn't forget. History would be totally different, with those two wiped from the collective minds of America.

As stated above, "day and age" are definitely not a tenant of the Constitution. Do we have to adapt to things that the founding fathers could not have imagined, occasionally, but the electoral college was not one of those.

The "day and age" argument is a very important argument to, and for, the Anti- second amendment folks who argue ad-nauseam that the 2A only applies to musket loaders and knives. That kind of thinking would mandate the media still be using old Ben Franklin's manual printing press.

Children who lay in the streets and cry, vomit and declare the world is coming to the end, are not a part of democracy, I doubt if 1/3 of them ever enter the workforce and pay for all the free shit they demand, and should not even be a part of the discussion of the flames being fanned by Soros and the media.

I remember all of those riots and beatings independents and Republicans gave people when Obama was elected twice... oh wait, I don't. Never mind.

Now, as I'm reminded every second I turn the news on, as a conservative, I need to run outside and see if I can find something or someone to work up some good ol' hate over.[:D] Gimme a #@%king break. Only in America.


12 November 2016, 17:43
My last comment sort of explained confusion in my first post. 'Day and time' and 'not entirely necessary' was a poor choice of words for the context of the thought. So why did I say it? I don't know. I blame lack of sleep.

12 November 2016, 17:52
That's o.k., just blame Trump.

12 November 2016, 17:57
Hahaha we have been running with that joke all week at work. We have 2 people that voted for Hillary, Wednesday, one stayed in his office and never came out, the other is still wandering around looking like his dog died.

12 November 2016, 18:20
I was hoping the election was over.[BD] Facebook has been overloaded with this, I was hoping it would stay there. I voted for DJT and am trying my best to be productive and not sucked into this counter productive mess drummed up by the losing side.

12 November 2016, 18:29
I mainly came here to see if anyone shares in my concern that this could tip.

I can only imagine the facebook right now

12 November 2016, 18:42
Facebook is terrible. It's full of hysterical people calling Trump voters Nazis and whatnot. According to them the only thing making people vote Trump is the hate of minorities etc. Their whining ass bullshit is getting old.

As for us we need to make our voice heard on gun issues. We have a real chance to get things done now. I think we should focus our efforts there.

The electoral college isn't going anywhere.

12 November 2016, 18:55
Their whining ass bullshit is getting old.......The electoral college isn't going anywhere.
On the other hand, their "whining ass bullshit" played a major factor in getting Hillary put in the junk yard. Obama spent 8 years, in every country he ever visited while POTUS, spreading the same "whining ass bullshit", part of his 8 year long "Apologize for America It Sucks" tour. The silent majority got sick of it. Count it as a plus.


12 November 2016, 19:00
On the other hand, their "whining ass bullshit" played a major factor in getting Hillary put in the junk yard. Obama spent 8 years, in every country he ever visited while POTUS, spreading the same "whining ass bullshit", part of his 8 year long "Apologize for America It Sucks" tour. The silent majority got sick of it. Count it as a plus.


That is very true. We were called the silent majority for a reason, and very underestimated.

12 November 2016, 20:29
Not worried. Most of these fellow Americans don't even believe in democracy but in exploiting it. Most of what they believe about Trump is what their progressive leaders told them to believe. Most of their protests are shouting at illusions.

My hope is that most of America will now see this true face of the Democratic Party and never doubt again what they are up to. One can hope.

12 November 2016, 20:41
This is so ridiculous. This is what happens when you never fail or lose at anything in life because you lived life with a safety net.

Liberals are the new Communists. They love you as long as you agree with everything they say, Free Speech and Free Press is allowed as long as you say and print what they want. The minute you deviate, they lose their damn minds and suddenly you are labeled a racist, homophobe, or woman hater.

Accountability is for other people.


12 November 2016, 20:48
This is so ridiculous. This is what happens when you never fail or lose at anything in life because you lived life with a safety net.

Liberals are the new Communists. They love you as long as you agree with everything they say, Free Speech and Free Press is allowed as long as you say and print what they want. The minute you deviate, they lose their damn minds and suddenly you are labeled a racist, homophobe, or woman hater.

Accountability is for other people.


I agree.

Luckily right now they are in large part armed with tears, hugs and facebook. Small groups are dangerous when emboldened.

Like the rise of communism, the danger is a very charasmatic leader getting that youth to truly organize and arm.

12 November 2016, 21:13
All the Democratic phuc sticks are all pissed off because they just realized they aren't going to get and more free shit. I hope trump sends the FCC dogs to trample on the liberal press. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said " SAVE THE CONSTITUTION, KILL A DEMOCRAT" Hahahahahaha....

12 November 2016, 21:59
This is so ridiculous. This is what happens when you never fail or lose at anything in life because you lived life with a safety net.

Liberals are the new Communists. They love you as long as you agree with everything they say, Free Speech and Free Press is allowed as long as you say and print what they want. The minute you deviate, they lose their damn minds and suddenly you are labeled a racist, homophobe, or woman hater.

Accountability is for other people.

You forgot "they love you as long".... as you spend your life busting your ass so your tax dollars can pay for their rent, electric, cable, welfare check, beer, pot, Xbox games, food stamps but.....

I personally think we should call out the National Guard and give Crosby, Nash, Stills and Young another state to write a song about.[BD]

But it is amusing to watch their grossly distorted face and huge quivering mouth straining to form one coherent sentence, while writhing in the streets, their beautiful lime green and orange hair matted with the spit, mucous and other disgusting bodily fluids they are depositing into those streets.

Other than that, peace man.[:D]


13 November 2016, 03:18
Well maybe I overreacted and shouldn't be concerned. It just seems like people are far more willing to cave than they used to be. But I agree 100% this bullshit nonsense going on especially in Oregon and we even have it going on close to home here in Richmond, is the product of getting your way all the time, then not and throwing a tantrum. The last 8 years made them this way. There is goingto be epic damage control going on for some time I am afraid. But I am looking forward to what progress can be made in the next 4 years with a badly needed republican leader and majority. Like I said the other day, I wasn't happy about the last two elections, but I couldn't head out with a sign and bull horn, I had to go to work[:D]

13 November 2016, 03:24
Just had the "this day and age" electoral college talk with my oldest friend, a conservative Democrat who identifies not at all with the special snowflakes in the streets and on campuses.

The so-called faithless vote elector is the absolute last-ditch weapon against a charisimatic dictator taking power. Since civics is such a low priority in education in this day and age, we need to continually remind citizens that the reason we are a representative republic, not a pure democracy is as a preemptive safeguard against passion overruling consideration.

13 November 2016, 04:41
Wednesday morning a friend revealed to me that his vagina voted for Clitbomb by insinuating I drank the KoolAid. I have been relentless in grinding salt into said dirty hatchet wound ever since. The funny thing is, hildebeast/soros has his hooks into these idiots convictions so deeply, they wouldn't believe they were wrong even when they're standing amid the smoldering ruins of the U.S. had their version of destiny come true!

Let's send them to Jonestown!