View Full Version : Make America Great!

13 November 2016, 15:03
What did you do today to make America great? I kind of hope this thread turns into a something a little 2A, and a little help your fellow man, so please post it up and feel good!

Went to a "Pancake Day" fundraiser at one of my more local Fire Departments. 50/50, Gun raffle and breaky for two came to a shiny penny or two, but it supports life safety!
Bought a T-shirt for a donation to support a buddy's child in his battle with Leukemia; one of the few things more evil than HRC. We need to find a way to shoot cancer in the face!

Supported my favorite ammunition supplier, and rotated out the oldest of the lots. Re-order time will be a lot happier this month.


16 November 2016, 22:21
I taught my dog to shit in the neighbors yard...right next to their Hillary sign. Took a few months, but he's got the hang of it now. Somehow I think that makes America a better place. [BD]

On a more practical note...helped give a jump to a guy with a dead battery at the local home depot today. Also made a small donation to DAV (https://www.dav.org/) - donations through the end of the month are being matched by sponsors.