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Thread: Pistol Preferences?
24 October 2017, 00:06 #1
Pistol Preferences?
Sig---I am a big time Sig fan, particularly with regards to their pistols. (Other stuff, not as convinced of or have little experience with). I have about five or six Sig pistols. I would definitely buy more if given the chance.
CZ--I also really like CZ...I have been eyeballing several of their guns for quite some time. We have a CZ 75B and based on that, just damn. My list of wants is growing ever longer. I have finger banged some of their guns a long time ago and wow. I have heard of Cajun Gun Works doing some 'job' on them, but honestly not really sure what that means. Maybe they just fix up the triggers? Also how long does it take to get that done and how much does it cost? It's just a matter of time until I start making a CZ collection.
Kahr--I have tried Kahr pistols, and while they were 'ok' they get a 'meh. I wouldn't buy one again' from me. I absolute HATED the trigger on that damn thing. I wouldn't say 'Kahr sucks' but it did suck for me. The trigger sucked! Hated the whole damn thing to be honest just because of that.
Taurus--I started my pistol owning a long time ago with a Taurus 24/7 which I shot the holy hell out of. It was a big heavy brick, and it was in .40 but eventually I got rid of both (the caliber and the gun). It went bang when I pulled the trigger and basically I learned what I like and don't like (at the time) and graduated to nicer things. It was my starter drug but I would never buy another one.
Kimber---I have finger banged Kimber and also, meh. Not impressed. Never shot one but am not that attracted to them.
Glocks-- I am not saying anything bad about Glocks. The ability to customize them looks awesome. Other than that, I haven't been in love with them. Seems like an acquired taste to me. I've never picked one up and said 'oh hell that feels good'... or 'man check out the trigger in that thing!'. That said I see UW's custom guns and I really like those. But straight out of the box? Not so much. I have never had the chance to pick up a tricked out Glock much less shoot one, but the whole 'build it like you like it' does have a lot of appeal to me. dad has one and it's ok, but not really anything memorable about it. Plus F those guys. That gun was bought before their political bullshit. It's not mine but F those guys.
FN--- a friend has a 5.7 pistol and it's pretty cool. Ammo is expensive and reloading is a PITA if at all possible. Other than the 5.7 not much experience with FN. No real opinion either way. At this point I would probably shy away from 5.7 simply because it's kind of an oddball caliber and doesn't seem practical. If at all possible I would like to keep my pistols in two calibers for the most part sheerly because of ammo management.
HK-- No experience shooting one.
Beretta-- Not much experience either. What I have had the chance to shoot I wasn't super in love with.
S&W-- People rave about the shield. I shot one a long time ago but it's been so long that I would have to revisit it.
Ruger--- again not much experience.
Definitely right now my top two are Sig (by far) with CZ right up there too. To me those two are on a whole new level.
I didn't list every manufacturer by any means, but I am curious as to what other people like and why. By the sheer number of pictures it looks like everyone dumps cash into Glocks
One thing I have noticed is I personally don't own any plastic guns. I also do not own any striker fired guns. I used to own several of both but right now nothing. I don't have anything against either. I just don't have any right now. I will probably purchase plastic and striker fired both at some point but I will be a little more choosy about it. If you look at it from my experience my striker fired and plastic guns were Taurus, Kahr, and I got to play with a Springfield. So far nothing has really jumped out and grabbed me.
For me my main criteria are how it feels in my hand (fit) and the trigger. I am a trigger snob.
In an ideal world I will have 3 or 4 suppressor hosts in each caliber (9 & .45) that are set up for it (sites etc). (I still need to buy a .45 can but hopefully I can get on that soon).
I have little to no experience with wheel guns so for the sake of discussion we will leave those out of the discussion (for now).
At this point I am probably going to keep on focusing on Sig and CZ, but is there anything that I might be overlooking? The guns don't have to be specifically designed for carry, but just nice range toys that are a pleasure to shoot.
I am curious as to the opinion of others here on the forum as to their handgun preferences and not just brand but 'what' they actually like and why.
24 October 2017, 06:08 #2
Right now, my top two favorites are HK and Sig. Sig Sauer pistols just feel right in my hand, regardless of frame size (the classic P-series anyway). I shoot Sigs extremely well, and absolutely love the Short Reset Trigger (all my Sigs have that installed). I also like that my Sigs are all metal (i don't own any of the plastic Sigs, but i've shot a few and like them just fine). The lack of ability to carry cocked and locked doesn't bother me because i don't carry in that condition anyway. All my Sigs are bone stock, and are shot and carried as they left the factory. About the only thing i can see myself doing to my Sigs (other than shooting the piss out of them) is replacing the sights as tritium lamps go dead.
As for HK, what can i say, i'm a total Koch whore. I own more HKs than any other brand of firearm. My first HK was a P30, which like the Sigs, just felt right in my hand. It was also equipped with HK's awesome LEM trigger. The LEM trigger system is one of the big attractions to HK for me. That they are German engineered to last damn near forever doesn't hurt either. And while my introduction to HKs was the incredibly ergonomic P30, i soon found myself really loving the USP series. Some people compare the ergonomics of the USP to those of a brick, but i find them to be incredibly comfortable guns to hold and shoot. They're pretty basic and utilitarian by today's standards, but they work! Speaking of working, I also find the USP and P-series HKs to be incredibly simple to work on. The simplicity of their design is comforting to me, as i am confident in my ability to make my own repairs (even though they've got a lifetime warranty, and i'll likely never need to fix anything). Modularity is also a huge draw for me to the USP series (and HK45 series, and for that matter the P-series to a lesser degree). By changing a few small parts, one can pretty easily change the trigger configuration. I believe there are nine different official trigger variants in the USP series, from DA/SA with or without decocker/safety, to DA only, and LEM variants. And within those official variants, one can change springs to get heavier or lighter trigger pulls, or mix and match parts to come up with things like the Match/LEM Hybrid, which is my personal favorite trigger in the USP. Best of all, it's all accomplished using factory HK parts, so the reliability and durability that was engineered into the system remains (so long as things are installed correctly). Then there's the long out of production P7 series, an all-steel striker fired marvel of engineering. My P7M8 is probably my favorite semiautomatic pistol ever.
My gateway drug was a Glock 31 (full size in 357SIG). I like Glocks, and carry a G19 probably more frequently than anything else. Is it the most comfortable pistol i own? Nope. Most accurate? Again, no. Bet shooting? Gotta say no again. But having cut my teeth shooting a Glock, and not knowing what i was missing with Sigs, HKs, et. al., i became pretty proficient shooting Glocks. The triggers aren't the worst things ever. In fact, i actually kind of like them for a number of reasons. All the triggers in all my Glocks are factory stock. And all my Glocks are completely stock, except i replaced the shitty plastic factory sights with night sights or 10-8 sights. Mags are cheap and plentiful, as are parts. Mine have all been 100% reliable, and are all ridiculously simple to work on.
For FN, i do own a Five-seveN and it's a hoot to go plinking with. It's fully capable of being a serious use weapon, but mine is strictly a range toy. This helps keeps costs down, as i don't have to stock as many mags or as much ammo as i would for a defensive weapon. I like the trigger, and find it to be a very comfortable and accurate pistol. My only other experience with FN was with a friends FNS-9, and that experience was fully "meh". It was a fine gun and it ran well. It just didn't do anything for me. Very similar to my experience with Kahr... And Kimber... And Ruger, with the exception of their Mark series .22s. Those are by far my favorite .22LR pistols to shoot.
Walther makes a great little gun in the PPQ. I've got the M1 version (with the paddle magazine release). It's a polymer striker fired gun, so nothing terribly remarkable about it except the trigger. I go back and forth between it and the VP9 for having the best trigger on a polymer striker fired pistol.
Springfield, well, like you said, F those guys. I've shot an XD, and it was accurate and easy shooting enough, but i HATE their shitty grip safety.
My only experience with S&W semiautos is my SD9VE and a Bodyguard 380. For what it is, it's a good little gun. i think i paid $289 for it brand new, and spent another $35 on an Apex spring kit to get that gawd-awful trigger under control. The trigger is still pretty mushy and vague, but it's been a good little shooter. As for the Bodyguard 380, it's a micro .380 so I didn't expect much from it. But for a micro pistol that i can literally carry in my pants (or shorts) pocket in any weather conditions or season, it really can't be beat. I do love S&W revolvers, however.
I like the Beretta 92 and will eventually buy one, but it's not super high on my priority list. I feel the same about the CZ-75. It's a nice gun and i enjoyed shooting it, and i'll eventually own one, but not a high priority. Add the Steyr M9A1 to that list as well.
I do have a soft spot for a quality 1911. I shot a friends Wilson Combat and pretty much fell in love with it. The only reason i haven't acquired one of my own is the staggering cost of them. Maybe someday...
Speaking of 1911s, i'm pretty excited for the Hudson H9. 1911 ergos and trigger feel, but striker fired. That it is an all-steel gun is very appealing to me as well. Hudson has finally shipped the first batch to distributors, so hopefully i'll be getting one in my hands very soon."It's time to start slapping people." - George Carlin
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24 October 2017, 06:41 #3
Polymer striker-fired pistols are where it's at. If you don't like Glock, don't worry - pretty much every manufacturer got tired of watching Glock take their LEO business away from them and came out with their own "interpretation" of a polymer striker-fired pistol. While the HK VP9 has tempted me, I really so no reason for me to drift away from the G19/G17. I do have an XD-S but that is only because I bought it before the G43 was on the market.
24 October 2017, 07:43 #4
FN, CZ and HK in that order. And a few specific model Sigs thrown in.
24 October 2017, 22:17 #5
For accuracy, ergos and just exquisite feel in the hand, the 1911 still rocks my world. My TRP, when it’s running right, does it all. But I don’t trust it’s reliability enough for EDC. My trusty HK VP9 feels great and is accurate enough to be my primary carry gun. I love shooting the CZ 75 and SP 01 and Sig P229/226 but they are too heavy and bulky for carry for me. Glocks? I have a couple and they are dependable, but just utilitarian, not passion inducing.
If I ever get around to selling enough other iron to afford it, a Guncrafters No Name government .45 will be my preferred for everything handgun.“ The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.” ― Hannah Arendt
25 October 2017, 06:18 #6GOST Guest
Currently my two favorite polymers are the M&P M2.0 Compact and the VP9SK. I own the the M&P and have shot the VP9SK. Love the M&P and will probably buy a VP9SK. I’ve shot a FN 509 and liked it, except for the mag release. It had to be pushed in farther than I like. I’ve also shot a G19 Gen 5, I liked the M2.0 Compact a lot better and about $100 cheaper at stores.
I’ve recently owned a SIG Legion SAO, Legion P229 and CZ Shadow 2. I have sold both of the Legions. I liked the SAO but didn’t care for the P229 as much. If they would make a Legion P229 SAO that would be nice. The Shadow 2 I like a lot better than both.
If I were buying another handgun now, it would probably be a VP9SK. I would also really like to try a Arsenal Stryk-B. Waiting to hear how BattleCock likes his.
31 October 2017, 04:27 #7
Never owned any HK’s, SIG’s,FN’s,or much out of the ordinary really, shot them a little but a broke ginger and never been able to drop much coin on anything I’ve really wanted.
Had a few expensive 1911’s and regret selling a few.
Just a few stock glocks I shoot, along with a few 1911’s which of the few the DW shoots better then anything I’ve owned.. but again never had or owned any signs,hk’s Etc..which I have a few I’d like to.
31 October 2017, 13:20 #8
I'm pretty much a 1911 fan boy (old fan boy). The only Sig I have is their Tac Ops TB. Having said that, I never picked up a (non 1911) Sig when I didn't say, "Man, this indexes perfect!". They just feel "right" in the hand. Would love to have a Legion P220 SAO. I have one Glock, a Gen 4 G21. Bought it from a LEO that said it only had one box through it; and it looked it. It already had many upgrades, and I bought it below MSRP for a base gun; just couldn't pass it up. Thinking about another Glock in their MOS line - just to have an RDS on one other than the Ruger 22/45. Just not sure if I want to drop the coin on the package - base gun / suppressor sights / trigger job / barrel for lead and can / Trijicon RMR etc.
My other plastics consist of a couple of 9mm Shields (one with a Business End Custom trigger job using factory parts), a 45 Shield, and I have an FDE 2.0 9mm M&P.
As to 1911 reliability ... (just my opinion, your mileage may vary) I have carried them for over 4 decades without hesitation as I have never had any issues with the ones I own. Built one just to say I did; the rest are a mixture of factory - Colt / Ed Brown / Les Baer / Sig / Ruger (Harrison complete makeover) / and yes ... a Para Ordnance P14-45
I also have a 20+ year old S&W Performance Center CQB in 45 (4506) - made back when their PC really put out good stuff. They may now, but I can't say from experience.
I also like wheel guns - dozen or so ... couple of Colts, a Ruger (Super Blackhawk circa 1970), the rest S&W.
But if it looked like rain, I would pull the Les Baer Premier-II and the LWRC 10.5" 6.8 SBR. I know I could count on both to do what they are supposed to.
Very interesting thread !NRA Benefactor Member
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"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."
John Wayne - "The Shootist"
31 October 2017, 13:39 #9
I have to say that I am with you on the 1911.
I only have one... and it's a Sig!LOL!!! That gun is just awesome. The fit and feel in my hand, the natural point, the trigger... it is one of my favorites.
This is the gun I have (although not in the two tone color)
I could drop a lot of coin on some good 1911's. My daily carry gun is a 938. I also have a 238 although I don't shoot it that often. I have about a thousand rounds for it (.380) so lately I have been plinking with it more. That one is the 'Scorpion' color scheme. All three of those are 1911 styled guns...
Over time I am going to collect more pistols though. Right now it's a matter of cash and employment stability. I just have to prioritize what I get.
I think my priority list now are to round out my suppressor collection (because it takes so damn long to get one through the system)
Finish my 10/22 build
Build or buy a nice really long range rifle (probably 6.5 CM) although now that 224 Valkyrie has my attention in some regards
Possibly a .308 bolt gun or AR10
Pistol wise I would like a .22 pistol, another 9mm suppressor host (although I can arguably live with a P226 and a CZ75B), and to get a couple of .45 ACP pistols that in theory could be suppressor hosts too (still need a .45 can)
I am interested in some striker fired pistols but at this point I am not really sure what that will be.
2 November 2017, 16:18 #10
I own or have owned numerous 1911's, including reworked from Wilson Combat and others. If, years ago, after I fired another persons G17, the first one I ever saw, that someone would have told me I'd ever own a "plastic" gun, I would have looked at you like you were nuts. Long story short, I ended up buying a few, usually selling them, because for the most part they were just too damned big for my hands, especially my G21. It seems that all European guns are made for monster sized hands.
The end of carrying $1500 to $2500 custom 1911's came after about the third or fourth time stepping into a "foot deep" hole in the local trout stream, only to find out that it was more like chest deep or more. Sliding down mud banks walking along creeks and rivers, and just basically anything slick or "mud" like. Not to mention soaking some very expensive leather holsters. Time to retire that stuff.
I do like the G19 and G23, but also fell in love with the M&P's. I found that swapping the triggers out for APEX FSS triggers gave me as close to a nicely tuned 1911 trigger as you can get from a polymer striker fired pistol. The down side of that, which doesn't apply to me, is that I can't imagine any LEO agency authorizing that trigger for duty carry, and many comp divisions don't allow mod of the trigger. I have the 9mm, .40, and the .45 ACP, all set-up pretty much the same, APEX FSS trigger and TFO sights, so they all feel pretty much the same when switching out one for another.
If I take another header into a creek/river/pond/mud bank., or scratch a Glock or M&P I don't fall to my knees and beg to the heavens and scream, ARRRRRRGH WHYYYYYY?????
Remaining 1911's and all leather holsters have been sold or retired. To this day I still want to thumb the safety down when I draw, guess that's with me for life.
FTNRA Life Member
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3 November 2017, 08:30 #11
3 November 2017, 09:33 #12
Well first and foremost, I'm a total whore for the Browning Hi-Power. I've owned many but currently have it whittled down to two that are very special to me. Thank you JMB!
CZ's are as addictive as crack. They can make a shooter out of the most unlikely of people. Weight, balance, low bore axis and accuracy are a few reasons I own multiple CZ's.
HK was the manufacturer of my first department issued gun, the HK USP 9mm. Then I bought a P30 and found the ergonomics absolutely dreamy. Like an extension of my own hand.
Glocks. I've owned, sold, modified, traded, shot and upgraded so many Glocks in 9mm an .45 that it would be remiss of me not to put them on this list.
4 November 2017, 06:04 #13
4 November 2017, 07:40 #14
XDM's and my Glock 17 Gen 4. For me, ergonomics help me initially choose the pistol. If it fits well in the hands and the controls are low profile I seem to shoot them well. I don't make a lot of changes to my pistols. On the Glock it has a heavy tungsten guide rod, night sights and I did some work to the internals on the trigger. Smoothed out the trigger safety as well. The XDM's have Powder river triggers, night sites and Xtreme grips. I have had zero issues with the Glock and XDM's. I run them all pretty hard, 500+ round training sessions are standard. I choose my pistols for durability as well, its a tool and it needs to work 100% of the time.
The best way to survive a violent encounter is to be the one inflicting the most violence.
4 November 2017, 17:31 #15
I've only owned a few pistols, and I am surer happy with my xDm. Aside from the double charge earlier this year, it's run very well for me. I only replaced my original one with a new threaded barrel version as it was cheaper to replace it rather than buying an aftermarket barrel. I started out shooting my Grandfathers service pistol, and really want to get a nice 1911, but only after I can afford such an endeavor. I've got a good friend who's built a few 1911s and they are very smooth operators. He's going to assist me with one when I get the parts. I've shot my brother's Beretta 92, and it's nice pistol, but I don't like the external trigger bar, as I shoot left handed and it feels funky with my grip.
Currently, I don't own any 9mm pistols, so I'm probably going to get a Glock gen 5, just don't know if it's going to be 19 or 17.