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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    On the bank of the Mighty Muskingum
    I'll admit, I took a chance on the SD-C, primarily because it just looks fucking cool in a go to hell rifle. Lo and behold, I was able to notice differences off the bat, with smoother and faster pull, compared to the SSA. IMO, you can only learn so much about triggers by reading. It's really after you make the jump to a premium trigger that you realize what all that gritty, mushiness is all about. Likewise, it's impossible to fully appreciate the wall, or a candy cane break until you spend some time with a good two stage (sure, you can easily feel it, but you see just how breathing control and light touch come into play). So, I'm glad I made the move into the super-badass trigger club, but I wouldn't know what I'm missing otherwise.

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
    There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!

  2. #17
    GOST Guest
    I prefer flat also. I had both a Legion SAO and a Legion P229, and it wasn’t close. I know part of it was due to it being single vs double. I also like the Overwatch TAC trigger in Glocks, but that also has to with it reducing the trigger reach.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    The Unfree State (MD)
    Flat triggers hands down make me shoot better. I love the CMC triggers. I Really need to get my hands on a Geissele SSP.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Just a short update for now...

    I got back home today (I've been gone for over 2 months) and installed the Armory Craft trigger on my P226.

    Short Review: HOLY SHIT THAT THING IS AWESOME!!!! I am telling you guys what, if you own a Sig you really need to look at these guys. Plus on top of that the customer service has been stellar. The new trigger gives the gun an entirely new feel to it.

    I bought the slightly curved trigger but I will buy a flat one too pretty soon. I will also buy a trigger for my 938.

    I am also thinking I might pimp a CZ75 too. Armory Craft has a lot of stuff for CZ as well.

    The new trigger for my P226 is awesome. It was kind of a mild (3 out of 10) pain in the ass to install but in the end it wasn't bad at all. Breaking down the gun and all that was not a problem. Watch a video on it and in 3 min it was all apart. Putting it back together was pretty easy too.

    The hardest part was actually where you have to 'custom fit' the trigger to your specific frame. It has two little hard plastic pins (the same material used for an AR upper and lower tensioning screw) that need to be adjusted. The over travel screw you just screw in and out with a small allen wrench and put a drop of blue loctite on it. The other one (the reset pin) actually requires some really gentle sanding with a small file. It didn't take a long time, maybe 20 minutes, but then again I was going super slow so I didn't over do it or scratch up the finish on my gun.

    Apparently the machining of Sigs isn't exactly uniform from gun to gun so you have to fit this particular part to the frame of your specific gun. Once it's done it's done and you never have to touch it again. Well worth the upgrade. Well worth the time.

    After it is all done though HOLY CRAP man! It's like I have a new gun. There is zero take up in double action. All that slop in the factory trigger is GONE. The over travel is also gone. In single action it's still a lot better too. By a whole lot. There is no side to side wobble. It's just great.

    Wow. Seriously. Sig owners... this is for you...

    This is the one I got (not my picture)

    Last edited by alamo5000; 17 January 2018 at 22:21.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    This looks awesome. Form and function. Lots of options there. Need to study out what I want. Lots of colors too.


  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I am thinking about an HBi flat trigger for my CZ p10c...

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