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Thread: G20 10mm....who else has them?
3 April 2018, 15:39 #16
Having had both, and you're not 100% sold that you want a 10mm, I'd consider the Glock. They seem to take the snappy, hard recoil in stride. The Colt, on the other hand, started sliding down hill, albeit it a little at a time, from the first 1000 + rounds. Thus the recommendation for using the shock buffers at the range. (Never use them in a SD pistol, and they can come apart and render your weapon useless, just in case you didn't already know that).
I sent my Delta Elite to Wilson Combat and spent a fortune on it, just to realize it just wasn't practical.
My Glock just kept on ticking and for what I paid for it, I didn't care all that much about wear. It was just really too big for my hands, and I just couldn't find a niche, other than just having fun with it, and it eventually got traded away for something, I don't really recall. The Colt is a safe queen, and has been for a while.
If you have average or larger hands the G20 might just make your day! If you reload, you'll like it even better.
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3 April 2018, 16:47 #17
I've got a gen 3 G20 currently and it's definitely my favorite/ most fun to shoot pistol. I wear XXL Mechanix gloves so the grip isn't bad at all. I was looking for the G20SF at the time, but found a deal on this one for $500 after tax. It's just made me kinda want the other two models Glock offers in the caliber. The G29 would be a nice ccw in winter when possible bad guys are wearing thicker clothes and the G40 MOS would be to eventually set up with an RMR and suppressor height sights as a more dedicated hunting rig. I've also considered just getting a Lonewulf long slide and have it milled to swap out with the factory G20 slide for that same purpose instead of the G40 MOS.
I tend to use it as a woods gun when at the camp hiking/mountain biking and hunting. Finished off a few feral hogs with it and was pretty impressed with the Sig elite jhp's performance. I've got some HPR 180gr loaded with Hornady XTP that are supposed to be a little warm at 1260fps I need to shoot some hogs with to see the difference. I've had a set of RCBS carbide dies for 40sw/10mm forever it seems that I plan to eventually handload for it with, just need more space to setup for reloading.
Thanks for all the information and pointers!!Last edited by JMJ; 4 April 2018 at 04:55.
3 April 2018, 19:07 #18
4 April 2018, 08:42 #19
Yeah I'm pretty well set with it, other than putting some better sights on it than the factory ones.
I think like most things in the firearms/shooting hobby I'm a victim of myself seeing something new and wanting it. I could easily get the G40's velocity/kE improvements by just getting a 6" drop in barrel for my G20 and calling it good.
I could see your decision to get rid of your G20 as being very rational if you don't hunt or need a back country protection piece for large animals.
I also have found it fun for distance shooting since it's such a flat shooting round compared to .40SW. I'll admit to not having much experience shooting 9mm pistols, so I'm not sure how the 9mm's trajectory at distances past 60m.
19 May 2018, 21:51 #20
You guys inspired me to get one.
20 May 2018, 09:34 #21
Regarding protection against bears and big cats, although I know a .40 will kill a big ass male lion, and the 10 mm would do it several steps farther away, I will have shat my drawers regardless of the stopping distance of said predator from reaching me and converting my wonderful sense of humor into bear shit (Big cat shit, etc..). When a big cat notices you, it stops, looks you over, makes some calculations and then heads your direction, speeding up as it gets closer. Kind of unsettling! :D
I want one of these because "Fuck you; that's why!"
There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
20 May 2018, 11:39 #22
Speaking of big cats, there was just a Cougar Mauling 2 people out here yesterday. One died.
I live in an area where all the trails have Bear warnings, pretty much my reasoning for needing a 10mm in my life.
20 May 2018, 12:12 #23
Your state, bubba! Lock-n-load!
There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
20 May 2018, 12:16 #24
10 out of 10 Trauma Surgeons agree! Real life bullet tracks are nothing like those shown by ballistic gelatin. In fact, most research on gun fights show it takes multiple strikes if you aren't hitting the magic button on the first shot. Most abdominal gsw's are survived without lasting complications. Center mass is where its at.
There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
20 May 2018, 13:07 #25
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31 May 2018, 11:13 #26
26 September 2022, 21:31 #27
I finally decided on some aftermarket irons last year, went with Ameriglo I-dots. Since I last posted in this thread this G20’s become my “do all” pistol, it got added to my ccw rotation and the rest is history. I started thinking why not carry the G20 over the G22/17 since it’s not that much bigger. This’s pretty much cured me of wanting a G29, I still wouldn’t mind having a G40 but honestly I’m not sure it’d yield enough gains to warrant the size difference.
26 September 2022, 22:10 #28
I've been shooting my M&P 10mm more than my Glock 20. I don't shoot a whole lot of 10mm in the first place because of ammo considerations, but the M&P in my mind has overtaken the Glock, simply because the trigger is slightly better out of the box, and I can throw an optic on it.
I am however, considering a G29, just because I'm wondering if it's any better to carry on those trail walks with the wife vs the M&P. May just get one to round out the collection.
27 September 2022, 04:38 #29
I haven’t gotten to check out a M&P 10mm yet, but all I’ve heard were great things about it. I’m with you on not shooting a whole lot of 10mm for the same reason.
Can’t hurt to add another 10 to the stable.