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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by FortTom View Post
    Yeah, I almost bit my tongue when I read that. I wanted to post what the "WE" shit meant. Did he/she have a mouse in his pocket or something?
    I chalk it up to language barrier---for now.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by swiss student View Post
    First of all thank you for your answer.
    I study in Geneva but I live in France, just on the border with Switzerland, indeed the rents are too expensive in Geneva for a student, but my parents lives in Geneva. When my studies are finished I'll be living in Geneva. I have Swiss nationality so I will have to do the army just after my studies because the army in Switzerland is mandatory for all men, when you finish the army in switzerland you have the right to redeem the assault rifle that you used during your class, like my uncle who has his assault rifle at his house. Switzerland is one of the most heavily armed countries in the world in proportion to its population, despite this Swiss arsenal, killings like the one in Las Vegas are extremely rare, so I would like to understand why there are so many deaths because of weapons in the united states compared to swiss even if the weapon culture in Switzerland, whose vectors are history, tradition, shooting companies and the militia army, is fundamentally different from that of the United States.
    Thank you Stone for your answer, I will take the time to analyze all your arguments even if it takes a lot of time because of the language.
    One last thing in switzerland we speak, according to the regions: french, german, italian. Most Swiss speak German but in Geneva we speak French so if someone speaks French it does not matter to me he can answer me in French.
    Still sorry for my faults in English I do not yet fully master the language.

    where I live :
    my uncle's assault rifle :
    There is actually a very easy answer to this question but I have to answer it in 2 parts.

    1. There are pretty much 3 factions of people in this country when it comes to guns and firearms. There are the gun owners and those that are pro gun and pro 2nd amendment, those that are completely anti gun, and those that are indifferent. The problem in our country is that the anti gun message is amplified buy our media (anti gun) and politicians (the democrat party is extremely anti gun). They are simply louder and make more noise. They have convinced those that are anti gun and those that are indifferent that guns are inherently dangerous and that simply the sight of a gun is bad. Therefore, things like gun safety are no longer taught in the USA in a large and meaningful way. 60 years ago kids were taught proper gun safety in schools. Now they are taught as taboo.

    2. In your country they teach every single adult male the proper and safe use of a firearm. That mentality is ingrained into your culture. While firearm ownership in our country is part of our culture via our constitution, there is a very large group of people here that view firearms as taboo. If you don't teach your kids proper gun safety and usage, how would you expect one to react when they come into contact with a loaded weapon?

    While the left wing in this country continues to demonize gun ownership and gun owners as "crazy gun nuts" they are actually perpetuating the problem. Proper education is the key, but instead of teaching, they just ignore the actual problem and blame the citizens.

    Just another thought to add. You also have to take into account our population and adjust for that. We have over 319 million people in our country. I am not sure of the population of Switzerland, but I am sure that our population dwarfs that of your nation.

    Also, mass shootings are not a uniquely American problem. In France, over 100 people were killed at a Concert (private ownership of guns is essentially banned). There was that incident in Norway about a decade back that shot up all those kids (private ownership of guns is highly regulated). Just last year that Ariana Grande concert (somewhere in Europe...can't remember where) was suicide bombed (proving you don't need a gun to murder lots and lots of people).
    Last edited by rxer311; 7 January 2019 at 13:36.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    N. KY
    Hey Swede, Mexico averages over 100 gun deaths a day. They have one, yes (1) gun store in the whole country. Buying one there, from the one gun store, damn near impossible, unless you have the right friends in the right places. So, availability is not an issue, their criminal element can get anything they want. Go dig your info from places where gun violence is massive and daily. You'll find a bunch of those, if you do your homework. As for me, I don't trust your motives as far as I can throw them. That is MY opinion, not the opinion of WEVO, it's owners, admins and moderators. or other members here.

    NRA Life Member
    Basket full of Deplorables Life Member

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    On the bank of the Mighty Muskingum
    I'll take a shot. []

    1) Q: Why did you buy a weapon?

    A: As previously stated, I didn't buy a weapon; I have purchased tools that others choose to view as weapons because that's the only context they know to align firearms with. I employ my tools in a number of ways, mainly for recreation and hunting, but also for self-defense against predator animals and predatory humans. With respect to self-defense; being armed and at least moderately well-trained in the use of a firearms gives one peace of mind over being unarmed in a society that now features home invasions, drug abusers, and mass killers. Otherwise, in a Utopian existence, I would love to only think I own my firearms for fun and food.

    2) Q: Where did you get the passion for weapons?

    A: As a child, we all had some type of firearm; be it a BB gun as younger children (I got a BB rifle when I was 10; quite a bit older than the other kids). As a child, you go from admiring other kids guns to finally getting one of your own. There is adult supervision and mentoring in the shooting sports family and scouting (at least for me, it was that way). From there, it's a .22 cal rifle and more varmint plinking (Shooting). That spark lit a lifelong passion for shooting sports, self-defense training and hunting.

    3) Q: How would you describe the relationship between guns and americans?

    A: I wouldn't say that guns define me; I like to be quite dialectical and varied in my pursuits. I can only speak for myself. See, that's a problem with others: they like to paint large groups with broad brushes.

    4) Q: Should everyone have the right to buy a weapon in your opinion?

    A: If a person is of sound mind and has a clean criminal record, they absolutely should. We as a community aren't against known threats having their right to own firearms taken away, we disagree on how that is determined. Some in politics think it's wise to withhold the benefits of veterans unless they surrender their firearms. That is not freedom, nor is intrusive Government.

    5) Q: Is there a link between the number of weapons in circulation and mass killings, murder?

    A: No. Killers don't tend to be collectors, or have a large number of firearms specialized to competition, hunting, etc. A person with evil intentions only needs one weapon, be it a gun, a knife, a shovel, an axe, etc.

    6) Q: Should we toughen the law on weapons in the USA?

    A: No, "we" should toughen the penalty for gun-related crime, get tough on gang activity, drugs, theft involving weapons, human trafficking, and all other violent crime, along with taking a more proactive and treatment-based approach to mental health; instead of throwing medication at people, place them in programs that deal with their problems instead of painting over them with the fog of brain poison. Genuinely crazy people should be in institutions; they are currently in a corrections system that doesn't have the ability to address their problems, so they clog our jails and return like clock-work. Re-open the State Mental Facilities that were closed in the 60's and 70's, lock them up, use their welfare and jail money to fund the program and run them through a long term (1-2 years minimum) treatment program and halfway house-supervised/incremental release system that objectively assesses progress rather than just releasing them back into society. That takes care of crazy people and future mass killers and we will realize the benefits immediately, as well as in the long term!
    Last edited by Joelski; 7 January 2019 at 14:16.
    There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    The Swiss... hand wringers of the world. Happy to launder your ill gotten cash, but hey we're neutral!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    On the bank of the Mighty Muskingum
    PS: When asked why I wanted CLEO signature for my SBR app, I told the Sheriff "Because it's fucking cool, and I want one!".
    There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    The more I think about it, I have no good feelings about the intent of the OP, even if he's a Swiss national. All I can see from this is Americans and their crazy love of guns, shooting everyone narrative.

    OP, if you want to discuss actual firearms, great, otherwise we're not the forum to do your term paper.

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