Results 16 to 28 of 28
15 April 2019, 13:53 #16
I just went to my local way overpriced gun shop and window shopped.
Here are my findings.
P10C- Very nice gun. Definitely a very strong contender.
Glock 43x and Glock 48. Both very strong contenders.
Since I am more than likely going to trade or sell off the Sig 238 I might wind up with both.
What is the opinion of the masses on the 43x and 48? How much after market support is there for those guns? [note I am specifically talking about triggers]
The guy at the shop said the Glock 48 and the Glock 19 are pretty much the same gun so my question would be would after market 19 parts (like triggers) work in that 48?
Please tell me what you know about the 43x and the 48. I have my initial thoughts but I am withholding any conclusions until I hear from the Glock crowd.
15 April 2019, 14:22 #17
Apparently Apex says they have after market triggers. I am not familiar with Apex.
Any thoughts? Anything better?
15 April 2019, 15:10 #18
Another thing to ask about and comment about... sights. Any suggestion for good sights. I don't handle a lot of Glocks but the sights seemed very shitty to me.
15 April 2019, 15:20 #19
Apex is good to go. Get the carry version unless this is going to be a range toy. Triggers are a black or white deal with striker guns. You either get something a gnat can discharge, or a fire in anger type action, especially with the NY shit Glock has. I personally don't have a need for a pull less than 5 lbs, as I'm not shooting precision with a pistol, and I want a positive feel. I had a 3# ghost connector and light springs in my 17 and it would ND just thinking about pulling the trigger.
A LOT of people say that there is a difference between dry firing and live fire with the 48. Comments I've seen recently amount to what's a so-so trigger when dry firing, but under live fire, it was a great gun. I don't know, and I don't know if I'll find out. I got my 19 and will be branching into more H&K next. I am after a P30SK for my next compact gun. I love my P30 better than any of my other pistols and Gray Guns can make them as good as anything you can buy this side of an upscale 1911. I liked the VP until I saw the back of it. That loaded chamber indicator is retarded. Why, oh why are so many great makers doing that one thing that ruins the whole damn thing? It's like that sperm squiggly beaver tail on the Q5 Walther.There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
15 April 2019, 15:21 #20
15 April 2019, 16:56 #21
I use Night Fision and Trijicons.
15 April 2019, 16:57 #22
Apparently shitty sights are common to Glock because so far no one has argued with me.
15 April 2019, 17:09 #23
15 April 2019, 17:51 #24
I am thinking I will trade off my .380 and buy both the P10C and the 43x.
If I decide to do that I need to figure out how much the upgrades will be.
For the P10C it's about $60 for the after market trigger and about $230 for a threaded barrel, so an extra say $300 for the P10C, which I could do both or either or later if I wanted to. The barrel could wait. It's primary role would be a carry gun or I could get the threaded one with suppressor sights on it already and have it's primary role be suppressor host.
For the Glock I would definitely swap out sights and probably the trigger. I am guessing about maybe an extra $200?
I am going to sleep on it and see what I come up with.
15 April 2019, 18:51 #25
I was at the LGS last week and played with the 43x, G48 and the G45. Out of those three I really like the G45. The other two are pocket pistols. The G45 felt good in the hand and besides that God awful trigger shoe safety it had an all around great feel to it. IMO, its the trigger shoe that sucks on glocks. You can hand polish the parts, throw in a Ghost connector and a Kineti tech trigger shoe and polished bar for about $90. Take a look at the Warren Tactical straight eight sights.
Last edited by Stone; 15 April 2019 at 19:01.
The best way to survive a violent encounter is to be the one inflicting the most violence.
15 April 2019, 20:33 #26
I didn't think to ask about a G45 because I don't know anything about Glocks.
I have a little while before I can actually make the purchase...(I spent a good bundle putting together my newest SBR lower) but in say a month or so I would be comfortable buying at least one, maybe two pistols. The thing is I really like to do my homework before I buy stuff.
Most of my conceal carry is done with 'get off me guns'. Maybe not true pocket pistols but not full size either. Just my particular habits.... I wear shorts and sandals whenever possible and I try not pick any fights or even wander into one. It would be nice to carry more rounds but I want to balance that out with the fact that I am not going to be carrying a combat load down to the Circle K. Being sort of pocket pistol (ish) is kind of the point.
I really wish there was some place I could go and try out all the different carrying styles and holsters and guns but for now I am appendix carrying after years of carrying at 4:30. I just don't have the budget to try out every holster type on the planet. If the gun is not comfortable (within reason of carrying) I probably won't carry it on my body. So basically small and comfortable, within reason is good.
As far as the triggers go, I will probably just have to get a consensus about the best options and just buy one or two and try it, that is once I actually purchase another gun or two. I personally hate buying stuff that I haven't tried. That applies to many things. Just rolling the dice isn't my strong suit. This genuinely is one reason among many why WEVO is valuable as gold. So many people here who have tried stuff and will give you the unvarnished reality of things.
One of the reasons I am looking for an additional carry gun is multi fold. There are times when I don't wear sandals and shorts and hence I can carry (comfortably) a bigger handgun or even outside the waist band. Also on a pure function level just drawing and shooting without manually manipulating a safety is kind of nice. The gun I have now has a safety on it but I have practiced so much that taking that safety off is second nature. If I was on a shot timer I might be a fraction of a second slower on my first shot but all things being equal I would like to think I would hit with it simply because I can point and shoot it out of second nature. Other than that I need to take a class or like four to up my self defense tactics and skills outside of just pure shooting for fun or worrying about hardware.
On that note I do think striker fired pistols are in many ways superior for CC hence I am on the search for something that can check a few more boxes that I can practice with. Plus one can never have too many guns [nor too much ammo].
16 April 2019, 07:07 #27
Not a ton of options out there for them, but S&W has come out with a new Performance Center version of the Shield 2.0. Has the same grip and capacity, but with a 4 inch barrel instead of the 3.0. Coming from Smith's PC, it shouldn't require much in the way of customization. Choice of irons only, or factory 4 MOA RDS. I'm giving the irons only .45 version a hard look. I have a Shield 45 and a box full of magazines. Think it might be a good carry piece.
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17 April 2019, 01:03 #28
If you get a p10c the first move I’d make is the trigger, it’s excellent but the stock safety tang is a pincher after some rds.
There’s a few other places that sell them, also mags are more about $33 and up.