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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    N. KY

    Latest acquisition HK

    Any other HK folks here? I don't know why I didn't do this years ago. Probably because most German made guns are to big for my hands. I bought a used but VGC HK USP 40 Compact. I didn't know how I would really feel about a SA/DA with a de-cocker and the strange (to me) position of the mag release. What I found after some time at the range, everything felt completely intuitive and natural. It's fits my hand perfectly, about the same size as a G19.

    It is quickly becoming my favorite handgun and I wish I could find one in 9mm. The cop I bought it from says he'll keep an eye out for one. I was worried that I paid too much, but when I saw all over the 'net, how much people were asking for theirs, I got a great deal. Gun came with 3 mags, I ordered three more HK 12 round mags. HK and it's aftermarket parts stores are very proud of their parts, though, I paid $37 each. Kind of high. Felt like I got bent over on that one.

    Last edited by FortTom; 18 April 2019 at 18:31.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I used to be big into USP's, but mine have been shot very little the last 5-6 years, as I've migrated more to striker fired guns. I think I still have 5 USP's all compacts, and a P2000, which was a slight update to the USP that you might want to look at.

    Mags have always been in the 35-45 range.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by UWone77 View Post
    I used to be big into USP's, but mine have been shot very little the last 5-6 years, as I've migrated more to striker fired guns. I think I still have 5 USP's all compacts, and a P2000, which was a slight update to the USP that you might want to look at.

    Mags have always been in the 35-45 range.
    I'm doing the opposite, and moving away from striker fired pistols, without an external safety. "Keep your finger off the trigger" is not a safety. It's saftey policy every one should practice but I've recently come to the realization that no matter how skilled one might be, that would not hold up in court, if you accidently shot someone. I'm not sure this is truth or fiction, but I've read many times that Gaston Glock himself claimed the trigger "button" was not a safety, but a device to keep the thing from firing in case it was dropped. I've also read Glock was not a "gun guy" just a very talented designer. Anyway no sense in arguing the point, I think it's been debated enough since the 80's.

    Funny thing is, I've been shooting 1911's ever since I shot my first one circa 1975-early 76. To this day, my thumb still goes to the safety "position" where a safety on a 1911 would be if the firearm had one. I've still got a few glocks, and an M&P 9mm with an external safety. So it's very natural for me to place my thumb on the safety of the HK. I might just let the Glocks find a new home, or maybe just keep them for SHTF situations, given the availability of parts and the ability to do anything to them without much more than a couple of punches and a muti-tool.

    Last edited by FortTom; 19 April 2019 at 11:20.
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  4. #4
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    I'm with Tom on this one...I've carried a Glock in one form and/or caliber or another for 20 years now. They're very simple, and I appreciated that when trying to teach people - no decockers to remember, same trigger pull every time, etc.

    But the Sig P320 with it's multiple frame/grip sizes, availability of a manual safety, and better ergonomics for me than any of my Glocks, has pretty much convinced me to switch. And I realize this may not apply to most folks but I'm not a big fan of level 3 security holsters. I've used an 070 and the SLS/ALS combos from Safariland and while I was proficient and easily qualified with them, I prefer the simplicity and speed of the ALS system by itself. Having said that (with the obvious caveat of practicing good weapon retention techniques), I like the thought of having a manual safety on my pistol just in case of an "oh shit" where I lose control of the weapon. They're even gonna be releasing the little P365 with a manual safety in about a month.

    Sig mags are overpriced also. I think I paid almost 1.75 times for a 17-round P320 mag as I did for a G17 mag.

  5. #5
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    If you want to run it like cocked-and-locked, the detent plate to remove the decocker function is cheap ( and incredibly easy to install. The LEM system is fairly different, but something to consider, should you go down that route.

    The USP Compacts are compatible with the magazines for the P2000, P30, and VP series, although overinsertion is possible with these. This also means the aftermarket extensions are compatible with the USP Compact magazines.

    Milling them for an RDS is not easy, but is possible.

  6. #6
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    PJ, I've got a Safariland ALS for my HK. very simple and after drawing at home about a zillion times, it becomes very natural. Although I carry my 1911's cocked and locked, mostly because they are SA only, and I've been shooting them so long, I feel confident with them. Most of my shooting friends are prior or retired military or cops or both. Others have some serious credentials from some of the training seminars they've got to their credit. So I don't feel threatened being around a bunch of striker fired Glock, Sig, HK, Springer or other SF'd weapons. And I don't have anything against them, like I mentioned I still have several hanging around

    I just think my firearms ideas are evolving, for better or for worse.

    Last edited by FortTom; 18 April 2019 at 23:46.
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  7. #7
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    I had that same epiphany with my P30L. I had a USP 45c in the past and liked it for all the same reasons, but the grip on the P series is just slightly different enough that it melts into my hand. I can eject mags like no button system can hope to match - my single biggest problem with double stack pistols, and even some singles is having to go off-target, and manipulating the weapon to get the mag to eject.
    There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joelski View Post
    I had that same epiphany with my P30L. I had a USP 45c in the past and liked it for all the same reasons, but the grip on the P series is just slightly different enough that it melts into my hand. I can eject mags like no button system can hope to match - my single biggest problem with double stack pistols, and even some singles is having to go off-target, and manipulating the weapon to get the mag to eject.

    I haven't had any problems with the .40c as far as an empty mag release, they just drop out like they're supposed to. If I can't find another decent USP 9mm, I want to take a look at the P30's. I'll keep that in the back of my mind.

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  9. #9
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    Gave up on a 9mm USPc, and traded for a like new 9mm FS. Believe it or not I traded him a Glock 19 9mm with a KKM barrel and a TRL6 Laser/Light combo. He said his dad had passed and left him a bunch of guns, so I wasn't surprised to see that it looked to be brand new. He was happy, so I didn't feel guilty.

    Found a guy with a V.1 and he wanted a LEM. So he stripped all of the parts out of his V.1 and I took it to the 'smith, and will have a "V.1" and send him the parts back for him to convert to a LEM. FS still conceals well, so I'm in no hurry for a 9C, I'll just bide my time and find one when I do. Might take a look at the P2000 like UW suggested. All anyone around here has in stock is the "V" series.

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