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29 October 2019, 14:04 #1
Craig Spegel grips for the S&W 625
I've seen pictures and read about Craig Spegel grips since I was in High School in the 80's. They have long been some of the most sought after handmade grips available. It always seemed like the gunzine writers had the hookups, and could get the most beautiful wood grips for their Wayne Novak Hi Powers, or a S&W revolver that was slicked up by Cylinder & Slide. Right now it's a two year waitist for revolver grips from his website.
Thank God for eBay! I've been searching for a while for some Craig Spegel j frame boot grips, and fortunately it flagged these beautiful round butt N frame pair. There are some very tiny handling marks, but overall they are in great shape. They really dress this thing up!
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29 October 2019, 21:38 #2
Damn those are sweet looking!