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  1. #46
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by BoilerUp View Post
    Alamo, are you running the Griffin barrel and micro comp on your 365XL? I got that set up from a DVOR sale and gave it a spin today (365XL with Romeo 0). It wouldn't feed reliability, presumable because it dampens recoil enough to cause it to "short stroke", so I think I'd need a lighter recoil spring. I'm curious if anyone else has had that experience with the Griffin Micro Comps or similar setups.
    I tried it out but that barrel isn't part of my EDC primarily because of the holster situation. That being I don't want to buy yet another holster. But who knows. I might buy one just because but it's not a priority.

    I still have the barrel and comp though. I never had a single issue with it in mine. Not anything that I can recall at least. I can drop the barrel in and shoot it again tomorrow and I am pretty sure it will run just fine.

    Traditionally with a carry gun they usually are the least shot pistols, at least for me. But with my XL it's not that way at all. It's a much more shootable gun, even for fun 'range trips' (which for me consists of getting slightly off the back porch). That said I did some 'custom work' to my pistol. I changed out the trigger and some other springs and such as well as adding an optic, etc. I think it's way better than just off the rack, especially the trigger upgrade that I did.

    I say all that to say I didn't just shoot a mag or two through my pistol and call it good. I shot no less than probably 2,000 rounds through it just to confirm everything just during that time frame alone, and that included the Griffin barrel and comp. I probably shot no less than 500 rounds with the comp and didn't have any problem that I can recall. I would shoot a few mags with the regular barrel and then swap it to the Griffin one and shoot a few mags, just to see what the big deal was about comps. I did that across multiple days and I don't think I had a single issue with the gun or anything.

    (Yes I can definitively say that comps are effective BTW)

    Can I ask what type/grain of ammo you were shooting? If it were me I would think that might have something to do with it. I don't have any 115 grain at all. I have only ever ran 124 grain through my 365XL. I pretty much try to make my practice ammo mimic my target ammo, but who knows.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    interesting, thanks. I was shooting Geco 124gr.

    Edit: I'll take it back out and run some Speer Gold Dot and see what it does with the ammo that matters.
    Last edited by BoilerUp; 18 May 2022 at 07:41.

  3. #48
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    Sep 2014
    I have been trying out various things on my carry gun (365XL). Basically I wanted to update what has been done so far and my general impression of the changes.

    In no order:

    1. A long time ago I swapped the stock trigger out for a Grayguns flat, adjustable trigger. While doing this I also replaced the springs with a set from MCarbo. I know that changing ANYTHING on the guts of especially a carry gun is a big risk. That said, it was a great improvement. I also have at least 2-3K rounds on it since that upgrade, and maybe more. Needless to say it's been reliable, but also a big improvement. I think I had two stoppages in that entire time and both were definitely ammo related (IE solid primer strike but no bang).

    Installing the trigger and especially the springs was probably a 6/10 on the difficulty scale. In other words it was a moderate pain in the ass but not horrible by any means.

    2. Quite a while ago I bought a threaded Griffin barrel for the 365XL that included the micro comp. I tested it and liked it, but I didn't have a holster for it at the time so I put it aside with the intent to revisit it at a later date. That later date got here and I can say with certainty that it is far superior to the factory barrel. I don't really measure groups for handguns especially, but the difference between the factory barrel and that one was huge. Same day, same shooter, same ammo, multiple tests and re-tests and it was like 1/3 or less the 'group size' at 15 yards. Honestly I was starting to think that either I was not 'as good of a shot' with that gun...but a heads up, side by side comparison gave me massively different results. Also having a comp is just a bonus. It does work. I was skeptical at first about comps in general, but I tested the comp aspect repeatedly over time and yes it works and I am liking it more and more. Also with the Griffin barrel I have had 100% reliability with various ammo including Federal 124gr HST.

    Side note, this also allows me to shoot suppressed if I want to. The other day I went to just see if it would work as a suppressor host and it worked great. Not that I will shoot that pistol all the time with a suppressor, but it's definitely nice to have options. Plus if I want to plink around in the back yard I can get a lot more trigger time on that gun, which is a good thing.

    3. When I first got my 365XL there was quite a learning curve. Getting used to the gun--and a red dot-- took time and effort. One thing that I didn't like about the gun though was the grip was TOO skinny. I solved that problem using a Hogue grip sleeve. It was a big improvement and helped a lot. Flash forward and I was hearing about after market grip modules and particularly the one from Wilson Combat.

    Long story short--this is one thing that is hands down a 10/10. Absolutely get a Wilson Combat grip module. The texture onto simply everything about it is just about perfect. This grip module also has the option to add some tungsten weights in the grip portion. I bought my set from Armory Craft. I can't say one way or another about the weights yet, but overall they do seem to help in a subtle kind of way. If I decide I don't want them I can always take them out, but I don't think it will happen.

    4. When I was buying the grip module and tungsten weights I threw and extended mag release in the cart too. I was just curious about it so why not try? Anyway this is actually a surprisingly good upgrade. It's not some ridiculously oversized mag release, but it really does feel better and aid in better gun manipulations. The one I got is textured, but also taller. I would recommend that as well. It was quite surprising that one little part made that kind of impression on me.

    5. The next thing I did was swap my Holosun 507K-X2 over to a different gun and replaced it with the new EPS Carry from Holosun. At least to me there were never any problems with the 507K-X2, with the exception of over time it does get dirtier especially on the inside of the lens. Overall I am glad I switched.

    6. I ran a Surefire XSC since they were pretty much introduced, but after trying the Sig specific option from Streamlight I switched. I never had a problem with the Surefire, but I like the Streamlight better for a few reasons, including I like that the battery isn't some proprietary thing. One 'issue' that did irritate me about the Surefire is if you just plug the battery into the light it will have battery drain in not a long time even if you are not using the light. Those CR123 batteries just have a lot more juice and they last quite a long time. There are some other things I like better too.

    Anyway I got a new holster (again), but I guess it's worth it because I am more than pleased with what I am running as a package.
    Last edited by alamo5000; 16 February 2023 at 01:34.

  4. #49
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    Sep 2014
    I did one more upgrade... I installed a Titanium Striker.

    It actually made a difference. The trigger pull and break is now even better.

    The logic behind this isn't for anything like overall weight saving or whatever. That said the Titanium Striker is according to the manufacturer 35% lighter than the factory striker. With that in mind, the general concept is to gain 'striker velocity' and thus eliminate light primer strikes while being able to use a lighter striker spring and still maintaining maximum reliability.

    Without getting off into the weeds too much, the standard trigger pull on a stock 365XL is 'ok' but it can be improved upon quite a lot. It's somewhere around 6-7ish pounds and is sort of mushy. The spring kit mentioned above did a substantial amount to help the overall trigger pull. The striker has improved upon this a lot.

    Right now a rough estimate is it breaks around 4ish pounds and its substantially less mushy and has a much more crisp break. The totality of my upgrades surrounding this (the trigger itself, the spring kit, and now the Titanium Striker) are an excellent combination.

  5. #50
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    Feb 2023
    My first optics gun bought for the intention of adding a red dot was the G45 MOS. Mounted to an FCD MOS plate for the RMR, it was very, very hard for me to miss once sighted in. I've since replaced the RMR Type 2 6.5 with an Aimpoint ACRO P2.

    I liked the red dot on top of my G45 so much that I sold my G43X and replaced with a G43X MOS and have added the RMRcc to it. I'm now a fan. I want to red dot all of my pistols now. Just not my Sigs or 1911. Probably going to do my G17 Gen 5 with an MOS cut by Battlewerx next or my VP9 with a factory OR slide from HK.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRifleman View Post
    My first optics gun bought for the intention of adding a red dot was the G45 MOS. Mounted to an FCD MOS plate for the RMR, it was very, very hard for me to miss once sighted in. I've since replaced the RMR Type 2 6.5 with an Aimpoint ACRO P2.

    I liked the red dot on top of my G45 so much that I sold my G43X and replaced with a G43X MOS and have added the RMRcc to it. I'm now a fan. I want to red dot all of my pistols now. Just not my Sigs or 1911. Probably going to do my G17 Gen 5 with an MOS cut by Battlewerx next or my VP9 with a factory OR slide from HK.
    I think I'm getting there, too. Put the RMR on a G19 Gen5 MOS and love it. Now looking at upgrading the rest. I think I'll stick with RMR, although I put an SRO on a 34/long slide build that's just a range toy but tons of fun

  7. #52
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    Sep 2014
    Recently I purchased several of the upgraded pistol levers from Armory Craft.

    The specific ones I got for three of my pistols are listed below.

    I got a Type II enhanced takedown lever for my P226. It's basically like a "gas pedal" design. I understand that "gas pedal" is a trademark name, but in general they give your thumb(s) a place to sit while shooting.

    I also got one for my P322.

    For my 365XL I got the enhanced slide release and takedown lever. Those stick out a little bit more than the OEM ones, they have a much better shelf and much better texture. None of that interferes with the holster at all.

    I got them installed and took all three shooting. As a first impression-- I really like all of them. They genuinely are worth every penny.

    I think all are worthy of installing but the biggest improvement6 award goes to the 365XL. Not only do they help with "shoot ability" but also for the regular manipulations it's a night and day difference vs the OEM versions. For me it's not even close.

    The other two pistols are still better than they were before but just not as drastic as the 365XL.

    My first impressions of all of the additions are great. If you are looking for something like that I definitely would recommend any of them.

  8. #53
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    I might take a look at the one for the 365 if it's not too wide. Got any pics of it installed? Thanks,
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  9. #54
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    My laptop died a few months ago so I'm doing everything on my phone or tablet. I have not taken pictures of mine yet, but I did try to steal some pictures from the Armory Craft website.

    I think they are about 2mm wider than the stock levers. They are also about 2.5mm longer (I think). Sounds like it's a small difference but it's significantly better in my opinion.

    I have their mag release, slide release, and takedown lever on my 365XL. All of them are definitely excellent.
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  10. #55
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    N. KY
    Cool, will have to put them on my Santa wish list. Hard to install? I ask that because mine seem much harder to work on than my Glocks. Thanks for the pics.
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  11. #56
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    It's a pain in the ass to be honest. That said, now after I had mine apart again, it's not horrible.

    Now, I could take it apart, and install everything and put it back together in around 15 minutes.

    The first time it will take longer. If you decide to do it hit me up before you start taking everything apart.

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