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Thread: Decent 1911's

  1. #16
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    On the bank of the Mighty Muskingum
    What option did you land on, Rich? Honestly, I can't picture you not rocking at least a mid-range gun. Hell, the new boutique makes have pushed WC, Baer and Nighthawk down into the new midrange, although their prices haven't changed. Shit sakes! What a rabbit hole. Although I am in absolutely no danger of owning a Yost, or a gun made by the renowned Mr. Burton, I still hope to one day get a 1911 made by Wilson or Nighthawk. Those guns can be found used for around 2k or new for 6k+. Now the newer guys like Alchemy, Atlas and Cabot (eek!) are selling guns in the range approaching the world's best full house custom builds. Speaking of, I know where you can score an Heirloom for 13.5k; it's dropped $1,500 in the past couple weeks its been up. That guys book is 3-4 years out if you order today.

    All that said, I wanted to move up after completely de-miming my Kimber. I watched and waited. It's all about the patience with this secondary market. Plus, thanks to FJB, it's a buyer's market. Ammo is almost back to pre-pandemic prices and is plentiful (In spite of the govt trying to put the fucks to our supply). and guns can be had right if you watch. I'm not married to the idea of brand new; some people get off on that, but in this market, you can double or triple your money on the secondary market.

    Like Freak said: DW all day long. To me, above that price is status in owning a name on the side of the gun. I can't think of anything those other guys offer that doesn't come stock on a DW.
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  2. #17
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    I ended up with 3 Nighthawks, but 2 are double stacks, so they're more like 2011's. I've actually enjoyed shooting my 2011 Staccato's more than any 1911, granted my experience with 1911's is still at novice level.

  3. #18
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    Diggin’ this one.

    No love for the V-Bob? I figured Jerry would comment. All but stole this one. It made the rounds of a couple of regulars on another forum and I learned it visited NHC for the smoke job and got a detailed trigger job on the way to getting the flattie. I've put 100 FMJ and 50 HST's through it with no errors on it's part. It came with Milt Sparks pants, too. I made a heck of a right place/right time score for this one. At this trajectory, my next pistol will be a Wilson, Nighthawk or an Alchemy. ACW has the best roll stamp in the industry IMO. I love that font.
    Last edited by Joelski; 2 December 2023 at 20:29.
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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by UWone77 View Post
    I ended up with 3 Nighthawks, but 2 are double stacks, so they're more like 2011's. I've actually enjoyed shooting my 2011 Staccato's more than any 1911, granted my experience with 1911's is still at novice level.
    The trigger is a big part of the magic with these guns and that comes with the 2011’s too.
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  5. #20
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    For a railed gun, the TRP is hard to beat. CZ/Colt is nonexistent, a viable alternative would be a DW Pointman (they come in 9, or .45), or Specialist (Same offering). Sadly, Tisas is making a mockery of the sub-1k 1911 market by offering a decent weapon with decent parts, no fewer sharp edges than the new Colt Series 70 LE, and they have railed models. The Tisas is similar to the SA Mil-Spec in every way expect it comes from Turkey, and that jives hard as the 1911 should only come from the land of JMB.This is my second 1911, and the next one will be an Alchemy Prime, come hell or high water. We have nice stuff on this forum, and that doesn't need to stop at 1911's. I would not spare a second glance at the primary market (other than to spec my Alchemy).The only hardship with this gun is it is getting new sights.
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  6. #21
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    I would have commented, but the only "okay" 1911 I have is a Ruger. Problem with it is that I had extensive work done on it. The only Ruger parts left on it are the frame, slide, and barrel. Every other 1911 is Colt, Ed Brown, Les Baer, or Sig. Purists say the Sig is not a "true" 1911 because it has an external extractor . But the Sig has been flawless, and very accurate. And, if it does shit the bed, I have non-mim replacement parts. Oh, I do have a very early Para P-14.
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  7. #22
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    I'm pretty happy with this DW. It's been to NHC for work (it has a 3 lb trigger that is smooth as silk), and the famous smoked nitride, which, I fear will negate further work, although I can't think of anything this needs. It came with all tool steel parts from the factory; that's not something any other mass manufacturer does anymore, although I dare say DW is small batch, and the mid 2010's were where it's at. I might grab a Garrison to do the 10-8 Master Blaster build, and they're bringing it out in Commander size in both blued and SS. I might splash in that Tisas puddle just to get some more practical hand-fitting experience, but my next stop is gonna be an Alchemy. I dig everything about them from their designs by master smith Rob Schauland, to the new "gangster" marketing guy that gets so much shit from the diehards. They might not put Wilson out of business (and I hope they don't; I don't want all those refugees chewin my flava!), but they've certainly carved a niche alongside Cabot in the high-end 1911 market.Jerry: when I wrote "Decent" I meant better than Colt and SA. The Browns and Baers qualify as decent in anybody's book!Schauland's out on his own now. Must not've dug the high-end partnership with Cabot. I want to see what he does for his next work of art. The Alchemy Combat Limited brought me around to the Swenson-style square guard (maybe a little less pointy at the turn). That, and a blued finish as good as Turnbull; they crank out some seriously gorgeous guns!
    Last edited by Joelski; 24 January 2024 at 18:16.
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  8. #23
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    There are so many good 1911's on the market, hard to try them all out. I one DW I shot was very nice and the tolerances were tight. I definitely wouldn't mind adding a DW to the collection.

  9. #24
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    I'm loving the .45 ACP thing right now. Out of a smooth-shooting gun, recoil barely registers. I definitely want to add a Stainless to the hoard. Speaking of DW, I was surprised to learn that part of the reason they use a coating on black guns is that all of their guns are stainless, hence they can't take a decent blued finish as well as carbon steel. That, and the 2010 era guns used EB tool steel small parts. All considered, it's the best value for the price, even if the price isn't so good anymore. Watch for one made around 2015 and you'll score a shooter!
    Last edited by Joelski; 24 January 2024 at 18:17.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by UWone77 View Post
    There are so many good 1911's on the market, hard to try them all out. ......t. I definitely wouldn't mind adding a DW to the collection.
    This is true. I sort of gave up on the super high end stuff. Really pisses you off when you step in a hole in a trout creek that's about 4 feet deeper than you thought and you soak a 3K pistol and alligator leather holster. I wish I hadn't given my WC Delta Elite away, very nice for less $$ My para's and SA's are about all that come out of the safe anymore. I think my sickness for high end .1911's proved to me that there was a point of diminishing returns and that I could by fine pistols in the 1100 - 1300 range, some cheaper. Plus I don't tend to treat them like precious renisance art pieces, if you get my drift. I just shoot the crap out of them with no worries. Last year was bad for me, range time wise, but this thread has really put the .45 bug back into me. Even if it is retro necro-posting.

    Last edited by FortTom; 3 February 2024 at 04:43.
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  11. #26
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    I've given up on the budget 1911 idea. $1.5 to 3k will get you some damn fine pistols. Wilson has jumped the shart and gotten away from his roots so many times, it's hard to understand what their true specialty is anymore, and the prices are stupid, as evidenced by the secondary market. I've got an old school Combat Commander coming in, and kind of like the new Garrison Commander in SS, but that is just diverting funds from my Alchemy rig I hope to order this year. My biggest problem there is I am having trouble deciding between the Prime Elite, and HiCap! Regardless, it ain't gonna be some fancy safe queen gun. The guys I hang with shoot Burtons and put them away dirty, which I know would trigger a lot of people, but they're made to be shot, not looked at and fondled (okay, maybe for the times when it's a no-go for shooting). Cabot can be over-the-top by miles, but for those who have fuck you money, why not? I like Alchemy because they focus on classic 1911's (Something Wilson used to do exclusively). and they get it right. The other semi-custom I can think of in that category is Nighthawk plus they'll do work on privately owned guns. Since John Harrison is backing away from custom work, and Wayne Novak is not doing much, the new guys have to pick up that slack. KGB Customs and Integrity Arms, Sbardella, GCI all are doing God's work in the small custom market. Hell, Jason Burton is only in his early 40's; he'll hold the throne of king of custom makers for a couple more decades at least.
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  12. #27
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    Speaking of low end... Tisas, every poor's favorite new standard, has a bunch of recalls out right now lol.

    I won't touch a Turkish gun, even if it's "made here" the money still goes there to that anti Semitic and anti Caucasian state of hate.

  13. #28
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    Same goes for Bul. Pretty but not American made in America. I try my damnedest to avoid buying anything from a country that has a regime that wants to kill us.
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  14. #29
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    Bul is Israeli, Israel wants us dead? Huh? Or were you talking about China? Now those guys want us dead or at least subjugated.

  15. #30
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    I was thinking it was Turkey like Tisas, my bad. I retract that statement. That said, as much as I like Israel and Ukraine, I support American companies.Here's one for the board: Beater to Badass, this will be the first Full House build.Operation "Save the Pony" is a go.
    Last edited by Joelski; 19 February 2024 at 17:44.
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