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Thread: I won a gun
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2 October 2021, 12:40 #1
I won a gun
Holy shitballs! Renewed my FPC membership and got drawn for the monthly gun contest. Of all the 30-40 ticket raffles I never win, then this. When the email said I'd won a Walther PPQ, I didn't expect this model. Crazy! This augments the German portion of my collection quite nicely.
20211002_152719.jpgThere's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
2 October 2021, 13:05 #2
Wow! Quite the day brightener.
“ The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.” ― Hannah Arendt
2 October 2021, 14:19 #3
Whoa! Congrats man! Sick score!
-One Nation, Under God
-"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." ~ Michael Althsuler
2 October 2021, 14:54 #4
Nice! Congratulations!
3 October 2021, 05:27 #5
Awesome - congratulations !!
NRA Benefactor Member
NRA Certified Instructor
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."
John Wayne - "The Shootist"
3 October 2021, 11:07 #6
Nice win man. That's one of those, I don't know if I would have purchased, but now that I have one, I'll definitely shoot the crap out of!
3 October 2021, 18:05 #7
It might even get me to try some competition. I ordered the RMR plate for it (Free from Walther and for what they charge for the gun, it better be!). What is the preferred MOA dot size for these things? I see it ranges from 1 (all but invisible for me at arms length and not speedy enough for competition) to 13 MOA, which seems like it'd be fookin' yuge, but pretty imprecise.
There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
3 October 2021, 18:17 #8
I've never shot competition, but I personally like the 6 MOA dot as I'm not shooting my pistol from 100 yards. 50 yards in, it's been money for me. The 1-3MOA dots are useable, but for me, harder to pick up in daylight. If you can, find someone with the MOA dot you're looking for and try to test it out to see what works for you.
3 October 2021, 22:05 #9
When I was switching over to red dots (last year or so) I had the same question. After laying hands on numerous dots (before buying) I learned the 'hands on' was extremely valuable.
In hindsight the advice I got here (I think it was from UW) actually was what I preferred as well. A 6 MOA dot sounds massive but at ten yards that's just over half an inch. Personally I know my skill level with a pistol is nowhere near able to shoot a half inch at pretty much any distance. At 20 yards we are talking about 1.25 inches with a pistol.
I don't know what distances they shoot in pistol competitions but for my use a bigger dot, or at least a middle of the road dot works great.
The Holosun I got has a 2MOA center dot with a 32MOA ring. I can toggle thru and have one or the other, or both. I can say for 100% that bigger is much easier to pick up, especially when learning to shoot pistols with dots. At least that was/is my experience.
Also from my experience the dot will reveal a lot about your presentation of the pistol. If you are off it will provide instant feedback but once you practice it it's way nicer.
All in all if you are (at all) interested in speed I would go with a bigger dot. Later on if or when you get better at dots you can switch. From my experience though a bigger dot was one of the better decisions I made (with the help I got from here on WEVO).
Even that 32MOA ring on my Holosun is under 3.5" at ten yards. I have a choice at the push of a couple of buttons if I want bigger or smaller. Like I said though, the bigger option definitely helped with the learning curve.
4 October 2021, 09:56 #10
I run 3 MOA dots on my RMRs and they've worked well for me and my eyes. Initially when I had glasses, the dot wasn't round, but worked well enough for B8s at 25y, 2/3 IPSC at 50y, and general 2-gun competitions. After LASIK, the dot is round and I find the size to still work well for me. When I shoot regularly, I'll typically try and do 5 strings of B8s and I'm not sure a 6 MOA dot would allow me to pick up my bad habits at 25y, but again, your eyes may be different.
Like Alamo, I have a Holosun sitting in a box that I hope to play with in November. I'm thinking I'm going to like the ring, but we'll see.
4 October 2021, 14:28 #11
I was thinking middle of the road would probably be the best starting point. I can turn a smaller dot way up in intensity, but it's just going to be a collection of blobs at arms length, but serviceable inside 20, nonetheless. I'm gonna try a 6 MOA to start with and that'll hopefully be a BINGO out of the box, but an adjustment either way shouldn't make much difference starting from there. This feels like a rabbit hole. I missed it with suppressors (so far, knock wood), I hope I can keep it to one for this and one for the G19... If ZEV ever gets the slide I want back in stock.
There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
5 October 2021, 07:32 #12
Or find a 5 moa SRO
Nice score though!! Winning anything is good
6 October 2021, 07:40 #13
Thats a nice looking pea shooter! Even nicer that you won it!!
The best way to survive a violent encounter is to be the one inflicting the most violence.
29 June 2022, 13:47 #14
Won another prize! This one's a little smaller, but biggie thanks to the team at Rainier Arms nonetheless! #WeaponsOfWarWednesday #BattleKitty #DevilRifle_666
20220629_161522.jpgThere's no "Team" in F**K YOU!
29 June 2022, 15:08 #15
You should go buy a lottery ticket at this point! Nice snag...
The best way to survive a violent encounter is to be the one inflicting the most violence.