Currently I have 4 builds underway, all at relatively beginning stages.

Upper left: Mega Arms Billet Set, GTR 3H AMBI Lower.

Lower left: Mega Arms Billet Set, GTR 3H AMBI Lower. Has B.A.D. Enhanced pin set and Standard Ambi Selector Switch and Norgon Ambi-Catch installed so far, with a KNS Anti-Rotational Pin set on the bench waiting.

Upper right: Aero Precision .308 set.

Lower right: Aero Precision upper and "pistol" marked lower. Phase 5 Tactical Hex-2 pistol buffer tube with Sig Tac pistol brace. WMD NiB BCG.

Biggest issues hindering progress have been working too much; getting ready for and taking vacation, and prepping for the wife's 40th birthday party in conjunction with our annual Labor Day party. Added to that, when I start trying to put parts lists together I get a little overwhelmed and saturated, so I just quit...l I think I am going to concentrate on the pistol build first and get it finished up. May take the stuff on the one Mega lower and swap it over to get it done.