If anyone lives in PA or surrounding states, and is interested in a free day of training see the description below.

This would make it my first time training with Rockwell Tactical Group, but from talking with them, they seem to be pretty well squared away (they were SF back in their Army days). ... and TacTissy endorses them, so I guess that's good

Anyways, here's the course description:

Ongoing workshops and seminars on everything that RTG teaches.

The workshops are:
Casualty Care under Fire
Individual First-Aid kits

This is a day of us saying thank you for all of your support. We will hold different workshops designed to teach some basic principles of proper mindset, shooting and Tactical Combat Casualty Care. There will be an ongoing round robin of classes roughly 1½ hours in length The gate opens at 9:00am with the first classes starting at 9:30. The gates close at 5:00pm. Participants are free to observe or take part in any of the hands-on portions of the workshops.

There are limited slots for this day. Please do not sign up unless you will be attending.

Because of how our website's payment system works, you will need to go through the registration process until you get to the payment page. You do not need to put in any payment information. Once you have gotten that far, we will have your registration info. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours to let you know that you have been registered.

Length: 1 day class
Time: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Type: Hands-On Training
Audience: Everyone
Prerequisites: None

What to Bring:
Weather-appropriate clothing, Pants with belt, Weapon appropriate to workshop such as Carbine and/or Pistol, as much ammo as you want but at least 100 rounds of ammo per workshop you plan to attend, 3 Magazines per weapon, Rifle Sling, Holster, Eye and Hearing protection, Rifle cleaning kit

New Holland Rifle and Pistol Club
589 Meetinghouse Rd.
Gap, PA 17527

Space is limited - so sign up now rather than later. Hope to see some WEVO members!