Quote Originally Posted by federalist22 View Post
"Good enough" is in the eye of the beholder, and that does not always mean it's the best.

"Good enough" could involve duct tape under certain circumstances. It's a mindset that centers around the idea that something "is going to have to do."
When i was growing up my dad taught me how to solder. He used to use the phrase "Good enough for the government", when I would show him some work he'd say "That's almost-Good enough for the government", so I asked what it would take to be "Good enough for the government". A little background on my dad, he was in quality control since the 50's, worked on the zero altitude ejection seat and in the space industry on several satellites. Anyway, he hands me a book on inspecting solder joints and connections where anything less then perfect fails.

Fast forward to the eight year I spent as a navy firefighter and when someone said "Good enough for government work" it meant the bare minimum to get by.

So "Good enough" is a relative term and in my fathers generation "Good enough" meant high quality.