I got dose #2 yesterday and the hangover feeling came on sooner yesterday. Today I've got the chills and my arm really hurts (arm hurt last time, too). Plus I'm tired, but I can't figure out if that's because of my previous week's work schedule and/or not sleeping well last night because of my arm.

Yeah man, thanks but no thanks. I know it's a condition of your employment to take it. My sister is in the same boat. But I personally don't want to take it.
Until it's FDA approved, I don't think anyone can mandate the vaccine. Keep in mind, various other vaccines have similar side-effects for some. Take it or don't take it, but if we can get the country back up and running after feeling a little under the weather, it's a small price to pay. See also: Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Malaria (that was terrible for me), etc.