Quote Originally Posted by Aragorn View Post
Wait, so even though you paid for it, and there was a definite and irrefutable issue with its finish, they’re not going to refinish it or do… anything for you because they don’t consider it blemished, even though it is, just because of its location?

Man, way to get your company smote from the consideration pile with all the other myriad options available…
I'm kinda torn. On one hand it will never be seen by anyone unless I change triggers. For all practical intents and purposes it won't matter. This is assuming they are correct regarding there won't be any corrosion which I have no basis to say otherwise.

On the other hand this is not a $79 receiver. That should not be that way. Not at all.

I'm kinda going back and forth. Is it a small issue? Yes. But at the same time it's not cool to sell it at full price when it is flawed.

This is my 4th CMT build and they have been really nice people so I'm reluctant to be an asshole about it, especially since in the end it won't matter and it will be covered up forever.