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Thread: IWI X95 Tavor

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    N. KY
    Pretty important to me also, as well as pertinent. Thanks.FT
    NRA Life Member
    Basket full of Deplorables Life Member

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    My bathroom scale won't register either of them, lol sorry guys.

    We don't have a postal scale and honestly I'm not a weight chaser with my guns. Besides I don't think that this would be fair right now as parts from the aftermarket still have to be added and this will either reduce weight or maybe add to it, dunno. I don't have a flow threw can and this will need it. I don't have the required things to run suppressed either most importantly the actual can itself and we all know how long this game takes.

    I can honestly say that I'd take as is currently to Gunsite and that's saying something. Being a former 249 and 60 gunner I judge weight as in would I want to take this and have on the line all day and all week at the range living there, or not.

    Last edited by TheRifleman; 10 December 2023 at 15:19.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    On the bank of the Mighty Muskingum
    What I'm after is, is it a pig before you hang all the "necessary" shit on it, or does it start fairly even with an out-of-the-box SBR with nothing extra on it? I'm no shrinking daisy, but I'm also not a LNG gunner by trade, so heavy has a whole different meaning to you, as opposed me and Tom, or really anybody else on this forum, to my knowledge. I'm not afraid of some weight, but you know the rule... When I shoot, it's for the day, in the woods on private land where I can walk or run, pick my targets, and do some LARPing to get my cardio on. I would agree with the statement that I have the best plinking situation of anybody I know, but dragging my AR10 around sucked rotten donkey balls! She ain't named Bertha by accident! I've been thinking about doing a V7/SBR battle rifle build just to get the weight of a heavy hitter into a manageable range for my needs. Actually, a small frame AR-10 is kind of getting my interest working and I might just start the parts list soon!

    Anyway, yeah, I walk/run forested hills, creek stomp, and generally wreak havoc on the wildlife once deer season's done, but compared to a guy who humps a SAW for a paycheck, I'm a pussy.

    This is my habitat:

    There's no "Team" in F**K YOU!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    The M4 is 6.43 pounds empty, probably a pound more with that extra 2 inches in civilian legal trim.

    The Tavor is 7.9 pounds empty.

    If stock was all we had to work with then I'd choose M4 all day long 24/7. However once duty gear gets added we're putting on weight. With the M4 that makes the front and mid heavy and the rear light. However it has superior ergonomics. But you're still getting fatigued regardless. Now with the Tavor most of the weight is in the rear with the front super quick to go from either the low or high ready and not be as fatigued as one would with a hooked up M4. Adding a few things to the front like a foregrip makes it ergonomic enough for me and having the red dot in the mid like one would with an AR makes it far more maneuverable with.

    Going from primary to secondary while slung with the M4 and still be stable has been a pain to get things right with. With the Tavor, it's super easy to do and I can wear the Tavor slung all day new style and be happy as a clam.

    I like it. But it may not be for you by the sounds of it. No offense.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Just an update. I've since added a Manticore Luma medium selector for the Tavor. Perfect. I was going to install the slimmer one on the side that the OEM comes with mounted to, but it's a bit too slim for me. I need some meat for my constant going from safe to fire back to safe between drills and I have found that based on the ASF, those types of levers on both sides for a lefty actually matters. My thumb needs the thicker portion and my firing finger needs not as fat but not minimal either or the whole reason for having it there is being lost.

    My free float Mlok handguard is still waiting to be shipped from Canada because customs being customs so no joy there. I did in the meantime order the AR type pistol grip which has a trigger guard and not a cutlass. To be honest I have grown used to this cutlass grip but am not into the added weight that all of it brings. But if the new grip doesn't pass the muster, no harm in trying at least, right?

    Traded an XPS2-2 for a G33 magnifier and currently have the Aimpoint Duty on it as the main. However the plan is to replace with either the Romeo 4XT Pro circle dot or with the MRO HD and only use the circle dot setting. That height over bore is crazy and the additional holds with the circle dot makes the most sense and I am seeing this as a common them with gun tubers also. They most know something by now, lol. The IWI trainer dude from Texas who's also a IDF reservist? This is exactly what he uses on his own US made X95.

    Also ordered the Geissele Super Sabra Lightning Bow as I surprisingly found one in stock. I've been reading that some have said that is all that was needed but I will wait and see if the trigger pack also has to be replaced with the Geissele Super Sabra pack.

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