I got my NFA Trust set up by Coyote Rifleworks a couple days ago and should be getting it notarized soon. I've got a question about one section I was hoping someone else who has used an NFA Trust before couple clear up.

There is the ASSIGNMENT TO THE TRUST section. Do receivers for SBRs need to be added to here before the Form 1 can be filled out? I would assume so, but I just want to be sure.

Also, right now I'm planning on only making 1 SBR, but I may, at another time, make a second one, would it be a good idea to assign a second one at the same time, even though I'm only filing one Form 1 at this time? The issue of me or the trust owning them isn't a concern for me. I'm just wondering if it's easier to do it now rather than amending the trust at a later date.

Thanks for any clarity.