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Thread: How many M&P's do you own?
2 March 2017, 07:24 #1
How many M&P's do you own?
I've noticed a serious uptick in M&P owners, in this part of the state anyway, and some folks abandoning Glocks for M&P's. I think the first couple of runs turned people off with their horrible triggers. Since then you can buy a M&P for about $499, locally.
I fell in love with them with the first that I bought. The adjustable back strap did it. They also fit my hands very well. The stock triggers are now bearable, but I have I replaced all three of mine with APEX FSS triggers. IMO, they are the closest thing you can get to a tuned 1911 trigger, in a plastic gun.
I have 3, a 9mm FS, a .40 FS and a .45 ACP FS. With the exception of the triggers, the only modifications I've made to mine are TFO sights.
My Glocks are getting lonely in the safe, but I appreciate them for what they are, they're nearly indestructible and you can get a pretty damned good trigger for less than $40 - $50. In fact I've got everything except a couple of parts for the receiver waiting for my Polymer 80% to get here from Rainer, which will be a "model 32" (.357 Sig) that I'm dying to get started on.
I'm wondering how many of you own M&P's, or XP's or others, polymer pistols which have caused you to pay less attention to your Glocks.
Although I like the feel of the M&P better than the Glock, I think the "simpler" design of the Glock is better than the M&P. Example: you have to remove the rear sight to strip the M&P slide. I also think that it's much easier to completely strip and reassemble a Glock than a M&P. I guess that's subjective. But sometimes working on a M&P can be a pain in the butt.
So what are your experiences with one vs. the other. Your other doesn't have to be an M&P, maybe an XP or polymer striker fired pistol?
Have you modified, your M&P, other than cosmetic stuff, for performance?
FTLast edited by FortTom; 2 March 2017 at 19:26.
NRA Life Member
Basket full of Deplorables Life Member
2 March 2017, 10:13 #2
I have four, three Shields - two 9mm / one 45 - and a 5" FDE 2.0 in 9mm.
One 9mm Shield runs the factory trigger - which was actually acceptable, and a TLR-6. The other 9mm went to Business End Customs for TFX installation and a trigger job. BEC does not replace any of the factory fire control system, they polish, tune (somehow) and work some magic - excellent trigger. The 45 Shield came with a pretty decent trigger. I put TFX Pro sights on it.
I put TFX Pro sights on the FDE 2.0. It has a good trigger from the factory - supposedly S&W does something different on the 2.0 pistol triggers.NRA Benefactor Member
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2 March 2017, 11:11 #3
I have one, a 9mm I bought about 2 years ago. I have put a threaded Wilson combat barrel on it and have been happy with it so far. I don't know that I will but another, I'm fond of the glock 17 and 19.
Stupid me posted somewhere else a few days ago I had a blacklist barrel on it, that was a lie. I was shopping blacklist and had that on the brain
2 March 2017, 12:49 #4
"Stupid me posted somewhere else a few days ago I had a blacklist barrel on it, that was a lie. I was shopping blacklist and had that on the brain"
I was wondering who you had bribed to be a beta tester.
I only have the one; fs 9mm with thumb safety, milled fit RMR by L&M, and the Apex FSS. I'm really wanting that 2.0 5 inch though.
2 March 2017, 13:09 #5
Pretty sure it's known here I'm an M&P shooter.
Started out with a Glock, didn't shoot it well. Traded it for a SIG, shot it okay. Eventually ended up with an M&P and it just felt right.
I had the trigger cleaned up immediately on all three M&Ps I own so I never really experienced the bad triggers.
Of course they all have serrations too. And stippling, except for the Shield.Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. - James 1:2-4
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2 March 2017, 17:06 #6
2 March 2017, 19:21 #7
I'd love to know what they do as far as their trigger jobs. I'd guess that's more securely guarded information than Hillary's Top Secret emails. I've never found anything on the 'net on doing a polish and "adjust" for M&P's, but in reality, I've never really searched, either. The Apex FSS are so sweet, that the lazy came out in me, and it was just too easy to install 2 more than bother with anything else. On the downside, comp shooters will find they aren't legal in a lot of classes, and I would dare to say they probably aren't legal in any LEO agency.
I've never fired a Shield. They rent them in a nearby range, and maybe I'll try that sometime, but I'd like to see the new SIG SPF first.NRA Life Member
Basket full of Deplorables Life Member
2 March 2017, 19:23 #8
I have found that if your pistol doesn't, "point well" you end up losing the dot. Mine presents consistently about 3/8" high. That being said, if the 2.0 points better for me I don't think I would bother milling it.
2 March 2017, 19:39 #9NRA Life Member
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2 March 2017, 23:17 #10
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I fitted a thumb safety to mine. But that made the Apex trigger a necessity. The addition of the safety made the stock trigger unbelievably heavy. There may be a different stock trigger module that fits with the safety better, but that would seem like an odd design choice by S&W.
I probably have all the info of where I ordered the parts from if you'd like.
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3 March 2017, 01:52 #11
I've got 5.
3 March 2017, 16:04 #12
On a side note.
M&P40 Trade In's at AIM for $299
4 March 2017, 07:38 #13NRA Life Member
Basket full of Deplorables Life Member
4 March 2017, 12:42 #14
I guess if I needed a threaded barrel, I personally don't mess with NFA anything, anymore, my only option would to buy an aftermarket barrel, but I've found that the OEM barrels that come with them are very good, or at least in my opinion. The Glocks, not so much. I closed a horrible group size (using various factory ammo) in my 19, to about 3.0 .in with a LW barrel, have a KKM in my 23, and just got my barrel for the Polymer80 project in the mail, a KKM match. (I'm hoping the chamber isn't so tight that I get FTF's with it). I've read, but haven't actually experienced that, but I read about it (match grade barrels).
I don't shoot much lead, except in the copper coated stuff that you can catch on sale at Dicks pretty cheap, but I like that option in the Glocks, so the OEM barrels end up going in the junk parts box anyway.Last edited by FortTom; 4 March 2017 at 12:49.
NRA Life Member
Basket full of Deplorables Life Member
4 March 2017, 14:43 #15
I got a pretty good deal on it so I went for it. I figured if I ever get my NFA stuff done I'd have a pistol ready to go. I like the barrel, but honestly, the difference is not tremendous. I agree, the stock barrel was plenty good. The plan was to keep it on the shelf til I 'needed' it. Then i got bored one day and decided it needed to be put to use.