Quote Originally Posted by Deadwing View Post
Well, shit... Looks like my Colt 6933 is playing hard to get. BATFE sent my Form 4 back to my dealer stamped "Returned Without Action" with the note reading "Not in transferable inventory." Apparently the PD that traded it in to my dealer never filed a Form 5 to return the weapon to transferable status. I called the ATF this morning (the gal I spoke with was incredibly nice and very helpful) and was told the Form 5 is pending and that I can submit a new Form 4 any time. The new Form 4 was completed this morning and should go out in today's mail. I'm not a happy camper. Almost two f#@*ing months of waiting and now I start over again.

On the bright side, I finally got the stamp for my Osprey 45 back:

Form 4 (Trust)
Submitted 7/2/2015
Approved 11/4/2015
In my hands 11/12/2015
Wish it was as easy as an efile form 1. When my sbr was denied it got approved the next day on my second form 1. The refund is a different story. That took 3 months.