Hello all,
My name is Aaron and I've been on long time browser of the forum. I find this place to have some of the finest reviews and information available without the BS and babble of bigger firearms forums.

I'm a regular family guy I supposed. Married, no kids. I've been into shooting probably the last 10-12 years. Started off with pistols and got into competing and having fun with that. I dabbled in gun smithing, primarily Sig P series trigger jobs and barrel fitting etc. Moved to the 1911 and still have a soft spot for them in my heart and a worn in groove on my hip. I got into rifles only recently. A buddy had an AR and I got to tool around with it for a few hours and got bit by the AR bug. Bought one then built one front scratch. I'm still working on developing my rifle skills set. Be it close in force type stuff or moving out to distance. I also enjoy racing sport bikes for the last 5 years. I love it. Wife hates it.

Any way, I'm happy to be here and look forward to the usual quality posts that I believe this place is known for.

Aaron L.